What did you do in Boundless today?

That’s a lot of explanation not in the details lol
Being the main and buff being recently cast since joining make sense as it’s worded, but it doesn’t mention beacons or aligning squat in the description, just “to the member”
Oh well


While we’re at it - if the beacon is aligned, the guild is set, the buff is active, and you step outside of the specific beacon into a wild area or an unaligned beacon, the buff will not work.

I had a good example of this on one of my last sovereigns where I had a single plot beacon with some furnaces in it. The heat cost for a given run would depend on which side of the furnace I stood on when I started the craft :man_shrugging:


I do believe the explanation is on the actual guild buff machine details.


what i did today? just reclaimed all my builds in progress, decided to start anew with new color display, new workshop, new main base/home build :slight_smile:


I just figured it worked like the builders buff- which Im pretty sure increases my placement speed without the beacon being aligned to the guild- and that the spark buff applied to that user on any machine. And if the exp for that craft is tied to whomever started the crafting then I don’t see why the bonuses shouldn’t be specific to whomever starts the crafting.
But it’s all good, apparently I’ve been paying full price for spark and wear all this time and wasn’t complaining :laughing:
I don’t mind continuing to

The only reason it bums me out at all is that I align my beacons with my own guild so fluids can pass from one character to another


And it could be solved by having an extra sentence- “beacon with machines must be aligned to guild”- or a little consistency in wording

Thankfully the forum is full of people who have experienced these things and have further knowledge on the topics- I’m always learning new aspects to the mechanics of this game thanks to you guys!


Did a little bit to night :wink:


i couldnt even imagine doing that… i have thought about it but the last time i moved my workshop i had over 10m ill items to sort and now id have welll atleast 3x that…


I feel that. Even if you aren’t sorting it, it still takes hours to pull it out of the reclaim and put it in chests. It’s definitely not something I ever want to do ever again.


luckily i didnt had much, after my return tried not to hoard :smiley: moved almost all stored stuff to my main place to reclaim it all at one place so now i have only around 5,5 millions items to reclaim :slight_smile:
but this time - display stiorage first to move reclaimed stuff straight to prepared places, no more hundreds of chests scattered all over my area


Finished my stupid tower :rofl: Now there’s 2! I can finally move on. They didn’t really take a lot of time but I wanted to craft my own blocks instead of buying most of them. I think I might be addicted to shopping in boundless :face_with_hand_over_mouth: But on to the next! Building my greenhouse next for my farm that is also not built yet :sweat_smile: I also upgraded some blocks to “prettier” ones.


Continue to build @May-L04 :joy::joy::joy:

And went to @Hazel1558 hunt :grinning::grinning::grinning:


That was a crazy hunt :rofl: a lot of fun.


Started placing soil and finishing off the edges of the walkable area on top of the plateau (two sides though still have to build half of it :wink:). To have a better view of the workable terrain :wink:. Not sure if ill do more later today as it depends on when im back home again.


did phase 1 of a new mountain / cliffs area


I love your towers! I wanna come look sometime you got a portal?


Well done …
… but that is a lot of blocks you placed there :+1: :thinking:
What new :boundless: brush tool did you use if I may ask?


thanks! it’s the 1x1 square sharp edge brush from the ‘too much time on my hands’ brush pack


today i worked at my contest build


Diet 30 min more but battery low :wink: of both my laptop (didn’t want to plug it in) and me. Thinking of taking me laptop to work this week anyway so ill do a bit more.

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That looks gorgeous! I too have to admit to a shopping addiction on Boundless, but my addiction is flowers lol