Wayfarer Totems avail to all yet?

I know we as players are just having a discussion here, which is cool. I like discussions =D
But, as far as the devs are concerned… i would “think” that they see this as a non-issue.

When the packages were sold, it specifically said “Craft exclusive tool”. So i feel no matter what, the actual Wayfarers Totem is safe to be Backer-Only for the rest of time, as it should stay “exclusive”. And that’s cool.

Of course, as was pointed out, if another Tool was created, with same or better stats, just different name/skin that would still keep the actual “Wayfarers Totem” still exclusive.

Honestly, i figure is just a matter of time as the Candy, and Gleambow totem makes me think that other totems are on the dev’s minds.

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I dunno, to me candy and gleambow totem makes me think the devs want to give backers not only an exclusive tool, but the right to be the only people who can make a best in class item for all of eternity. Which is just wrong.

There should be gem and lucent totems anyway.

Didn’t your backer tier come with 2 copies of the game?

I believe you are right. The biggest thing I see holding this back is that it is a relatively low priority issue. They seem to have a bunch of big stuff in the works right now, so tool releases may be pretty low on the totem pole.

Edit: Then again, maybe they can release one or two for a quick win now and again. Who knows?


Ya, if they wanted to “test” a powerful totem, they could make it an event item, for limited time.

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Hmm, I’m indifferent. I’d rather have other stuff

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So… what exactly is required to craft a Wayfarer Totem, besides its ingredients?

To be one of the higher tier bakers.

… which means?

I’ve tried moving my food, brew, weapon, tool, etc crafting points around and maxed them out each time, but nothing’s letting me craft a wayfarer totem. Is it behind a paywall or something?

That was certain tier backer exclusive.


I read that as a baker, like someone who bakes food… I’m lame

So it’s not available to anyone at this time through any means?


You can buy them, they are not expensive or you can gather the Materials and ask some one to craft them for you. We still have people capable of crafting them around.

And sorry for not explaining the baker thing lol.

No you’re fine. haha

Well, if anyone is willing to make some for me, I have the supplies to craft quite a few and would love some

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Saint is a good saint =D




Some of these would make nice emojis :blush:

Those extendable ones look like fun… im in! =D #freethelances

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I want to make one thing clear here and now. I am willing to back you in anything just because of your name. ANYTHING!


I just buy them. They arent expensive and there are lots for sale.

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I can craft them for you, just give me the material. if you need only 1 or 2 mass i can trade direct material against finish totem from my storage

@Crete :joy::+1: