Turbulenz supporting Baldur's Gate 3 development 🛡

How is the potential reason there are no exos off topic in a thread about asking whats going on with exos?

As there is no answer to the question other than reasonable speculation, how can speculating they are too busy on bg3 then be off topic - especially as they confirmed that they are doing exactly that…working on another game.

See below. Its possible that it’s one and the same subject matter, or cause and effect. Therefore perfectly relevant to this topic too

Never expected that! Grats team.


Well they’ve been working on it since 2019, and boundless is still around.

The way I see it is Boundless is a labor of love but they need money too. They’ve contracted work on other projects too.


I definitely think this and @Vetteq’s suggestion that it seems like more of a pet project really sums up how I’ve felt about Boundless for a while now.

With the trajectory this game has taken, it feels like being financially viable is an optional bonus quest, and it’s core game is about being both a demo platform for an engine and a niche game that a handful of developers always wanted to play but nobody ever made.

It’s not explicitly a bad thing, although if I had done more research before backing and correctly guessed that this is what is was going to be, I personally would not have backed it. Sovereign & Creative planets feel like the first real step towards making it something more viable (given that the framework can be the basis for yet more types of planet and adventure, and people may finally be able to play in ways other than the rigid, labour intensive base game), but whether it’ll ever be financially viable in it’s own right is anybody’s guess still.


Dev team shared some cool news and it led to anxiety and paranoia. :joy:


Hahaha, it’s like our societies today! :smirk::pensive:


I think the concern is somewhat justified.

If they had said, hey we are working on another game and then posted anything else around holiday events or even spawned an exo, it would be nothing but cool news. However, it now seems they missed the final line of the announcement off “so we won’t be doing anything in boundless for a while”

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I see speculations - something that seems to be a virtue these days? :wink:

Isn’t it better to play the game rather than feed each other worries with speculations?
If Boundless universe comes to an end, we still will have great memories (screenshots and videos too).
If it doesn’t - it’s in our hands to make it great. :sunglasses:


For me it’s two things, a topic of discussion and also a very strong personal dislike rather than just speculation for the sake of it.

I love what the game could be, but not a fan of the lack of investment I have now because I’m uncertain if its going to be around. I dont regret probably thousands of hours in game but don’t have motivation to finish my new home as a result.

Secondly in work and in my gaming time I have experienced this sort of distancing from my employer or a game studio where there is less and less input and time spent on one project followed by a sudden announcement that its over because they have lost interest, not making enough money, or have moved on to something new.

I truly hope none of those are the case and will carry on with my day with the belief it isnt. However, if it turns out that they just kept running this to milk money from people while they could I also wouldn’t be shocked (although again unlikely as bl isn’t actually making money from all the available info)

So they have been working on Baldurs Gate for almost two years now. Approximately the entire time since Boundless has been released, they have been doing this. Why is this such a problem now if they have been doing it for the past two years? Every release, every Exo, and every special event has been done while this other work has been going on. While it is certainly something we as the players did not know, I am not sure what it changes that is creating all of the apprehension now.


Because its become more and more of a focus while boundless is now the opposite. As bg3 has entered EA its now seemingly shifted the focus away from the game. Carry on doing bg3 sure, but don’t forget your other games too…

Do you have any concrete evidence of this?

A lack of roadmap and no announcements for a month sucks and doesn’t feel good, but it doesn’t mean the certain doom you’re trying to throw around here. If you have actual concrete evidence, let’s talk about that, but your doomy feelings and vague “not quite speculation” is getting tiresome.


You seen any sight of leah, James, Sam f on the forums recently?

Not saying the game is doomed and not throwing around that as fact, but on balance lack of communication is bad and the total lack of any content roadmap and public confirmation of bg3 being a big project for them does indicate that bl is a taking a back seat…hopefully just for now.

Either way my views are my views and can’t be proven…however a lot of us have seen how the finances stand and it makes perfect sense that something that’s profitable and a big opportunity would take priority over a fun project

Its also worth pointing out, that I am not actually bothered either way. I like the game and have spent huge amounts of time on it. I hope it survives and thrives however I am also a huge bg fan and the addition of talented developers from turbulenz can only help that game be better, so for me its a win win as I like both games

You are certainly entitled to your opinion on this, but I am afraid I have seen nothing that makes this statement factual. We have had exo droughts before so that is not a sign, we have not had a roadmap for ages so that is certainly not a new sign. Players can interpret the current situation as them not working on Boundless or they could be working on a large release for Halloween. We have no facts to support either supposition. As players we can make all the suppositions on what is going on that we want. However, new players coming in and seeing a bunch of players making unsubstantiated statements that the developers are not focusing work on Boundless is probably not good for getting those players to continue to play the game.

Really when was anyone given access to Wonderstruck’s books? I know I talk to James every month and I have never been given any insight into their finances and would not expect to be. This is pure supposition until some statement is made by someone that does have access to their finances. Stating it as some commonly accepted/known fact does not make it true (or false).


Its public information in the UK and can be readily accessed via companieshouse.gov.uk.

Net worth of turbulenz is around 4 million in the red (debt)

If this is a win win for you I wouldn’t want to see you whine when it’s a lose lose!

I bet they wish they’d never mentioned this project now as it’s become a stick to beat them over the head with, with spurious assumptions.


That 4.5mil debt is related to stock sales and investments, not bank loans, and has been present and unchanged since 2014.

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Its also 4m of debt that has to be financed, paid for and involved the surrender of the IP in the case of failure. Not to mention very poor turnover and net profit as a % of the net worth/ shareholders funds.

That level of debt when profits are so low is frankly unsustainable unless there is a parent company/subsidiary or other source of substantial income such as the engine or development of other games.

Either way, you play the game as it is now and enjoy it if that’s what you like doing.