šŸ”¶ What are the top 3 things you'd like to see in Boundless?

I would like a lot of things, but in this moment:

  1. Farming/Fishing
  2. Ladders/Functional Decorations
  3. New Shop Stands for better display

(Bonus: Craftable armor, melee[swords, sabers, katanas], gem fists, gem melee and armor, T7+T8)

  1. A lot less grind. My wife and I both work 50+ hrs a week and cant stand working in ā€œthe gameā€ Crafting times need to be lessened dramatically.

  2. Way more content in general. This is my third and final time on these forums Iā€™ve said this. There simply is not enough to do. Card trading games, items for games in general, dungeons, actual loot (armor, jewelry etc), electricity or some other form of power for doors/lights/elevators, functional blocks (hoppers/sorters, pistons, whatever else you want), more decorations, more reasons to BUILD BUILDINGS, bosses, more mobs in general, different ways to get coin, different coin sinks, vehicles, boats, trains, planes, WHATEVER. There is so much content wise that can be done in a voxel MMO. Thereā€™s not enough to do and what little we have takes way too long to do. See point #1 as well.

  3. Rework the skill system to be more streamlined - meaning, make it clearer to everyone that if you want to be a miner, skills X, Y, Z and W are your best options. If you want to be a builder, you need the combo of A, B, C to be the most efficient. Hunter? Skills G, H, I and J are what you should strive for. Iā€™m not talking limitations either. If youā€™re a builder, you should pick A, B, C but if you have enough points, itā€™s all good to choose H as well.

Those are my top three, but if you add all that up itā€™s really my top 20. :wink:


Farming has been announced :slight_smile:


I would like to see a way to use excess skill points, maybe use them to buy a core stat boost like i mentioned in another post 50 Sp for a 0.2% stat boost and or protection like armour and resistance


I would like more building blocks
Movable gear like moving parts
HOUSE DECOR furniture lamps tables chairs barstools chests ectā€¦

  1. Extra skills and skill pages (actually Iā€™d like to see a complete skills rework, which ties in with 2)

  2. Craftable, forge-able armour, different thing can be forged in, but the main thing Iā€™d like to see is elemental protection being in our armour.

Iā€™ll expand on this a little:

10 armour slots; head, chest (could be front or all round), back (or cape or backpack with extra inventory slots), kilt/trousers/pants, right and left arm, each leg, each foot.

Allusive extra defensive protection, but other traits can be forged on, which would be cumulative, eg I could forge 1 point of caustic protection into 5 prices, and would give me level 5 protection. Other things like speed or strength etc could be forged on, each giving a slightly different appearance, giving many combinations on trip and appearances.

  1. Trophy items. Every breakable/killable thing in game has a miniscule chance of dropping a trophy item, and each block type has a certain number of different trophy items depending on the abundance of the block. Once you collect a full set they can be crated together to make a little peaceable trophy, can be to just show off, or have a very tiny benefit to the citizen or plot its in.
  1. Pants (Tho functional & dyeable, I do grow weary of my diaper at timesā€¦)

  2. Gleam Swords (New combat style, whaa?)

  3. Hover Boards (Simple transportation technology in a fantasy universe that doesnā€™t require a scientific explanation!)

A decent pair of pants, custom color crystalline glow blades and a sweet hover board to help traverse the landscape and Iā€™d be all set. Being able to do tricks on said board would be a welcome bonus. :yum:


Gleambow racing???

  1. A tutorial town like Minecraft that anybody can travel to for free. This would also contain a practice area you can enter - an instanced ā€œcreative modeā€ that you canā€™t take anything out of or earn exp in but can try out anything you like, including a hunting area.
  2. Random chests that spawn and despawn every few hours, can spawn anywhere, maybe 20 on the surface and a few hundred below the surface at any one time. No way to see them except to actually spot them (or mine into the underground ones) and they contain significant coin rewards, maybe 10k, or special items.
  3. Clothing

FISHING would be cool


This pushes it past three, but there is one more thing I have to add- more types of furniture. My house looks a little empty, would like some more pieces of decorative furniture, like beds, dressers, wall pictures, and such.

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My top 3 would be:

  1. Stickers for the walls :slight_smile: so cool !
  2. Titans/Dungeons
  3. Pets! (even if I could just catch a cuddletrunk and just have it stand there like a mesh block!)

simply put:

Clothes/armor to wear
Water to place
Level 6+ lush worlds



1.) better coin flow, if you donā€™t forge or hunt you donā€™t have moneyā€¦
2.) a use that will make build material(rock, refined rock)more valued rather than something worth less than the effort to drop it.
3.) a tool that is relatively cheap and can be used for tier 1-4 gathering.(for lvl 20-35)

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I would love to see more machines in boundless like a machine that could have a motor that uses water to power it like a water wheel or even a powered flying board like in the film treasure planet but instead of it being powered by a machine maybe it is powered by the daylight and could help traverse the planetā€™s but only at day.


I would like to see

  • Moving blocks (ie pistons, rotating) with Levers and pressure plates to trigger
  • Clothing/Armor
  • More variety of weaponry (swords, bows, guns)

Yes please. Can you please wrap it up for me. Iā€™ll take it.

I really like the idea of craftable mechanic mounts that you need to fuel.
Could as well use different materials and be tiered from lame to awesome.
Could start as purely ground based, then water and ground, then hovering, then gliding ā€¦ flying is op. :yum:

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Dragon pets

It changes daily and probably more that 50! But 3 that I would say the most are;

  1. Fishing!!; this would cover marine life as well

  2. Larger inventory on character or via backpack or moveable cart

  3. More lighting options (solar lights, motion lights etc)


Yeap. But i doubt we having those.
I would like a turtle mount .
Wildstar (the game) had some cool mounts back in the days. They actually had hoverboards too.