What if there was a city where you could get a pre-made house?

I personally dislike trying to make furniture out of blocks.
Like, say you make a flag out of gleam, you see a flag with the colors and all. I see a surface of glowy rocks. I can’t appreciate it.
I’d rather wait for actual properly designed props made by the devs.
I’d say, in my case, it’s professional, because I’m a 3D modeler and 3D renderer. Like, I know I could do awesome furniture models myself on 3DsMax, so making primitive versions with voxel blocks kinda hurts.


do minimalist furniture the swedish one block coffee table is in fashion this year :smile: i wish they let you do what you like to do and make furniture for game
then they can just use your models worry bout other stuff

They could put a Steam-Workshop integration feature, and some kind of toolkit with the right plugins to create objects.
If it’s 3DsMax compatible, I’d use it, gladly.
Wink wink @jesshyland nudge nudge.


As long as it’s furniture why not? It’s not like furniture would make you faster or stronger or necessarily add prestige. I know we have some very creative players might get some amazing stuff out of this.

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Yeah, maybe use the steam workshop to get suggestions and we vote what gets added with credit to the artist.

Edit: That way ps4 players arent left out

I was actually planning a similar future project somewhere (not sure where yet coz its still all in my head). I wanted to recapture a small village or small town feel like what I started in Ynys Affallon in Alpha/Beta. Couple of the people I started the project with back then said they missed that feel there. But, I was a little dis illusioned with the current dire lack of interactable furniture and decorations after seeing what Portal Knights has. So I decided to pull down my present builds and retire into a storage cube waiting for QOL improvements and more decorations and furniture to come into game first.

I was actually toying with the idea of making houses in a unified style but different designs, with a strict set of colors and materials, and then advertising after that for people to come “buy” up a completed house with a mutually agreed rule (unenforceable since I can’t control another player’s action) that they need to maintain the fascade to upkeep the reason they wanted to come here for in the first place. Everything that can’t be seen from the outside is up to them to remodel as they see fit. Obviously, they can redo any gardens if there was any.

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The biggest concern I’d have regarding vertical housing areas, is the Mesh limit.

Depends on how ‘vertical’ we’re talking about. If you managed to put 512 objects in a chunk, damn, that’s no accident, then.
You’d have to build a scyscraper or something…
My main build goes all the way deep in our island and we’re barely half-way to the mesh-limit. I find it quite generous, TBH.

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Wait - the game is supposed to have another wipe? As in removal of all builds? That would be upsetting… [quote=“NerArth, post:3, topic:33902”]

No no no, not at all, it was just a joke because of the 400-posts-long thread about a wipe.
Bad @Xaviien ! Bad joke!


Not sure what quoting one word of my unrelated reply has to do with anything… :thinking:

And I believe @Xaviien was making a joke, but I could be wrong.

One of my first posts - sorry. I didn’t mean to quote anything. Just freaked out at the idea of a wipe!

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Progress in being done on the sewers :

These tunnels will connect to a public stone/copper/iron mine.

And they’re connected to the basement of the first house.

I’m working towards connecting them to the second house (which still needs some work).

Once the devs resolve the issues with the Buffer Zones, I’ll build about 2 new houses.

If we haven’t finished the second house yet, it’s mostly because we’ve shifted our time on making an aquaduct connecting the Sanctuary to the Town. We’re getting there! :smiley:
Love how we can see the marble monolith in the background behind the tree leaves. :3


I like the idea, I could rent an apartment depending on its price …

The current plan is to make these houses free.


Here’s the current progress on the houses :

We’re at 4 houses mostly done, and 2 others on their way.
Some still have to be connected to the sewers, some don’t have all their features yet.

We’re getting there, slowly!

As a reminder, the current plan for each house is to be given for free to some nice players, and they are all planned to feature :

  • 2 sets of Workbenches (1 set will feature 1500 power)
  • 1 set of Refinery
  • 5 crafting tables
  • 5 shop stands
  • 5 baskets
  • 3 titanium furnaces
  • 8 spark generators
  • At least 24 storage shelves
  • Basement with sewer access
  • Ground floor with crafting equipment
  • First floor for future furniture update
  • Roof possibly for un-optimized farming?

What features do you think we should add? Keep in mind we currently add these features to every houses at our own expense, so maybe don’t ask for all machines. ^^


Im on Raxxa Currently so will certainly check it out it be cool to be part of a city

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This about made me quit boundless again if true lmfao I just came back and if my build I just finished got wiped I’d be out lmfao

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Haha i wouldnt be best pleased either, but James confirmed recently that they have no plans to wipe :slight_smile:

I think it’s a good idea. But most people want to build there own place. Even if it doesn’t look good.
I want my city to look like everything belongs but I’ve got a few that definitely don’t. Lol.
I’ve actually got 3 cabins I’ve let people use in the past as well.

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