Testing 29 - Report issues here

Not a bug, but it feels like a slight overdose of spitters on a starter planet…

One question I asked myself but did not test:
Is the portal in starting area permanent? If not it should remain permantly for the summoning player. Not that he stuck in that starting area because he waited too long to cross the portal (i.e. he is unsure of 5 spitters waiting on the other side, or something suddenly interrupting the player before stepping through.)

Edit to spitters: it feels like the KI can be improved here. When a player is on a too high spot that they can clearly not reach (distance to player is not decreasing) then after some seconds he should stop charging. Maybe also not run to it’s usual zone but walking a few minutes in a closer radius to the player smoothly (like waiting). If after some minutes he still cannot get closer to the player, then he should run back to its original location.
Something like that possible to program? I think logicwise it can be definetly defined.


where do i find my crash log (prob like 20 logs by now)

I think the same, wild-stock make a lot of sound, they have a loud scared sound, like they are attacked, would be more suited for when you attack them.

I would like a lower chittchatt sound when they eat friendly around you, so i can hear the angry spitter better.

When you mining and building and they flock around you, the loud bellowing get a little annoying after a while.

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Just logged in, starting in the Sanctuary and the portal to Vena did not open. I had a little totem left (sucks that these have durability now), so I got the portal open, but when I went through the game crashed. Actually it crashed so hard it locked up my computer and forced me to reset it. I’m about to try to get in again.

i cant get in the game lol it just crashes in sanctuary

3 crashes now in 5 min…only digging in a mountain.

Now it crash every time at start, in sanctuary.

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same i cant get i now it crashes instantly

I played about 20 mins, then it crashed again. Same thing to the point that I can’t even close the window of the game and am forced to restart computer again.

For those getting crashes you can email boundless@turbulenz.com with the crash dump files (*.mdmp) that are in the same location as the logs %LOCALAPPDATA%\Turbulenz\Boundless\ as these give exact crash causes.


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Thanks just doing it also ofc its in app data

Edit:i sent mine

More crash dumps sent your way. It seems to be very random.

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My last crashdump is 2 days old.

Thanks BunnyNabbit, we will look into this.

Was that within the Sanctum or another world?

exactly it was in the Sanctum

Do you get any noticeable lags or delays when that happens?

No, it just feels like a too big hit box.

Hey guys i have indeed post this via email already just wanted to post it here might help out

My crash in sanctuary is due to EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_READ on address 0x260

0x26038930000 - 0x2603899afff ws2_32.dll 6.2.10586.420 (WARNING: No symbols, ws2_32.pdb, A36A1B2DBC0E412AACB3586E4EF4C9761)
0x260389a0000 - 0x26038aaafff comdlg32.dll 6.2.10586.672
0x26038ab0000 - 0x26038ac6fff netapi32.dll 6.2.10586.212
0x26038b20000 - 0x2603a07bfff shell32.dll 6.2.10586.672
0x2603a080000 - 0x2603a0c2fff cfgmgr32.dll 6.2.10586.0
0x2603b940000 - 0x2603ba99fff msctf.dll 6.2.10586.672
0x2603bdd0000 - 0x2603be95fff oleaut32.dll 6.2.10586.589
0x2603bea0000 - 0x2603bebbfff imagehlp.dll 6.2.10586.0
0x2603e2c0000 - 0x2603e314fff wintrust.dll 6.2.10586.672
0x2603f450000 - 0x2603f457fff nsi.dll 6.2.10586.0
0x2603f460000 - 0x2603f475fff wkscli.dll 6.2.10586.212
0x2603f4b0000 - 0x2603f4d8fff bcrypt.dll 6.2.10586.713
0x2603f510000 - 0x2603f514fff XAudio2_8.dll 6.2.10586.0

http://dumps.metastruct.uk.to/dumper.py?dump=tblz_crashdump_5ce45ec4_0000.mdmp (<source)

also i cant get in the testing server anymore due to this error its been like 28 hrs sins i could log in (i know you guys are trying) i don’t mean to seem ungrateful i do understand more than you guys realise :stuck_out_tongue:

There was an update earlier today on testing. Are you still having this issue after the update?

Also, are you able to run the “live” version of the game without any issues? (opt out of beta)

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yeah i do still crash as the info above is from my crash log this morning and i just tested and i still crash instantly

as far as the live server i will test now :slight_smile: ok yeah i can get in the live server its just the testing server