To wipe or not to wipe

Ye… Well we all have our liked and dislikes. Sure if you like planet like Till you are good, but example me Who likes planet palettes like example sochaltin has… Im struggling To find good spot.

sochaltin was one of the first worlds at release so maybe not suprising that many “good spots” are taken.
even if there were plotting (ie limited amount) restirctions on starter worlds, which I do actually think would be a good idea, your good spots might still be taken.
managing expectations seems a problem in a game such as this and really not sure of the solution to that without boundless becoming a lot less boundless.

Yes Im aware of that.
Some would argue your builds are taking huge potential space… While i think your builds are great… Like the one In Boori…

I guess its just a bit pity that plotting is like that… You build underground and theres just so much open space At the surface and no one can use it.

Theres numerous places like this.


Who doesn’t build underground?? BOGGLE

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My recent storage is underground, but let’s just chill peeps- just remember the poll was about finding out what people would choose not about who, where people build lol


Creatures do spawn underneath floating plots, and as far as I can recall meteors cannot spawn within the boundary areas, though I’m afraid I can’t give you any specifics about how this restriction works.

When I had my floating gardens pyramid on Kol Huroo, I left plot gaps between the floating pathway plots and I never saw meteors land between them and my grid did go far enough that if it was possible, they would have; either way, having a build like this did allow for reaching nearby-ish meteors fairly easily.

Based on what I vaguely remember, I think the only way you could get meteors to spawn in-between a plotted area like this would mean leaving enough plots open in-between plotted areas that anybody else could potentially place their own beacon in there.

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I’ve seen vids of Elopor and it was beautiful. But the video that drew me in was this one of Vulpto.

I was so excited and went looking for it. But I couldn’t find it. Then I realized it was from EA and didn’t exist anymore. :scream: :sob:

@Fiffer13 “they don’t have money for a sov”. Yet they have money for gleam club?


Probably because @Bruno78 and I were running around looting them. :rofl:

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Karl you’re killin me. This is literally all this topic is ever about. These threads get started because either

A) Someone is in someone else’s way or
B) Someone is bored and wants to watch some drama.


You can’t pick up a snake and then be like “Oh I didn’t want it to crawl around on me” …

If you get too bothered you can go over to the current blueprint thread and read about all the things that players don’t want other players doing with those, too.


gleam club is $5 a month, the smallest sov is $10 a month

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Just adding that this is going to look like an effective tripling for most people. “Drop gleam club and get a sovereign” is not an upgrade path These two items scratch different itches, so to speak. They offer benefits that don’t overlap.

A couple weeks of active play and I already almost bought gleam club again. If I ever stop wandering around the caves and get my build active again I will. Not for beacon fuel, I made 4000 weeks of greater beacon fuels. I’ve considered editing some of my characters though and I can’t tint without paying cubits. Also can’t make nice signs any more so if any of those side features of gleam club are useful to you, you’re still going to want it even if you have a sovereign and forever beacons.

I’m not gonna lie here I’m an american with some financial freedom this decision isn’t life or death for me. Locking in $5 per month onto something like Boundless is nothing. Push it up into double digits monthly and the feels creep in. Is this responsible? Does it provide value? etc…

I mean, even accounting for some people wanting to try things out and an occasional splurge, I wonder what percentage of sovs have been generated by non gleam club accounts. Probably not a lot IMO.


Creatures spawn above and below your plots, as long as the other conditions are met.

Still close enough to interfere with plotted farms, but not over/under them.

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I mentioned plots and the whole reason I mentioned it was because there were numerous players both old and new complaining about finding good places to build that aren’t out in the middle of nowhere or completely over water.

I guess either could fall into your two categories, but when you have new players experiencing this issue it’s a problem and one of the reasons player retention sucks.

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Of course they can. In many cases it’s both.

Not even ironically - we’ve nearly filled up the earth. There’s certainly something going on in nearly all the usable/desirable spaces by now. And if you start looking at reasons that people want other people stuff torn down or taken away, it can all be boiled down pretty much the same way.

“It’s screwing up my view” lol. “Something more productive should be done there”. “Nobody should be doing things there”. “I would do better/more with that spot/resource”.

“They’re not even uuuuuusing it!!!”

… ad infinitum.

Yes, this game digs into some surprisingly primal stuff. Absolutely. And people don’t come here for that. So they’re surprised when it happens and don’t always react well or even recognize the level of over-investment.

No matter how large of a “space” we create, we similar beings are going to explore it in a surprisingly similar fashion. And when you see something that looks “beautiful” or “useful” the odds are very high that if a few more humans come along, many of them will also find it beautiful, or useful.

