Updates are often?

I really love and enjoy this game but im curious about the updates.
Saw some post about new species, furniture, storage and more from time ago but is there any date or do the devs made updates often?

Hope they do because this is my fav game now…

They want to do updates more often but at the moment the updates are still coming at a relatively slow pace.

I think once all the foundations are set, the updates will come more often.


I have a post in the pipeline that will give details about the current status and pipeline for releases. Check out these 2 threads threads.


Perfect!!! thank you very much and count me in for support the game as all the way i can .

Thank you

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James, any news on the machine post from @ben?

Thanks :relaxed:

Nope - but I can say that the stuff he’s been working on recently is reaaaally cool - I’m super impressed with it. Even @zouls will (hopefully) like it!!


I’ll believe that last bit when I see it. Thanks for the info!

Disclaimer: this is meant to be a joke


I’m going to take that last bit as a hint that it pertains to either crafting or progression or both. :laughing:


Or robot unicorns, i did mention that too.

But yeah i would love to get some info on progression or crafting. Progression is so vital to the game because it determines how long people will have to play it to “master” things

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If Zouds doesn’t like it I’m quitting as a designer. # craftingprofessions


Those be fighting words


Yhea XD we know @james zouls has pretty high standars XD

And having people hours in a game for making one simple boot!!! (I’m joking XD)

I’d err on the side of caution and update your cv … just in case :wink:


I’m taking that as a challenge. (Even though it seems like it is issued to my evil twin Zouds xD)

Really look forward to seeing it though :smiley: