What Do You Wish You Knew When You First Started Boundless?

Wish I knew that Titans, Races, and other mobs would never see the light of day :frowning:

Chisel changing grass to any other type you’d like with a transformation chisel.
realizing you can also chisel change iron-copper etc.
how to hide gleam behind chiseled walls
also putting a warp augment in an atlas to see settlements on the go.
being able to use revival brew and another brew at the same time


I wish I knew to keep the build simple and compact from the start. I kept making too many changes on my build, that it felt like an endless redesigning project of layout versions.


Umm let’s see I wish I knew that the devs would give up and not update. Or release content that was promised before the launch

I wish i knew not to play in a city that depends on the streamer sticking around. I’m having more fun now that i don’t play in a city where its life expectancy depends on a streamer


…would it still make you sick everytime you eat it?

Thanks for mentioning this @AlexxChristo …I didn’t know this worked. I wish I’d known sooner too! :laughing:


Ehm… i still do it… so how can i search? Can i see which shop where does sell this item?? Would be great!!

You can search all selling & buying stands when you’re on a planet by going into your player menu/knowledge tab, while in game (make sure “can craft” is off). There are some great 3rd party sites & apps you can search all stands in the entire metaverse:

1 https://butt.boundless.mayumi.fi/
2 Boundlexx - The Boundless Lexicon