What if anyone could buy the recipe of the Wayfarer Totem?

I just got home with a nice Wayfarer Totem bought at the Golden Fist #NotSponsored
and I wondered a few things…

How many Early Backers do you think are still playing the game?

  • • A LOT!
  • • Enough.
  • • A few…
  • • Not many…
  • • A handful…
  • • I have no idea!
  • • I have a precise idea of the number (comment below)…
  • • Ftaghn! :space_invader:

0 voters

I personally have no idea, but I don’t think there’s a lot of them still active.
So I was wondering something that I’m expecting could anger some players, which is why it’s not a straight-up suggestion, but more of a discussion.

Should the Wayfarer Totem stay available only to those who paid the Early Access option?

  • • The recipe of the Wayfarer Totem should be available in the in-game store.
  • • The Wayfarer Totem should ONLY EVER be available to the EA backers and not to the plebeians!
  • • The Wayfarer Totem should become a recipe available to all players for free.
  • • The possibility to get the recipe of the Wayfarer Totem for free should be made temporarily possible once a year.
  • • The possibility to buy the recipe of the Wayfarer Totem in the in-game store should be made temporarily possible once a year.
  • • Something else (leave a comment below)…

0 voters

As I’m myself a filthy plebeian who only joined the community a year ago #FilthyPlebeianAndProud, I’m still sure that I would’ve bought a big and juicy backer’s tier, but I unfortunately missed that window of opportunity.
Would that window re-open, I’d likely jump on it.
How about you? Let’s just assume that it’s something even remotely possible,

If there was a new funding campaign for Boundless, would you be a “late backer”?

  • • I would totally buy the most expensive backer’s option!
  • • I guess I could get a tier… maybe something in the middle?
  • • I’d get the Wayfarer Totem tier, at least.
  • • I’d show my support to Wonderstruck with the most basic tier.
  • • Nope, not spending any more money.
  • • Something else (leave a comment below)…

0 voters

Got explorer tier on the startup, and recently got the expansion from steam to get the golden fist, I wouldn’t mind paying a bit more to get fancy totems lol

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I’d personally be quite happy if, only for a week, each year during the game’s anniversary, you could buy the recipe of the Wayfarer Totem in the in-game store with real-life money.


Im the one that makes the Totems for The Golden Fist but im not the one forgeing them ;D
I make them for free and I’ve also offerd people who want them to make it for them if only they have them items for it :slight_smile:


I may not make myself popular with this but I think the early backer perks should stay just that.
It is the only thing we have to show for it apart from the bonus on plots.

I also don’t mind making the totems for anyone who needs them as long ad the materials are provided.

edit: I am proud to have found this gem early on and never doubted it was a good call to back it. Maybe you will find a new game some day where you can be early backer and be proud too.


I am a backer and I got the pioneer level. But the way I showed my support now in 1.0 is using the gleam club(Currently on strike as wonderstruck dissapointed me)

As far as the totem, as a backer I am proud that I was there and I did what I could to help the game, leaving feedback, reporting bugs even when there wasn’t any bugs(I bugged James about weather lag) so I feel proud to have something to show for my time although I didn’t expect much beyond playing this absolutely fun game still it feels really nice to hold this totem proudly. If anything I would suggest new totem versions to be released.


I’m torn because, while I’m not a backer, I am hesitant to undo backer bonuses that made those backers back the game.
However, I really want some upgraded titanium/gem + fists and all sorts of new weapons/gear maybe a totem, even. I don’t want my above statement to hold back progress. I realize not all of that directly relates but you get my drift, I think.

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I think anything that was given to EA backers as part of their packages, should stay exclusive to them, as promised.

I think it would be great if they would offer something like lucent gem totems & fists, or platinum totems and fists to the rest of the players. Let EA keep their exclusives.


Oh some more fists or different totems would be nice for sure.



I don’t think that they should release or change this, these totems are readily available which indicates to me that there are sufficient early backers still playing.

The perk was promised to be “unique” however and not “the best item in it’s class forever”.

We have an basic totem, a seasonal iron-level totem, and the backer unique titanium-level totem. I’ve seen plenty of interest in a gem totem recipe and maybe even lucent tier.

That would be great.


