The Forgemasters Mining Team - commentary on a post bomb mining universes

In my case, i don’t like current mining system, so i don’t mine anymore.
(Also i really want dev to re-balance the current mining system, I feel very boring to do the mining in current patch)

However, there are other ways to make you rich in the game.
Gleam shop ( no cost)
Food shop ( you can sell pie once you have mixer power coil set up )
Forge ingredient shop ( once you have extractor power coil set up and a hunter ready)

So if you don’t like to mine in current system, you can skip this part.
And choose the fun part you like until dev decide to re-balance the mining system.


How is this abuse? How is it systematic abuse? This is not abuse! This is a 100% intended game design to work with other players! Lol. You just don’t even know what you’re saying at this point, im sorry, but you dont. Yea the game is confusing at first because there is simply an exuberant amount of things to do, and thats why you’re supposed to become a part of the community and help eachother

In regards to that, I just have to point out that we know there are T7-8 planets coming with blink, dark matter, and… uhhh… the other one. The end game isn’t even in the game yet, and once you get to a tier of play, that tier of play should be fairly simple. If the grind is like this to get to what is, by all accounts, mid-game content, that is simply a bridge too far, and I can only imagine what it will take to get to the end game stuff.

There are a bunch of mechanics (power, tool progression, footfall, buying baskets, etc) that on their own are either good ideas, or could be with a few small numbers changes/QoL changes. But the fact that the all interconnect causes the game to just… crawl. Every step of the way feels like a chore, no matter which way I go. Honestly, just fix tool progression and increase the drop rate of silver/gold on T4 and 95% of my issues go away, I think.

His point was challenged with proof that people are having no issue with a reasonable amount of grind he feels is too much and unbalanced yet poses no new ideas to the solution for his problem with game and has now resorted to attacks on other players weighing no input on this thread.

On a side note I appreciate your lil shop. Bought me some of those 1500 tools the other day. Any chance if I gave you some titanium hammers you could forge 3x3 durability into em?

If you want 3x3 and durability youd likely get a third boon as well and the materials id use would cost about 3500c, and id be glad to forge whatever you want. I however cant guarantee what you want, so i can just try making some and selling for a little more when i get the right ones. Just let me know what youd prefer. Im glad you enjoy my shop friend :smiley:

And jeez, whats wrong with this guy? Why is this game such a problem it has to be political?

I’ve complained about the grind a lot, and I agree with some of your points, but now you’re jus’ intentionally twistin’ his words.

He means you can use peoples’ shops n’ request baskets to sell items, use that coin to buy coils or other stuff ya need.

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Are you saying everyone who has different opinion as you are complainers ?
And people who agree with your game playing style are good players ?
Wow… then better ask dev to remove this forum for good.

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Yeah, I do feel it, and I agree the system isn’t perfect as it stands right now.

But I didn’t want you to end up in a situation of, cutting off your own nose to spite your face, the continued success of this game relies on continued investment of it’s citizens, We try and encourage these methods to circumvent issues that would otherwise force people to leave, not because we’re not acknowledging the issues that are present, but because unless you want to table it and hope they sort everything out you’re just going to frustrate yourself into oblivion.

It may be that this mid game block is in place to try and encourage an in game economy, or it may be unintended, until we get an official response we’ve no way of knowing. Fingers crossed the devs are listening.

That’s cool I can supply the tool and if you just shoot for 3x3 dur. I’ll take how the dice roll :wink:

Don’t feed the troll man :slight_smile:

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The problem cuts the other way, too, as you are aware. You don’t want to alienate the vets that have dedicated hundreds/thousands of hours to the game, but if new players find the game so inscrutable that they put it down after 20 hours or less, those vets won’t have a game to play. At this point I feel like I could write 5 pages about my thoughts on the economy and the mid-game grind, I shall spare you that for now, but I agree, I do hope the devs are listening.

The haterade is strong with this one @Steggs101


Or spend 2 hours to gather fibrous leaves to sell to people who need sackcloth. You’ll make more than enough to buy a low level forged item. But I guess this is too difficult… :wink:

Gosh, golly, you mean I only have to play a whole day’s worth of game time in order to get 1 tool that I can use for half an hour the next day? You just solved all my problems. Thank you, kind citizen.

You’re welcome! :slight_smile:


Seriously, though, if “just buy it” is the real answer (and it may be), the economy needs to be centralized. I don’t hate this answer if there is an auction house ala WoW or something like the GW2 market where you can access it through your menu.

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Different strokes for different folks my friend. Plus the gem tools last longer than half an hour lmao. Even more than an hr too, and they only afford you enough coin for another with a lotta change

Since we’re both dropping the sarcasm, I’ll give a serious answer as well:

Many gamers only see tangible cost. Eg; “XYZ item cost 10K coins. That’s too much so I’ll go do it myself.” Except there is a hidden cost to this: your time

Many gamers don’t factor in this opportunity cost. So they become “penny wise, pound foolish”. They’d rather endure the endless grind to get coils when there are faster/easier ways of getting it. I got all my coils by engaging in participating in other activities or barter. I love to barter!

I’m primarily solo but being solo doesn’t mean being anti-social. I still play and network with other people ingame. I leverage their resources to help me reach my goals while doing my best to be of value to them as well. “Win/win” mindset. Thank you Stephen Covey.

I do think there are valid concerns about certain game mechanics feeling grindy. However, I also know from personal experience and interacting with newbros that there is more than one way to skin a cat in this game. And that’s why I can’t really take certain complaints seriously because I know it can be done. And to be completely candid with you; there are just some people who are stubbornly uncreative at this game.
Bads are gonna be bads :wink:


I’m glad you brought up time! I was going to do the same, and it’s why I argue that the economy should be centralized if the only real way to progress is through it (I think this is a much bigger issue, personally, but let’s pretend the only problems with the game are currently in the economy).

So, you want to get coils, and you decide that the the best way for you to do it is be selling fibrous leaves, sap, bark, etc. So first step is to go grind up that stuff. We can argue about the rate of the gathering, but we can both agree that those things aren’t the hardest to get. So you go out and spend a whole night gathering your materials (for me, that’s like 2-3 hours of play. If you have more time, good on you, but the game shouldn’t only cater to people that can play this 40+ hours per week). So now, what do I do with them? Currently, I stumble around 10000 stores looking for the one that has the best price for leaves/sap/bark while also having basket money. This activity also takes time, and actively decreases the amount of money you are actually making because, as we started with, the time is also valuable. My 2-3 hours is a fairly soft cap, the only problem is maybe I’m tired for work the next day. But suppose that was a hard cap because I had to go pick up my kids, or had to go to my job right after, or whatever. Now my farming time is cut into with selling time with no guarantee that I’ll even be able to sell my entire haul. This feels terrible. With an auction house, or menu selling, you just put what you have up for what you think it’s worth and forget about it until it’s time to collect your money/relist your item.

This goes back to @pofs comment, too. I would love there to be different strokes for different folks in the game, but currently there seems to be a “right” way to play that requires a ton of outside guides and min/maxing. If the right way is by selling all my stuff, then make it easier to do that. If there are supposed to be other ways, then give me a way to progress in mining so I can do it myself, and/or give power coils like a .01% drop rate from Elemental Mobs from meteors, and/or re-balance what takes power so people can progress through the forge, etc., you get my point. I’m sure you are calling people like me “bads,” and that’s fine, though I’d prefer “casuals.” The game just does a bad job of laying out how to progress, and the intuitive ways are (or at least feel) really, really sub-optimal. Whether you want to admit it or not, you need casual players to prop up your game, and they will stop playing if it feels like nothing they do matters/they have to treat the game like a job in order to get to the game.

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I agree that the UI needs work and there should be easier ways to find a store. But this is where the game is right now. Either people accept that or not. If you don’t accept it, then log out and come back 6 months later because UI design is a long iterative process.

Honestly, there’s only 2-3 good hubs; Bitula, Aqua Hub off the top of my head… Take a friend, split up and do your window shopping and report back to each other on who has a good store.

Or if you don’t have friends, then yes, you’ll need to window shop solo, take some handwritten notes for future reference. Yes, it ain’t easy and it should be easier. But it is what it is right now.

PS- None of this stops you from taking my earlier advice: farming fibrous leaves (or whatever) to sell to people to get your first low level forged item. It really is that simple.