This isn’t a boundless issue, really. It’s an issue as old as man and of literal biblical proportion. People covet what they see.

In the real world, there’s only so much room. In boundless not so much. However when people run into a familiar frustration, they turn to a familiar coping mechanism. Rather than look for something else they start to hover around and complain or justify some “action on the issue”.

It’s really not that complex of an issue. It’s just triggering.


I agree definitely agree with the first point since there is a lot of space used to block people from being close based on a few people I’ve talked to. We still have the habit of people trying to lock in close to another build for “foot traffic and coin” stuff and because some people like to be close to others.

As for the second point, I think this happens on a few threads. It is like people want to argue about things so they can feel they are right or to make sure the other viewpoint isn’t “accepted by others”… I think we saw that with the Devs are gone threads. Overall, most people’s opinions are basically in a close area of being the same on a large part of the topics we have here for this game but people will argue the nuances to the grave.

All I know for those concerned about space usage or others feeling that people are taking too much space – there are a ton of planets and we have sovs. Certainly there is space to build somewhere. But one suggestion I made on another thread and I will do it again here:

Every person playing should take the time to look through EVERY beacon they own and go visit it. Then really decide what the purpose of that beacon was for. If that purpose isn’t really needed or the purpose is dead - like old roads where the town is gone - then reclaim the beacon so it is free.

I recently did that for all my beacons on all my characters. It was nice to clean up beacons from older cities that I no longer wanted to be a part of or those small spots you thought would be a cool build but just don’t think that any longer. Like I had a spot near old PS that was 1,000 plots - released. There are a few areas in Aquatopia where I know people have a partial build that have no interest in keeping it but they won’t let the land go so I can revamp the town more to open things up for new players. We see that some in the old finata area and phem capital city for a while too…

I think if everyone really did that and were honest with themselves and linked the beacon on each account they have to the reason they have it and if they really want to keep it we would see some space clear out.

edit… I guess my overall point is really before being mad at others who might have large areas look to see if you have truly cleaned out all the beacons you don’t need. I know I have, so when I see someone have something I might have wanted to build, I don’t complain because I did release my stuff. Also, people should consider “active” versus “people that basically gave up on the game.” I am more critical on the people that have left and never play that have land than someone that is actively here. Maybe if people know others like this they can hit them up to clean up some beacons…



We can’t do this. If we do this, the game will look empty and apparently, that’s bad for player retention!

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I did this recently and I think that everyone should do this.

@Nightstar Nothing wrong with leaving vast tracts of unclaimed land for the new players to claim.


lol… well somehow I still ended up keeping many because of future ideas… but I was surprised how many I did let go all over the place because either the towns were gone or I had consolidated my ideas into more central locations.

But I know it is easier to point fingers or make excuses about how it affects the game than do the work and realistic beacon management. As for that player retention… yeah I’ve always wondered how a partial build in a dead town for a player that certainly doesn’t want it is “helping retention.”

In the ]i[ guild area there is are 2 areas with one having 2 plots and another a line of 4 plots. I know darn well those people aren’t going to use the beacons and are very likely very active players because they’ve been there for years now yet they still exist. That means people are just being lazy and not clearing out unused beacons. The first one has been there within a few weeks of release because we were the first people on Biitula and had the first beacons in this area and I secured the area but someone grabbed a small plot on the side and it is still there with no change. Obviously that isn’t a huge area people can build on if they released it but it still shows that a lot of people (that are active) do not go through beacon lists to clean them out…


I did this recently as well allowed gleam club to expire, allowed everything to expire. Well, except two mall shops I keep forgetting. They’re probably not in anyone’s way :rofl:

Yeah I can see how some people would miss the humor but the sheer amount of time and effort expended on “preserving” abandoned stuff and “protecting” a planet that self-regenerates in a couple of hours in this game has been pretty phenomenal.

And still honestly I think that almost every side of every major game mechanic has been presented as “harming retention” by someone or another.

It’s sometimes hard to remember that a community is so many individual voices, because the whole thing starts to seem a little schizo.


It is not the plots that are around a build for a buffer it is mostly the massive plots with nothing around them. I ran into an area that I could only assume was planned to be a city or mall or something as it was a ton of flat land of around 1k plots. It has been there since I started.

On an aside, I also found reclaimed a few spots I had, one being on Serp that I had plans for but have since moved to my Sovereign. It’s not much but I much prefer it go to someone that will do something with it.