To be fair, I was kinda thinking of a ‘worst-case-scenario’ where EA backers were a dying breed and there was barely anybody still able to make Wayfarer Totems, like how water is rare in Mad Max. In that scenario, making the Wayfarer Totems available to the current community would make sense to me.

I personally have the Golden fist recipe, but I would absolutely not mind if it got retroactively nerfed to make way for Titanium/Gem/Umbris/Rift/Blink/Ftaghn fists.
Not sure the EA backers would all feel the same if the Wayfarer Totems suddenly became worthless because higher tiers of totems were added. But if that was to happen, I’d also be quite happy too.

On other games like World of Warcraft (for those who also play) I have weapons and armors that new players can’t get anymore because the acquisition quests/mobs have been removed years ago. Like the Mists of Pandaria legendary cloak, or the Warlords of Draenor legendary ring, and ALL their related questlines which were pretty awesome. Same with all the questlines related to the Legion artifacts or more simple things like a polearm that was available through a Burning Crusade class quest for Blood elves paladins, and many many more. I resent the devs SO MUCH for removing all this to create a feeling of elitism, which I think is unhealthy.
Knowing these things would be and have been removed brings me absolutely no joy, even though I have them. I legit feel sad for those who can’t have them, and I wish I could help these players experience these things like I did.
It’s the same reason why I hate console/PC exclusivities. I think all games and all of their content should be available to all platforms when applicable.

I’m fine with titles and portraits being exclusive things. That’s different. But in the case of Boundless, I feel like no tool/weapon should be locked only for EA backers. The Wayfarer Totem, once forged, becomes quite the versatile tool to build on a T1/T2 world. I always carry one.
If I could craft them, I’d sell a lot of them at a small price.


Adding additional tiers wouldn’t change this. If the stats don’t change, it’s not a “nerf” and plenty of players would prefer to use a level-appropriate tool. I also think that items promised as unique should stay that way.

However adding a higher level totem to a “thank you” or “late backer” package seems to make good sense.

I usually see requests for this sort of package as people hoping to get an EA-style plot percentage bonus and frankly I’m against it. The risk/reward ratio inherent in an EA package doesn’t exist any more and that amounts to a “sure thing” revenue reduction for the company over time.

New special items and cosmetics would be perfect for something like that.


I don’t think something provided special to the backers should go public. That is a breach of trust and dishonest.

However I would consider it to be fine if there were other items occasionally made available as a special purchase. But same rules, limited time offer and unique to that particular time… never to be available again. I want the game to grow and survive and I want to support it. So any content to be had I’m all for it.


This was brought up a while ago and quite a few of the still active backers were VERY against anyone being able to purchase or receive anything that resembled perks from the backer packages. I acquired a bunch of Wayfarers Totems but I just hold on to them in case the early backers disappear.

I still wish some Wayfarer Level packs would have been made available for PS4 players.


There are a lot of backers and a lot of them are died hard fans, chances of those accounts going extinct is very unlikely. In the foreseeable future at least. Me included :stuck_out_tongue:


If the EA packages had been available on all platforms, I would firmly be in the camp of them not being available now, in any circumstance.

However, as that opportunity was not available to all, I don’t see the harm in allowing current players to upgrade to one of those packages.

But I do understand that the early backers would have been told this was exclusive and rightly wish it to stay that way.

We are obviously way past this scenario, but I think a ps4 exclusive bundle at launch (on top of the deluxe bundle) would have been a reasonable thing to do.

There are so many of the existing player base that wish to give the devs their money, it would seem a shame for them not to make something available to do so.


I think it would be nice if fists and totems would be possible to craft on any material and just keep these backer and other deluxe package things are alternative model.

Because I like Wayfarer totem as general building tool and golden fist as main weapon, but those aren’t so good at very high level planets.


I say let the official release hit four years or so. After that, make some stuff available to everyone if they’re willing to cough up the :dollar::yen::euro::pound:. This gives OG backers over half a decade of countless:


“moments”, but allows everyone else to have their slice of the pie further down the road. Mo’ money for the developers, mo’ perks for everyone albeit at a gimped rate. Not talking about all perks, just things like plot bonues and special items. Levels the playing field eventually

Why not? So what? :unamused:

Not gonna happen but I just want to be able to make Wayfarer Totems and get the Art book. The 25% plot bonus would have been nice too.

You buy it, we riot!

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