Every world has portals to the hubs. As I said above you could have a warp portal or argument as a complete newbie using stone tools at your house in about half an hour selling a few gathered materials. Literally. You could hack a few leaves and kill a few wildstock and you have your own portal with a bit of ort, or warp augement.
You wouldn’t know to do this of course at first, it took me about 10 hours maybe to see the benefit of the market, about another 10 to find out what was worth selling. Ever since then for 300 hours of play now i’ve sold stuff, either excess or a portion of what i’ve gathered. A mention to buy and sell with players being beneficial would be nice in the tutorial. - Or a mini guide that mentions this for new folk. As a solo player I focus on a few areas and buy/sell the rest.
The alternative is you can work in a community, town etc and share resources to get started up. As a solo player in MMO however buying and selling is commonplace in any MMO i’ve ever been in, the market is my community so to speak.
maybe the fear to buy something at “wrong” price? when you are new, you don’t know wich is the value of coins… 1 is a lot? or is nothing? you don’t want to get stucked because you bought something that you can craft with a little bit of patience…
you want to spend coins on something you understand
once you have a general idea of how the game really works… the player make an alt character (or reset skill on the actual) and start enjoyng the game
advanced players who just collect coins atm i belive are not a big issue, as long as they just keep selling things instead of giving them for free as they don’t need money but maybe contracts will help on this…? i would spend a lot of money to put people into building and chiselling, at the moment someone is concerned about ho to get money, meanwhile my competition with a total of 120k on it is going deserted… and you just need few skill points on chisell and bevel to partecipate…
Yup i see @Havok40k did use the correct wording, my ADHD brain just skipped over the details. I can’t say anything about previous augment costs as i joined around 188, but the conduits are like foliage gathering dust and storage space in my base hehe. Still hoping we can compact/ forge them into higher tier items like leaves and portal conduits
I tend to horde my coin / resources for a number of reasons… but the main one is sustainability… if I’m not making coin… then I don’t want to spend it… and making coin can be tricky at best. Ether you need to set up shop and hope ppl find it and buy something… or find someone’s shop and sell to them. Both methods are riddled with doubt since there is no easy way to see what stuff normally sells for… so the new shop keep doesn’t know if his stuff isn’t selling because it is a bad price. Or if it’s due to no one finding his or her shop. And the potential seller has to explore high and low to find a basket that both requests what they are selling AND has the coin to buy it… I’m not sure which one is worse o.O (at least from a new player stand point)
Another point is that some things you really can’t buy / sell with coin… so there is the fear of selling valuable resources or products for coin… but being unable to buy what they want because it’s too difficult to craft, gather, or simply isn’t for sale for whatever reason =/
I like that there is no auction house… but some sort of aid would be nice for finding shops / items or seeing some sort of list of what stuff sells for on a planet / in a settlement
Though I guess that most of these problems could be non issues as more players join and things become better organized
Actually, i don’t have a problem exploring other planet. I had learned Blinsec lv2 (+5 Blinksec if i recall) but i have since removed it to spend those points elsewhere… Coins are not a problem as i have about 30k total among my two lv 21 character. My question was more hypothetical (at topic creation) regarding the absence of coins and other people portal hub (that would usually mean the game is dead) and also to see if i was missing some knowledge about Portal’ing.
Since then, i’ve “fixed” my “danger” problem from higher tier planet to a near no danger zone. Thus i’m now free to explore Tier 3 whether it’s be on my own coins for the moment as I still need to use Warp travel or by using other people’s Portal Hub for free.
We’ve yet to see the emergence of the travelling merchant or hauler, the player that buys from one shop and sells to another. We will though at release, when there are many many planets. It is very unlikely if there really are 100 planets that each of them will have a standardized market. There will be a general idea but even now the prices fluctuate quite wildly. - This is good for the economy and game, as things move and people can make coin.
I did this when I started and I regret doing it. Below is just my perspective, not sure if other people feel the same.
A lot of games nowadays (ESPECIALLY early access games with new economies) give you a bunch of money starting out, but then have no real way to get more coin later. In such games it is valuable to do as much as you can on your own and only buy things when it’s a more serious problem. People don’t buy things because nobody has money.
