Well its been a ride

Yeah, this is where I’m at right now and facing the tough choices. Oort prices have gone up, and sales way down. When a T7 exo drops like this Blink one I can load up for a bit but I don’t think my playstyle is really sustainable long-term. And fewer people are using my rentals… prob keep at least some of them running even if the portals close though, but I’m wondering more and more if I should go ahead and just call it a day here. Not quite at that point but getting closer, and I’ll elaborate a bit more below.

Hate to see it end like this, as this game really has meant so much to me. Met some true friends here, some of the finest people I’ve ever met. :slight_smile: I will always be grateful for Boundless and have huge respect for the work that went into it. But after seeing that message from Larian which implies they could talk to us (and maybe it is still possible they can’t for some good reason, like being in process of selling it) and don’t, can’t shake the feeling we’re being sent a message here now with the communication style. They’ll do what is required to maintain technical stuff and the transactions, but this is it. As much as I love playing Boundless still, it is very relaxing, I don’t like the idea of my fun/happiness coming at the expense of others. If they’re over this game and see it as a burden now that they might be maintaining for some contract reason that is doing nothing but giving them unwanted extra work while they’re very busy with other stuff, I don’t feel right keeping playing it. I truly do wish them all the best, and there are some very wonderful people on that team. No hard feelings, just wish there would be a straight answer for some closure here so I can totally move on if it is the case this isn’t something they want to be doing any longer.

Edit: Though perhaps a straight answer might be risky for those contract reasons… so maybe it is good to read into what we’re seeing here with the communication, though I know this is all still speculation.

But if they DO still have their hearts in this game to any extent, and have plans even if they might be years off due to BG3, that is important to know - I’d stick around for sure and try to recruit so that we can get new community members to keep the economy going through it. But the way it feels now, I just am not feeling right about keeping up with it. Sorry, I try not to go too negative publicly, save my Evil Paka vents for just a few, but did want to get all this off my chest publicly since I think it is important if they’re still reading to hear this.


I mean they could at least give us clues. Like make a bunch of exos named 2023 or something.

Maybe we can one day reunite in boundless 2.0?

Ps paka you put it beautifully as always.


@HOST and @bucfanpaka you need help ??? Or can i help you ???
If there is a way to help let me know.

Paka you have location token for the blink exo for blink ?
I would like to mine in the evening after coming home.


Thank you!! :smiley: I’ll put a few blink mine tokens up in DK Mall here within the hour! :slight_smile: I haven’t mapped the whole exo but it is a great one for blink, lots of hotspot, good ruby too. Blink mining is good to do while we have it - you get a lot of fossils too, which is pure coin, and tons of gold and silver ore.

I appreciate the offer so much, means a lot to me! :slight_smile: I’m ok for the immediate future, I’m more concerned about the long-term prognosis here, that it might get to where it isn’t possible to maintain the way I play without turning to serious fossil grind. :frowning: Though the feeling I’m getting here from the communication I think is more putting me off it than that - I’ll use this analogy:

I’m the product of a marriage where my dad really wanted out much earlier than he did, he waiting for me to reach adulthood, for my sake but also child support, financial stuff. The thing is with situations like that, kids know, and it isn’t fun. I see us like being the children of such a match, the game one parent, the devs the other. We KNOW there is something really wrong here but not the details on everything. We clearly see “dad” spending all their time with a hot new young thang. And promises made to “mom” that aren’t coming through. There is a VERY different tone in the dev logs from a few years back and beyond compared to communications now - the difference to me appears to be heart and passion, which is why I don’t think this analogy is unfair.

My feeling here is: in principle, I’d advise them that if this game is nothing but a burden to them now, be true to your principles and let the money part sort itself out. But then, I know that advice is easier said than followed.

If their heart IS still in it but they’ve put it (as I put elsewhere) into an artificially-induced coma for now to limit their work on it til BG3 is out and stable and they have more time: Ok, I get it, totally, but now at this point I don’t think it is right to leave us all continuing to hang like this if they don’t have a strong reason for not doing so. And I know there might be one, and once again, there aren’t hard feelings, but just hate to leave with this note of bitterness hanging here. I think most of us still here would be willing to stick it out til then, if we just knew there was more in store, even if we need to be really patient and wait a few years. But it is impossible not to read into what we’re seeing now, for me at least.


You need fossils for coins ??
Thx for putting some tokens in dk mall, in the train ?

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Yep, train, and just put them up! :smiley: If gone when you get there just let me know! Two spots but put a bunch of tokens up for each.

