The Forgemasters Mining Team - commentary on a post bomb mining universes

This is a post currently talking about improving the game, “this is how it is” goes without saying. I have more or less stopped playing for the time being while waiting for the devs to either fix something, or make clear the game is working as intended.

PS. I, and I’m sure many other, already have jobs. In a game like this, I want to play a game not work as an intergalactic field hand. Note: I’m not saying that play style if bad, if you enjoy being an intergalactic field hand it should be a way you can play the game. I just want a natural, organic (grindy) path so I can play the game they want I want to.

dude, not to drown your cow but i work 10 hrs a day, play on average about 4, spend 2 on the forums just reading posts or otherwise watching videos. sleep for 8. do it all over the next day unless friends call. I mine for 1 or 2 hours tops. gather materials for an hour, maybe hour and a half, and the rest of the tmie is just crafting. I dont know why you and others are unable to progress. It really is not that bad. i was forging without power coils and chisel mining for a while, then bomb mined - even post nerf (which was better profit for the investment than anything, as bombs cost me 2k and hammers were free pretty quick. now i aoe hammer mine and the most exspensive activity yet, however quite profitable, mostly netting me a fair sum of gems. I built 75% of my own coils by myself and bought the others with the coin i made from selling what i mined. started a shop with about 5k coin, and now im sitting pretty at 100k. all on 2-3 hrs of actual gameplay per day, save the weekends. i do play a lot on the weekends, but quite frankly, you could catch up in a fraction of the time, or yuo could spend the same amount of time. Either way its an mmo, and any mmo takes a significantly longer time to make real progression than this one. Granted there are design choices that could be improved upon just like anything

“I got all my stuff when systems were way different and more exploitable, why don’t you do the same thing now that the devs have pulled the ladders up?”

Also, my issue isn’t the time, for the 1000th time, it’s the feeling of either 1) having to work for someone else to play the game or 2) feeling like your actions have no meaning. If Silver and Gold tools had a real place in the progression I wouldn’t even be in this conversation, I’d be creating silver tools to go get gold to make gold tools to go get titanium… All i want is reasonable progression that is fun. That’s it.

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Gold gets a damage buff in next patch. We’ll see if it’s significant enough to close the Iron> Titan gap.

I’ve been pretty vocal about Gold in multiple posts. They listened.

I look forward to trying it out and seeing how it goes. I think gold on it’s own is still too scarce to be the bridge on it’s own, but I was pretty happy when I saw that in the notes.

Edit: I hadn’t seen your thread previously about changing silver/gold and brews. In regards to the item progression, while I like what you suggest, I think the silver and gold changes still leave them too close to iron (I may be wrong, obviously). Silver and Gold tools are much harder to make than Iron, I’d argue that they should all just be strict upgrades to their previous tier and the HP of blocks on worlds be re-balanced around that. That is much more long-term, though.

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I agree, it is too rare for the damage buff to make much difference. But any step in the right direction is a good step… We’ll get there eventually!

To quote Victor Cousin,

“What is the business of history? What is the stuff of which it is made? Who is the personage of history? Man : evidently man and human nature. There are many different elements in history. What are they? Evidently again, the elements of human nature. History is therefore the development of humanity, and of humanity only; for nothing else but humanity develops itself, for nothing else than humanity is free. …
… Moreover, when we have all the elements, I mean all the essential elements, their mutual relations do, as it were, discover themselves. We draw from the nature of these different elements, if not all their possible relations, at least their general and fundamental relations.”

I would also like to quote Edmund Burke,

“In history, a great volume is unrolled for our instruction, drawing the materials of future wisdom from the past errors and infirmities of mankind.”

For those of you who need something that has been used far more often, I steer you towards this quote by Winston Churchill,

“Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.”

I have brought up these historical quotes as relevance towards all that I have been saying versus what you have been saying. You claim that history has no part to play in this matter, but I respectfully and fervently disagree. The very function of history and its many chronicles of information is so that we can learn from the past to better solve the future lest we repeat it. This very game involves many systems and aspects of reality that govern our very day to day lives, while at the same time it is not intended to feel akin to the work that we must struggle through in our present lives.

