HeyHey (: i would love to gather some tips and tricks for new player leveling grind . Plz let me know your method
Mine a lot with AOE hammer. Then convert all the rock to stone, then refine those stones. You’ll get lots of xp from the mining, and lots from processing the rocks, too.
As soon as you get to lv 12 - and so can have the needed protections - I have a diamond mine linked in TNT Serp’s hub that is a good leveling spot, with the advantage that you’ll get good stuff to sell so you can turn a bit of profit while at it. Edit: If you have enough atmospheric protections, can go to the T6 mines at my hub though, more profit to be had there.
Gleam farming on T1s, then refining and minting the gleam is another way to go, but hard to make a profit with that unless you get some good hammer deals, was my experience with it.
While using all the good tips above …
… don’t forget to eat lots of Teaching Pies
Im lvl 18 i havent seen anything about atmospheric protect :o where can i find thoses ? How does that work
Teaching pies ? I guess its a xp boost consumable ?
… they are
Try to buy some of them.
You won’t regret it
Use the vallhalla and Darklanding xp farms (with teaching pies!)
change to the one hit build on your charackter
Go diamond, Topaz or saphire mining
Or go farming for Sap or shimmering orbs -
Do that till you got level 50.
Just wanted to reply that
Another note from a Senior Player
Teaching Pies will still keep working fine above level 50
personally when I wanted to farm xp the easiest I found was to go to a gleam farm, use an aoe hammer and regen bombs, mine and regen it. then with all the gleam I’d refine it, then either crysoment the refined gleam or use it to make something like gleam poles or beams then mint those.
adding a teaching pie, and a speed or strength brew helps too.
edit: not that long ago I did this method on a new character to get them some levels so I could unlock and get some of the skills for environment protections and such.
Dangg thanks to everyone for the great tips
yes but, if i want to mine i want to have a starberry pie. Therfore i cant use a teaching pie or can i
Edit: i cant
To expand on this:
Diamonds/Sapphire/Topaz spawn in denser clusters at times. So you can get more xp from these.
It’s in an old thread about coins, but you should see this video.
It doesn’t pay as much any more but just skip through the video and watch his experience counter …
On your character sheet, these -
Keeping one point in Caustic anyways for use of the TNT hub on Circ is a good idea even if not using the mines, that hub is a great shortcut to a lot of places. I’d say at lv 18, just add three in Volatile so you can use the Serpensarindi mine, which you can access by going to the TNT hub on Circ, and then through the portal to Serp on the bottom. At lv 18, you’ll want the extra points you have for helping with mining related skills, and T5s have weaker blocks than T6s. You’ll level fairly quickly there, and the metal, diamonds, and coal can always find buyers, you should be able to earn enough here to keep buying hammers and turn a little profit, which is the advantage to me over the gleam method if you’re leveling your first character and funds might be tight.
With the mines I set up like the one on Serp, no mob danger either since they take you underground. MIGHT encounter a few in caves but it’s rare.
I mean building if you just use right blocks.
But again Only if you use “good” blocks.
Mining… If you are low level i recommend you To go a planet that has high amount of metals as each metal block gives you more xp than just rock block
tnt needs caustic, i thought?
Oops, yeah, I mixed those both up - one point Caustic for Circ/TNT Hub, three Volatile for Serp! Thanks!