The plan.... still there?

Well this is what one thing what i specifically asked on the topic as you can see above.

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Yeah, if you are the main purchaser of the Ootian package (not just one of the extra ootian keys) then you can partake in a monthly call with the devs to talk about whatever you want to talk about from what i’ve gathered… new features you think should be in the game… potential features the devs feel like talking about / sharing… etc


and if you knew the tables and chair props were coming… but you waited 18 months… and they still were not in the game… is that really any better than just being surprised by new stuff when updates roll onto testing?


No, it won’t. The lack of communication is the problem here.


Looks at the hunter laying around in some basement


Yeah, this is how I feel too.

I asked the devs 2 days ago about giving a more clearer route as to the development of the game. They basically said that because of the nature of game development that things often times dont work out.

When I then suggested that the devs make a monthly post explaining what they’ve worked on with a disclaimer saying its WIP and can possibly be scrapped, I received a reply that, in turn, received a lot of hearts (which to me means a lot of people agreed with), saying that it would be unfeasible due to the nature of the community. So which is it? More information or none at all?

In the end, I just want more information. While QoL updates are nice im ready for the next big update, like titans, dugeons, or the like. I was expecting to have titans by now when I started in 2018, but after what little the devs have said it seems we wont even be getting the hunter mob for several months yet, if not a year, let alone anything substantial.


Hehe we do tend to get a bit… passionate? At times… better to prevent fires than fight them =)


The problem here is the devs seem to have this vision of being able to please everyone that plays the game. In a perfect society, this would be possible; however, in today’s society, that’s just not plausible. You’ll never please everyone. There’s always going to be people on both sides of the fence. There’s those that don’t care about the non-existant communicative stance the devs have now, then there’s those of us who are vocal about it, and would like status updates on things that have been announced. Just saying nothing about it doesn’t magically make it go away if its something that was announced and just couldn’t work out in the vision they had.

That reminds me of my very first job as at 16 years old. I had a micro-manager supervisor who required an email at the end of the day with an account of what I had worked on. It was brutal and felt ludicrous. As much as I like your idea, if I were a dev there is no way I would subject myself to that kind of scrutiny. Can you imagine all the people that would start complaining about their priorities or what little they accomplished?


I’m sad to see the things in that vision that didn’t come to fruition. I’m also glad for the things not mentioned which we do have. It’s clearly an evolving game, maybe the back-burner items become available sometime, maybe they don’t. Fact is I’ve spent tons of time loving this game and Gleambow Racing is one of my favorites. I’ll come back again and again for it.

This Dev team is cool. They have historically posted a lot of roadmap stuff and responded to many questions. Not letting them off the hook, though. More info, more often really would go a long way toward player satisfaction. I feel there is a growing sentiment, imagined and unwarranted as it may be, that this game may not last a lot longer. That content updates may dwindle away. Allay our fears, I say! Also hold our hands in the darkness, for we are weak sometimes.

LOL My 2c.


I’ll admit I am curious what the art team @minyi and @jesshyland do when the devs are working on stuff which doesn’t require art for 6 months. I’d think they’d work a parallel track to make new blocks and such, or do modeling for new monsters.


If only… :’(

Why is it that I make a post like this I get flagged by the community and you get 12 likes :joy:


Here’s what @jesshyland is working on! Turns out you just have to ask her and she shares :wink:

I mean… i do have a beard.


I really like that description of what their idea of titans is, floating fortresses that you attack. That is cool, and you can make your own floating island eventually. I wonder if this is still their plan?

If you’ve not seen it I believe there’s a proof on concept teaser at the end of this trailer from…5 years ago.

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Some of our community would do really well with more information from the devs and be able to understand when ideas are changed or are pushed back. Others, not so much :man_shrugging:. Unfortunately, the devs can’t treat the two groups differently, nor should they.


Oh SNAP!!! That’s tight! Didn’t know they had an actual concept of it already.