Texture glitch question

So it is a minor nuisance but i am seeing this way to often.

[edit this is a full ashen blue wall and not see true]
The closer i get with my chisel work to the tower (at some point it glitched almost every 20th chiseled block) i get these visual glitches.

Like i said not a huge game breaker but would like to know if chisel work is one of the main causes that this happens.

I am on PS4 so don’t know if PC has the same visual effect at some point. And it fixes it self as soon as i place or chisel an other block.

Just looking for some information @james, @Leahlemoncakes or any dev. So i might be able to limit these visual glitches some more during the building process as i sometimes cant see where i am or looking at.

(Not high priority for me but would like some more information about it. This isn’t a recent thing either had this during the build of the Terra Nova clock tower. Just didn’t make any screen shots or post about it then.)

It’s a feature not a bug
If you look at the blocks closely you can see all 255 colors!

I get this all the time

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Never saw anything like this on my PC.

Is your PC/Console old or something?

We’re talking about how it looks like some voxel shapes are missing (or it’s some really really weird chisel work), or just the weird colored-strips on the top-left corner?

This should be in the Support section, I think, not the General.

Weird colored strips everywhere. And missing surfaces/weird chiseling.

On a PS4 slim.

It’s a coding issue. I know you want everything to be user error haha but this one is a vertices glitch, anyone who has programmed in 3d has seen this before.

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And it’s a known issue?

Can’t a mod move this in the Support section?

Am on a ps pro and am seeing this from ps release. But always in the distance. (Far away chunk) but since im building on Lamblis especially when i was building the clock tower its frequently popping up in my view.

It has been mentioned before but way back at the beginning. As a distance bug.

Made it a general topic to start with as its actually a pretty old bug and don’t think (for ps4) all players have this block their view right at their nose.

Like i said The last part i was building on my clock it happened at about a block or 20 placed/chiseled and every time blocking my view.

I find this more when mining than in building. I smash a block and everything goes wacky.

For those of you who see this in game, are you playing on PS4? Or has it been seen on other formats?

Screenshot reminds me of this :confused:

I’m ps4. I’ve seen the strange rainbow and fragmented walls, only when using super fast hammers and clearing a ton of rock or when I use big boom bombs!

I have a screen shot somewhere that let me see a cross section of my whole base (a lot is underground)
Usually when mining the glitch goes away pretty quick, with the bomb it stayed there for a few mins while getting screenshots and didn’t fix itself until I destroyed another block

I am ps4 and one time I removed a block and half my home turned invisible happened a couple of times after in a smaller scale, and I have seen visual glitches far way in the sky sometimes, I mostly ignore them.

Theres also a few times that portals don’t show the direction they are pointing, but when you look at the other side it looks fine, if you leave the area and come back the portal fixes it self, not sure if this is only ps4. happens when portal is first open on the smaller portals.

I have never seen this. Playing on two different PC’s. Well, I can sometimes see through some geometry that get too close to the camera, but no rainbows.

PS4 as noted above

Yup, PS4 Pro here. Happens when you make changes to the world really fast. Does not happen when I do the same on PC so it always seemed to be a PS4 optimisation issue.

Lol maybe we ps4 users might have needed to report this earlier. :joy::rofl::joy: instead of just ignoring it :wink:.

Here are some other shots of the un identified objects.

Whats that?

Let’s investigate gate…

:face_with_monocle: where did it go?


It used to be a distance thing like the (made during claiming a little terrain) shots above.

Used to think : meh what ever not my problem but now i was mostly curious on what makes this happen all the time. :wink:


That must be an alpha version of the hunter, looks terrifying :smiley: Or is it far away and huge? A titan!? Confirmed

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I always took it as Titans trying to break through the multi verse

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It has been reported multiple times…

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I know was one that reported it to way back then i think :wink:. Just telling stories :grin:.

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It would be cool if the devs fixed this but wrote it into the game lore so that this is actually how titans appear, through glitch-holes in the universe

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