Now that we have established history as a reasonable source of information in these discussions I would like to bring up a quote by an American writer, political activist, and early leader of the Black Panther Party, Eldridge Cleaver,

“There is no more neutrality in the world. You either have to be part of the solution, or you’re going to be part of the problem.”

What you choose to say and do, whether it be of action or inaction, you are either hindering or facilitating progress. It is and has always been my intention to prove that the systems are flawed as they currently stand and need to be reevaluated. Only through action can this be accomplished, and any talk of otherwise is negatively affecting the chances of getting these qualities of life changes implemented while the population still stands high.

You must look to the fact that even though Jivita made a video of a new character you are still evaluating the systems based on handicaps brought forth by players. Those that started day 1 had a much different time. Early game resources were plentiful and designed to support large numbers of population while t5/t6 were not. Judging the current systems in place that were around for when no shops existed and everyone had to do everything themselves is callous at best. It is not up to the players to fix the game, but the players to stand up and be a united front for a beacon of much-needed change.

The fact is the mid-game is horrendous. The ore regeneration rate is slow, Atlas update rate is lousy, silver/gold is lacking in every aspect, and titanium fails due to those hurdles as well. Artificially inflating end game items has caused a power vacuum to allow a few people to be rich in the millions while making a rare resource even more scarce than was intended. The above is made evident by the fact that the devs could hardly have foreseen a few vets handing out mass amounts of end tier gear to boost people to levels of progress that they were not intended to reach for quite some time. The lack of regeneration further provides evidence that they were not ready for such an influx of end tier players to happen at this rate.

Finally, on the note of using historical references, it does not matter whether I am quoting Hitler or Abraham Lincoln. To quote the movie, Harry Potter,

“I think we must expect great things from you, Mr. Potter… After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things — terrible, yes, but great.”

Good and evil are subjective. Those with names in history have done something worth remembering, and whether it was bad or good, we record these events to learn from them. I am sorry you feel slighted while some of your actions are being compared to those of a historical figure, but there is relevance in what was said, regardless of how slight or significant it was. Where others see a problem, you see an opportunity, which is only human nature of course. You would not be the only one to be taking advantage of the situation as it currently stands, but you would be mistaken if you think others have not noticed this difference in opinion coincides with a difference in resources: Even if the claim or otherwise is true the facts remain.

“Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive.”

Strong words by Andy Grove who knew quite well what those words meant; having escaped communist-controlled Hungary at age 20. I will follow that up with a few more quotes that speak volumes about this entire situation with the game as a whole and the discussions that have been going on. This follows respectively: Gandhi, W. Chan Kim, and Stanley Hauerwas;

“First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you.”

“executives are often reluctant to accept the need for change; they may have a vested interest in the status quo, or they may feel that time will eventually vindicate their previous choices. Indeed, when we ask executives what prompts them to seek out blue oceans and introduce change, they usually say that it takes a highly determined leader or a serious crisis.”

“When you are trying to change the questions, you have to realize that many people are quite resistant to such a change. They like the answers they have.”

With that I suggest we all stand up united and work towards a better future. A work-around is at best a bandage, and at worst a permanent road block. To accept nothing but a change in the right direction is the only righteous course to take. You claim there are no suggestions to be had, but in each complaint I see otherwise. Many, myself included, have said what was wrong in such a way that it is easy to know what must be changed to make right. To claim otherwise is to mislead and derail and serves no purpose other than to hinder progress. Let us move forward, and encourage everyone to speak up today for a better tomorrow.

It took a while for me to adjust. I found my ‘thing’ for mining. Single block diamond hammers with extra dmg and durability are most convenient to mine with if they 1 shot on t6.
Why? I found it extremely tedious to constantly be hitting at gravel and sand while using AOE hammers that don’t even 1 shot block in the first place. Single block high dmg is easy to do for longer durations and you can easily either avoid or destroy gravel and sand.

In terms of yield, around 50 ish diamond with 1 hammer + loaf and a couple hundred titanium, hard coal and gold.
Edit: kinda mixed up my topics but i’ll leave it here as my own commentary xD


Whats exploitable about post bomb nerf? This is silly i used bombs post nerf to get what i needed. And I have yet to work for someone else. Built from the ground up by me and those who i have worked with, not for. There is a massive difference. You’re right, silver and gold suck. Ive never used them longer than 1 of each hammer.