If it’s true Happy Birthday early present for me! Love you Wonderstruck!
Any idea on pricing yet?
blimey, the next couple of days are gonna drag
They’re still crossing the i’s and dotting the t’s but we should know Soon™.
From what I was told on my last call was basically each planet size has a select amount of biomes. The type applied are based on the tier of the planet. When requesting the planet, if you don’t select the pre-config options you will be given the list of biomes you can select based on the tier and size of the planet. So pretend a T4 has 5 t4 biomes, 4 t3 biomes, 5 t2 biomes, 5 t1 biomes – you’d be able to select the each of those. I just forgot the biome count but I think this explains it… Basically if I remember right and understood that is what it is going to be like. James or team can clarify if I misspoke or didn’t exactly get it.
The FOMO effect works incredible well with me. Been there, done that. i got the Violet Proto-Drake on 7 or 8 chars…
That’s why I ignore any time limited content - time limited content just doesn’t exist for me. Never again will I be caught by these cheap and unethical FOMO tricks of game developers.
Weirdly enough, I’m more succeptible to the FOMO effect on WoW, because I’m more involved there, so I too have some things there, like the violet proto-drake. Though WoW has it far worse than Boundless, because lots of things never ever come back. The legendary cloak from Pandaria, the legendary ring from Warlords… Right now I have a number of legendary essences in my Heart of Azeroth, trying to get the Iris of Focalisation one right now because it looks crazy cool and I’ll be able to use it in old content.
I mean, I’ve been playing WoW for 15 years, but maybe I’m just too old to care about the FOMO effect now, actually. I used to jump on holiday events, back then… now I more like “eh, not going to force myself”.
But WoW is a special case, it’s a waaaaay bigger game than Boundless can ever be, and I think WoW can afford to go for the FOMO stuff. Boundless on the other hand, I think is just reaching too far with that type of stuff.
(oops I meant to reply to scrufola)
I guess some of us just view things differently.
I get zero FOMO from Exos. I just view it as new terrain to explore.
If Boundless had limited-time trophies or season passes with rare collectibles, I’d probably get a tinge of FOMO - but probably not (If there’s something in a game that I want, I grind until I get it.)
Don’t you agree Boundless uses colors as a form of rarity?
Don’t you think that in the economy, Gleam can be really expensive?
The rarest gleam colors are from Exo-worlds, and there are only about 29 or so Gleam colors from permanent worlds. 29 out of 255 possible colors.
I think Exo-worlds definitely are meant to create some level of FOMO for players, because of Gleam colors.
It depends. I’ve seen Gleambow-so-far-only colors being sold for 40k coins and I’ve seen the same colors for 20c. Supply/demand thing.
I guess Exos could solicit/foster feelings of FOMO in some. Not for gleam though because that can be obtained in mass quantities via regen bombing when it does appear - and we usually don’t get new colors. I guess someone trying to collect all the plants in every color might have FOMO…if they couldn’t play at all that week.
Since my previous message above, I thought about it a little more, about what has changed to make me hate time-limited stuff, and I think it was simpler than I cared to admit it.
I would love to always get the new exo-gleam colors I don’t already have a sample of, but I became an independant worker (not sure if that’s the english term) about 6 years ago, and since then, I tend to have A LOT of real-life work-load that is super unpredictable (no idea how much work I’ll have next Monday, for example, and I often work 12 hours a day, too often during the week-ends), so when there’s time-limited stuff like Exo-worlds, I just can’t make time to do it, most of the time I would have to force myself when I’m mentally exhausted by my real-life work and just not feeling like doing it (you know, when I’d rather unwind by just building casually).
I know it’s easy for someone to say “don’t worry so much & don’t put so much pressure on yourself”, but I guess that’s what this boils down to. The good news is that there’s almost nothing in Boundless that is finite like in the big MMORPGs. Missed an Exo with a color you like? It will probably come around again, or grab those in the next Gleambow event. Or be ready to buy/trade for them with someone that was able to obtain those items.
There are a lot of people playing that have irl responsibilities…kiddos, work, med issues, $ issues, etc. Heck, when I started playing BL, I was sitting on a bare concrete floor with a laptop that had a fan clipped to the hard drive, using a sickly <1Mbps connection, after work. Sometimes I stay up till 3 or 4am to squeeze in an hour or two of game time. lol
I guess it depends on if you view things more on the excitement side or the urgency side. It’s ok if you can’t get all of the items all of the time. Those items are still out there to be had and if not, they’ll come around again. If there’s ever something that you missed out on that you really want, toss a post on the forums. Let this big group of friends help you out.
- thank you for coming to my Ted talk hehe. Sorry for the novel.
Any ideas on how much the new worlds will cost? And do we have to pay really cash or can we use cubits?
A. nope
B. As far as we know, it will cost irl $
I think this, in isolation, is very healthy, as long as you can choose to be okay with getting it sometimes and missing it others. Since I started playing 3+ MMOs in rotation(I think I’m at 5 right now?), I started getting more and more used to just doing whichever of the 5 things on my to-do list that’s interesting in that moment, so when I choose to build my shop in Boundless, I’m missing out on working on Destiny 2 stuff that’s getting vaulted in November, Warframe Nightwave grind, and Boundless exos now.
I’m desensitized to missing the stuff, so it’s not a big deal. “Do I want a new house, a new spaceship, or pink gleam?”
It’s nice to see that some biome selection has been added. I saw this as one of the major shortcoming with the offering described for release 245/246.
I think it’s going to resolve a lot of potential friction that would have arisen over pure RNG planet generation.
Do you know how we can get the colors we want on our own worlds?I know it’s off topic but I’m not good at making a new post here
From what I understand, your world will generate with random colors based on tier, same as any new planet of that tier would. Then, there will be a color selector for replacing the colors of blocks on your planet. Colors will be limited to colors that already exist on native planets (not exos). So you could replace your hot pink metamorphic with black or whatever. The world will then recolor everything with that color. You can adjust colors “once per billing cycle”.
Here’s a look at the color selector with the limited test palette:
You can see that and some other pics in the sovereign test notes here:
I really want that color selector everywhere btw. Why do I have to click 127 times to get to that color!