In boundless there’s footfall, there’s a BUNCH of feats which get you decent amounts of money for a significant period of time, and there’s lots of people buying materials, so someone can just go out, mine, and sell for a bunch of coin to buy whatever they want. Previously this was only coal, but since the crafting update a couple months ago there is a much large variety of things to collect!
I think it just takes time for people to learn and trust the economy in this game, given that SO MANY other games eff it up really hard. It takes time to learn the value of money.
I wish I had bought shelves instead of making them myself, I wish I had bought iron tools etc.
I don’t see why this is any issue at all. People should be able to do what they want with the money. People in real life horde money due to a huge list of psychology reasons. Who really cares why people do it… they just do.
So instead of trying to control things and stop it, actually take the time to design a true economy where people can sell items and services. Those that want to do it will, those that don’t won’t.
Until we get more people and a better economy system where people can do services and other things to actually have a business we really won’t move things forward.
I have yet to see a game that deals with services well in an economy. Boundless is one of the best economies I’ve encountered so far (only rivaled by Eve and Albion). It would be really great to have decent tools for exchanging services.
Yes! Services are still a grey area and this would be awesome.
When i started out i kept as much coin as possible mainly because i never found a shop buying mats that had coin in baskets… so the fear of no more income was an issue for me.
I settled out of the way with my fiancé so footfall was basically a way to celebrate that someone else had run through our place (sometimes 0c in weeks). As my universe has expanded feelings about money have changed a lot.
Warp Augments, not to be confused with warp conduits in the past required gold alloy to craft. Gold alloy at that time was obscenely difficult to craft and gold ore was hard to locate on starter worlds- with many forum posts bemoaning how impossible it was to find enough metal to escape the first tier planets. I myself took nearly a month to travel from Berlyn to Nasharil with help from fellow community legends like Nyuudles before we were able to craft our first warp augment. Not only was gold an issue, but also the components needed to make a mixer to turn the gold into alloy. A spark core was needed to make the mixer as well. These warp augments were truly end-game.
After a while of that, gold was made much more common on the starter worlds, which dropped the difficulty of crafting mixers dramatically. Components were still difficult, but once you had a machine shop made you could make augments with relative ease.
Then came the Skill update. Now you required skill points deep into the crafting tree to make the machines to make augments. But people stopped making them all together, as warp conduits could be crafted of cheap basic materials, and all that was needed was a saved location on another world to travel from point to point. The market value of augments was low, but he crafting cost was high- Gold Alloy was still a required component.
It was only with the latest update that augments have truly been inexpensive to craft, and reached their lowest market cost. The direct crafting cost of an augment exceedingly cheap, and the extended cost of all of the machines is made cheaper by the prevalence rarer crafting materials on the starter worlds. Components are plentiful and high-grade metals glitter through the depths of the world. When I say they are the cheapest they’ve ever been, I mean both in crafting requirements, and market value. I am not mincing my words here.
Contracts… Builders being able to sell their houses, Hunters offering protection services, etc. Each class should have a way to create their a business. This goes way beyond just a simple “shop stand”.
That is the only way to move us away from generic Footfall traffic which breaks the game and is completely creating a P2W model due to people buying plots to create a simple passive income rate that will always outpace new people and those that are not paying real money for plot prestige footfall income.
As for the tools to do our business: It would be nicer to have a control panel that shows all shop/request stands and income, inventory, etc. You shouldn’t have to run around touching each request basket/shop stand, etc.
In a further development of the model it would be an actual exchange board where people can post their shops or items and we see the pricing, etc. Something that makes a bit more centralized location. Any google search for Eve economy should show plenty of screenshots showing the different type of economy support tools, etc.
A will to discover the process yourself else you won’t learn (just my learning style I guess)
You have no idea what coins are worth or if you’ll need them in future when starting out (tutorial? hard to compensate for I guess with fluctuating prices)
A (probably false) assumption that you’re better off trying to buy components to make something to make the thing you want, rather than buying the thing (“teach a person to fish”)
Out of interest, how do you figure this? The few times I’ve decided to wander a lot of shops over a couple of hours to find the expected mean price for an item I’m interested in, I’ve noticed one could probably make some coin buying low and selling high across merchants. The prices are generally aligned but there are outliers, so I just assumed there were indeed people doing that.