What is the worst thing you have done?

So guess what happened to me… So I learned what happens when you have 2 people plotting one build. And you think to your self Humm I should reclaim all my other person so all the plots will be on my main. GREAT IDEA! That’s what I thought. Biggest mistake I have ever done. My friend tells me ummm what’s wrong with your shop… I cried :joy:

So tell me what’s the worst thing you have done in boundless that you felt like you could cry. Don’t make me feel like I am the only one who has had this happen to :joy:


Oh, no!! I’m sorry to hear that! I’ve ashed stuff by accident before. I don’t know what the worst thing I ever did was. I know the friend I play with used to bomb our build all the time not knowing bombs killed blocks as well as creatures! There were always random holes in our build. :laughing: Took us literally months to figure out why. :rofl:


The thing I remember is this:

If you want to visit that thread you can look at pics of my old base after I blew it up with a massive damage bomb.


So, way long ago, before reclaim was a thing, I unplotted before I tore down. In the process of tearing down I fell and had very little health, so I threw a healing bomb. Except it wasn’t. So I finished clearing it sooner than I expected.


@MrsStar im really sorry to hear it, let me know if you need any help :slight_smile:

i almost lost my workshop yesterday, built it on my alt and forgot to check remaining fuel at beacon, at evening friend told me that they fueled my beacon, im really happy :slight_smile: i now there is no loss with reclaim system but i like my workshop as it is :smiley:
i even made myself a stick note ant stuck it to shelf above display:

you have alts, check them sometimes <<<


After the first few events we had I decided to replot my storage on antar…. And apparently had forgotten to replot my event storage. I lost what we had collected with the 3 of us…. It seemed a lot back then (it’s nothing in comparison now :joy:)


Oh no, I would just cry my eyes out. It’s the worst thing to see your build in ash.
Call me if you need help.


You are the only one. Use the next hour to continue reflecting on that :ok_man::rofl:.

Me? No, I only bombed my own house trying to dig a basement :laughing:


Nothing very bad really. But i remember two mistakes i did in the past when i played with my family.
We had permission to each others beacons and our plots bordered against each other. So we could see each others plots colors. One day one of my brothers thought i had a lost extra plot where i believe he wanted to expand. My color was violet. So i tried deplotting it. It didnt work. Figured out it must appear violet because he and my other brother had red and blue plots that mixed into a violet. It was already late and on a quick look i didnt see anything wrong with my place. Not knowing that one can deplot from such a far distance! Next day i was missing machines and advanced power coils :woman_facepalming: i was a little mad back then, as we tried everyone to get the coins together to upgrade our machines.

Other mistake was, listening to my family that i shall give a stranger permissions to my house because he wants to help out. No not that he took something or so. In the end he was a good guy. But he tore down a whole bunch of my house that i was building up. He wanted to support with prestige mainly and i got some machine coils, so i shouldnt complain. But my house didnt look at all like mine anymore. I hated it. I couldnt stop him and tell him what he shall not do. He would just do things and not even telling me what hes gonna do. After i was actually literally crying :laughing: my house wasnt my house anymore. I was proud of what i achieved. I was thinking of quitting even we havent been playing for long that time. I needed to pull my strength together. I didnt quit but i tore down the complete house step by step. And build a new one. A bigger one. In my style.


Rumors say, this is also the reason i couldn’t ever finish a house after anymore. Trauma response :laughing:


Worst thing that “I had done” kinda, it was more my wife but we lost half our city of midguard on delta cancret, because her beacons ran out 3 days earlier than I thought they would have, i logged in to double check and get her to login to refill (i didn’t have permissions) and it was all gone. This was less than 5weeks before reclaim was added to the game so it was a bit of a blow. (Reclaim was on testing server at the time i believe).

She hasn’t gotten back into the game like she was back then, even though that is no longer an issue (and i bankrolled most of the things she bought at the time). She’s not a very social player though so the friendly community runs her off more now than the loss of the city :rofl:


Mine too was totally of my own doing and poor judgment…

I ran a successful mall way back in the day and had built up quite a bit of Oort (I continually bought Oort with my profits). Almost everyone I played with had quit the game long before. So, I finally threw in the towel as well and gave 200 - 300 million c of Oort to a buddy I had played with since basically day 1 who had just come back to the game. Yep, you can see it coming…totally gaslighted me since. Ouch.


A few years ago, when I was supposed to be in charge of Chiseltown, I kind of messed up with the beacons setup. That’s how most of Chiseltown disappeared :sob:. Today there’s only the Guildhall left. My mistake.


My mistake demonstrates that no good deed goes unpunished.
In one of my early guilds, one of my guildmate’s beacons was about to expire. This was before reclaim.
It was due to expire about 8 p.m. on Halloween night 2019. I sent multiple messages warning this player to no avail. I was gone to a party and got home about 1 a.m. Logged in, checked the build and it had been raided.
I plotted it to save what was left and went to bed. Got up the next day to messages demanding the return of it. So, told them I was logging on, deleted the beacon and logged off.
When I got on next, it was to messages from the guild master. I was kicked from the guild for stealing from a guild mate.
In hindsight, I should have left it alone and let the world reclaim it.


Forgot to fuel my beacon in the Valhalla Mall


What is the worst thing you have done? I’m going to tell you and hopefully the subject of my confession does not see this

When I was playing a lot I loved to Hunt. But not meteors - instead I hunted expired beacons and loved every second of it. I piled up millions upon millions of coin and hundreds or thousands of every type of item without ever selling or crafting anything.

I never felt bad about any of them except one and it is the worst thing I have done. I had luke-warm relationship with a near by resident who had a massive super base. One day I logged into the game and noticed his plots were no longer showing up on the map.

I got super excited and ran to grab about half a dozen hammers and axes and hustled over and began raiding away. It took forever, the place was huge. I was so nervous thinking he was going to pop up any second or that some other player was going to come over the hill and see what I was doing. :fearful:

The base was enormous and his shop stands were full of tens and hundreds of thousands in coin. I took everything of value and then it dawned on me. He had another super base on a different planet! I became euphoric as I wondered if he filled all his beacons at the same time. Could the other base’s beacon have expired?!?!? :thinking:

It had! WOW, I could not believe it. But hold on. There was an orange icon on the compass at the base. It wasn’t green so I knew it wasn’t the owner. As I walked toward the player he must have thought felt a deep sense of shame because they turned and ran like wind and suddenly disappeared. :rofl:

I would not have time to run back and forth between planets and I did not want to set up a portal that would lead to me being identified. I went half a planet away and made and quickly made a loot cave deep in the ground that I could get to easily from the sanctum.

Like the first base, looting this one took hours and the entire time my heart is beating out of my chest as I am thinking he will show up any second, or someone will see me, or even the other pirate will come back lurking. :worried: I got away clean with hundreds of thousands more items and coin. WHOO-HOO!!! :partying_face:

A short time later he is back and struggling to communicate with his PS4 controller. He informs me his base was raided “and they took everything.” I was super nervous as I could tell the conversation was part hello, part telling me the news, and part interrogation. It seemed like he would never leave.

It was crazy nerve racking knowing that he is standing there fishing for information with all his looted goods were behind a locked door just a couple plots away from where we were standing. :fearful: :cold_sweat:

That is by far the worst thing I have done. The life of a Pirate! So much fun!


Before reclaim, myself and another player used to go on daily raids, looking for expired beacons. We’d bookmark smoking ones to check back on.
Once came across a big shop, multi-level. We were raiding it when someone showed up and said that it belonged to his friend who was in the hospital and that we needed to stop. We both did laugh emoji’s and continued.
So he ran off, grabbed a beacon and plotter and started plotting it. Until that point, it never occurred to me to plot an expired build. Every raid after that, we’d plot the expired build and then loot at our leisure.

We started this a couple weeks after the events of my previous post.


honestly, i was corious if anyone mention raiding before reclaims,
im not going to say anything about it, i know it was a thing when i started playing :slight_smile: thing i never understand was - how did you knew beacon is expiiring?


I also did some expired beacon hunting early on with the friend that introduced me to the game in November 2018. That was his favorite thing to do. We never got a huge amount out of it though.

@Zjawcia You can tell if a beacon is about to run out of fuel if it is smoldering/smoking without a fire anymore.


What’s the worst thing I have done?
On my T3 hunt there was several meteors spawning in. I said to everyone regroup. Little did I know one was landing directly on our position. I dodged out of the way but it took out about 6/8 (I think) of the group :rofl: I was silently hoping no one noticed my faux pas but nope I got ripped for it. Now everyone has PTSD when I say regroup on hunts as they run away from me or look up frantically :laughing::rofl:

Not my finest moment but it was sure as hell a great laugh :rofl: (I did genuinely feel bad btw)