On the fossils, yes there - to keep going with Oort for the portals. I do see my DK Mall store just had a nice sell-out mostly, but in general the trend has been not selling nearly enough with the Oort prices rising. I love to zone out mining but I fear it soon getting to a point where it feels like a chore to keep it all going. I play games to unwind and escape so when things start feeling like a chore I tend to stop there. Though I have one other idea in play - abandoning my T1 and T3 places and their TNT portals, those are the big Oort sinks. Then creating a new place on Alcyon, enclosed and much larger, as a home base, and designed to be a hub, which my current one wasn’t, just sort of added the portals where I could. Edit: And maybe even another on Norkyna, so those planet rolls aren’t wasted. That would be a lot more sustainable, just having 1X2s, and maybe the building give me play motivation. But still really up in the air on it. If we got something from them, anything (well, except for of course “Sorry, shutting down on…”) then that would be my route I think, barring that causing enough people to jump back in to keep it going as usual, in which case I’d still probably create a new Alcyon place.

Can you explain this? Feel like I’ve missed something. Is it essentially confirmed there’s not a gag order from Larian?

It isn’t much to go on, but just this post and reply on the Larian forums -

Seems to indicate that Turbulenz is still separate, has full control of Boundless still, and (this I know could be wrong, reading in here and the reply isn’t quite worded how I remember now that I’ve gone back here to pull it) could talk to us about it.

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hey bro, well I have to try to manage and work hard, but its harder due to requests I got Oort donation baskets up for those that want to donate a bit, every little helps other than that I need to try and manage, and hopefully the population increases ASAP because every day is a new struggle and every day is a hope to be able to sell something, to maintain my place its about a million a week X_X and as solo guy that’s a lot of pressure i managed since 2018 so far until this day but i notice the struggle already with the lack of players


It looks like polycraft has several visitors in the past week or so. Miss Take more like a month since anyone has tried the open chat. I’m not sure if these games are dead yet either, tbh.

Obviously not thriving or anything :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone else appears to be making games on the engine too.

You struggle because of oort? How many do you need a week ? @bucfanpaka and @HOST

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Screw it worse thing they can do is suspend or ban my forum account and not my game account.

I am wondering if some of us(of which have already been talking amongst ourselves) in the community were to begin to put together an alternative to Boundless if the community at large would support it? Especially if we welcomed community input and kept the dev roadmap public.
Granted it couldn’t look exactly like Boundless but could bring the quality over minecraft that boundless does, the functionality reinvented, clothes, weapons basically what Boundless currently offers and more. We even have ideas to make the PVPers happy without forcing NON PVPers into PVP in the universe at large.
This community deserves more and with the money we are all spending should be more than just an after thought.
In case I get forum banhammered for this post, you all know where to find me in the Twisted Dragon Discord channel. Ask around someone can get you in touch with me :smiley:


I’d be upset if they banned you for it, I think it is a pretty fair thing at this point to consider, a contingency since we have no clue about the future here.

I would donate a little cash for sure to start, and more later if the group involved shows that it might be going somewhere and not stagnating or fizzling. I’m useless at tech stuff so can’t help on the creation side, but I can throw some cash and also do some promoting. Love to see new games of this general sort anyways, there are several others on my radar I’m watching.

Thanks!! :smiley: I do want to earn my way here… I might be ok for longer here if I go ahead and let my T3 TNT portal go soon, it is pretty redundant anyways since I have another at the T1. And in the meantime might give me more play motivation to start on the alternative Alcyon project I mentioned… start by finding a nice place, planning out, ect. Still, without people buying, using the rentals a lot less (providing those is some of my play motivation right there) and the ethical stuff I mentioned, I can’t commit to continuing, but will try to hang in for now.


My thoughts are the same at this point it is a legitimate question and inhibiting the conversation would mean that they just wanted us for the money.

But super serious about the endevour and the folks I am already talking to are too. Because we have spent too much time in this game for it to just go in the tank. I know we all know games come and go but every time I go back through the forums, I just feel like we are all being strung along on half hearted promises and shrouds of mystery around the game because of their blatant lack of transparency.

So anyone who wants to hit me up and find out more let me know the more the merrier!


I’m using roughly 3ss rough Oort a week :sweat_smile:, so far I got enough for 2 weeks left but i due to not selling stuff or not being able to sell to baskets im kinda struggle soon. i always work ahead of my portals

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@bucfanpaka I got your oort covered. What do you need? I use your planets A LOT … and I’d gladly donate oort to you.


Thank you so much!! :smiley: What I’ll do then is, I’m going to try to keep going with it on my own as long as I can, as it does give me motivation/satisfaction to do stuff to earn my way, but if I find it slipping to where I can’t, I’ll put a request basket down by the portal in at the Alcyon hub and post about it. :slight_smile: Appreciate it!!

I also remembered, I have a big plotted area down at the lava level way below the hub… I think I’m going to start up again building down there, plot some more then enclose then make it a new hub and workshop, maybe new home base. Eventually switch the portal in to down there. That will give me some motivation to build in the game, I really did need a new project to work on.


@bucfanpaka If you own sovereigns and keep them going I feel that is doing on your own just fine. Placing a donation basket out in either of your hubs would work for me. I can donate plenty when you need it.

And all these are full … I run a few portals … and usually just sell my rough oortstone any more.


Wow. Lol. Impressive stash!

I’m in! Probably can’t be much help coding but I can photoshop and bugtest and write text/do UI!

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