The plan.... still there?

But I wish the game was as social as those trailers actually portray. Other than meteors, player made events, or friends building together. There isn’t much cooperation or social interaction going on.

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Can you explain what you mean by “do really well”? And what you mean by “other, not so much”? Makes it seems like some folks would appreciate more info on past explorations of ideas and what’s in the works and that having such info would harm or otherwise negatively impact others. Was that what you intended to say there?

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Has nothing to do with how much we appreciate it. I’m talking about how individuals react when things don’t meet their expectations. We had people complaining when they didn’t add shields less than three weeks after they posted the pictures. Imagine what would happen if they gave us all the information we all wished to have and they decided to scrap something? You and I might be understanding, but there are vocal individuals who would not be.


Oh I’m definitely sure that all of the information I want isn’t something that’s feasible. But I think there’s an attainable balance somewhere between all of the info and none of the info.


I always wonder about this:


When I was a noob i tried to trap some creatures into my builds but they despawned on me ofc.

I’d love to know if tamable, or at least “keepable”, creatures are still anywhere on the horizon.

Other than that the thing I’d most like to see from the old promo vids/images is the variety of tools or weapons they have in different sizes, I think they’re basically the “lance” art?

I think it’s fair and would help with some of the people constantly ready to jump out of the woodwork if they would just flat out say so when something is determined to be infeasable, or abandoned for whatever reason.

A bit of momentary disappointment is one thing but years and years of “maybe” appears to have created some sore spots.


We had a new Chief Technology Officer come in to our company and put out a company roadmap. We are a tech company and have had troubles with commitment in the past (we are also a large company).

I had a meeting with the CTO and talked about what I thought was obvious, “Finally a roadmap to share with customers, must have been easy…why did it take years (before he came on board) of fighting and issues and he sweeps in and we have it in months?”

Answer - Money!

A roadmap requires a team to meet with developers, devise communication strategies, organize processes for developers to ensure at what ‘stage’ something is and at what point it is able to be communicated. Reorganization of dev structure to allow for this type of insight.

The reality is, a real roadmap, requires time, money and organization.

I don’t know what the workplace is like in Wonderstruck. However, if they have a more hands off…dev’s create and make this game cool…kinda vibe (similar to oldschool Minecraft office or other indy games) then it might not be a conducive structure to handle a roadmap.

That means it would need to become someone’s job (or hire a new person). This isn’t just writing down what the dev’s are working on, there needs to be insight into if it will hit…and devise how to communicate it and when.

It is more work then it seems.

I would love a road map! However, I don’t want to take from Dev time to get one and if their dev structure doesn’t facilitate easily this type of communication then it would require re-org to figure it out…that just sets things behind.

I hope we get to a point where the dev team has $$ to burn on community communication about upcoming features. That would be dope.

Right now it seems they are focused on improving the game.

Feedback is good. I think they hear that we want a roadmap. Just have to wait and see I think.

(sorry if this was a bit ramble ramble!)


I’ll be honest. I would gladly trade prestige for minable oort and titans. Prestige is just a measurement. And for some, it’s a johnson measuring contest. :see_no_evil:


I’d agree that a roadmap is a monumental effort for a large company. Wonderstruck is relatively small as far as studios go. And roadmaps don’t necessarily require a full team or an outside resource to make happen.

I can appreciate the experience you’ve had with the one for your company. My two main jobs in my adult life have been working for a large healthcare software system and working for a hospital that uses said software. With the former each application team had to constantly come up with and present their own roadmaps to clients annually. It was just part of the job, not something we hired external resources for. And sure deadlines weren’t always hit. So we communicated that out and explained why. Sometimes ideas changed because we wanted more resources on another project or wanted to redesign something. So we communicated that out and explained why. It’s truly not rocket science. Then again, we were very much using agile so constant communication and partnership with clients was the whole idea.

For the second job I now take the roadmaps my old team gives out and use it to design the roadmaps for upgrades/implementations for both that system and many other 3rd party software systems for the largest hospital network in the state. COVID, as you might expect, has delayed many projects and has made us entirely halt our main software upgrade. So can you guess what we did? You got it, we communicated that out and explained why.

It’s truly not as complex a concept for all companies as it was for yours :smile:

Edit: Also this whole post has been about looking for the state of things shown in the past, not necessarily about a roadmap for the future.


I had thought about this as well. My limited connection with Dev teams has never seem them monitor their own program.

An analytics team did that.

And I haven’t worked at a company where the Dev team was responsible for enforcing their own program.

Another team did that.

Right now, I think the Dev’s are wearing a lot of hats that they can’t take off and that little extra of also communicating ahead might be cutting into their family time/life balance.

As to, why not respond to the older stuff. They have.

I wish we had the threads all saved. They have commented on Titans (a desire to have them) races…and other features in many older threads. These threads pop up every month or so with the same questions. I should organize responses of the old threads to copy/paste to add insight!

Good call.


I’ve been bookmarking all their important responses for future situations but I don’t have any of the ones I seen I the past a out this topic :frowning:


@Tagris and @Cuetzpalomitl if you have those replies on those topics that’d be huge! Please feel free to make a new post with that info so it’s easily searchable! You guys are my heroes <3

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Only relevant one I have is this.

Are we going to get races?

New races - yes or no?

I agree. The devs should at least tell us if promo stuff is still on the timeline, or if it’s been abandoned, even if they’re not gonna give us a full future timeline.


I do you a timeline in 1 minute.

Start -stuff - some other stuff - thingys - end


Couldn’t agree more… not fan of it either and I think it’s a big source of frustration and conflict between players… but I guess there needs to be some automatic system in place for capitals to be a thing… and to base footfall payouts on etc :man_shrugging:

It’s just funny that all we have is fans discussing what could be, and absolute silence from devs.
This whole discussion is making me depressed because it only highlights how nice communication we were given is now absolutely canceled.
One way to engage interest is to give some hints about what’s coming. Yeah, there are always people who complain, but is that good enough reason to leave everyone else in the dark?
At this point I don’t feel excited about anything regarding Boundless. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fine game as it is, I like building and farming, but it feels like a dead game however you look at it, and devs are not helping with that image.
One more feeling I have about it is that game isn’t finished, but it’s not going anywhere specific.


Actually what we would like to see is an update about which features are worked on…
and which features are currently off the table… I can image that some features seemed to be unpractical with how the game now is. i mean there are big things missing eventhough advertised… while we are out of early devolopment … with no status if the plan changed or not.
for example… this :

i can see that most people dont see the creatures as natives… they are the kind of the same on all planets


I guess they could go the No Man’s Sky way and add procedurally generated creatures

with random attacks… flying wild stocks?


you are comparing a game that has thousands of planets and unique lifeforms to a game with 50 planets? thats has 5 mobs with 5 tiers?


Since there are exo worlds and the universe can dynamically grow… it would be impractical and cost prohibitive to hand craft creatures for each world… the only other way I see to get planet unique… ish creatures would be to make a procedural system for them… do I think it’s a good idea? No not really, but it seemed important to you so I threw it out there… i also linked THAT pic since it’s a bit ludicrous and I think players would end up complaining about that instead :roll_eyes: