What new update would you like to have?

Also add a message and friend request section via beacons. It’s too hard to try and link up with people to organise hand trades and setup lock perms for service orders.
@james :wink:


Uh oh it sounds like Titan are like the magic triceretops from the Pugnacia ARK mod (my fave)–maybe this is a common game boss archetype, ARK is the only game I’ve been able to deep dive into mods enough to start noticing archetypes. Maybe I’ll have rad skillz by the time the Titans show up ;D

re updates:

I want text–like the coin in trading stands–to always stand out from its background, and I would like the compass directions to float high enough to be clear of the indicators for critters oortians builds portals etc along the compass line. My eyes aren’t great but I think these are both hard to see for anybody–unless it’s just b/c I’m on a Mac…

Pets and ships sound delicious too.

Have you tried one of the newish for boons? There’s one for clear weather, I love it no more hazy day blues.

Any updates at all, be they a “blog update” to know how progress is going, or an update to the game.

Though if I had to say something in particular? Fishing, or refinement of existing content.

Well the majority already in other posts:
Chat system working a whole lot better & Smooth. So the default isn’t to go discord for the smallest of things.
Dungeons, Titans, The Hunter.

Proper Forged Item Tooltip - I remember them being much better back when forging was first added… but I could be wrong. But a severe improvement there, I mean it is hard enough already to be a forger… but having to sort the forged items there as well -…-

But what I can think of randomly right now:
Ability to move the ingame menu placements… 37,5" widescreen… the menus all the way to the side… yeah after an hour or two of managing crafting… my poor neck & eyes… let us place menu’s opening location where we want.

Oort-Weather Station… ingame craftable object to place, and it display an animation of sorts when something happening on your planet, or x blinks away… like etc… the cough titans available to warp to. or treature hunt of sort, track down the treasure node. trails in the sky, like from the comets and treature.

or above mentioned weather station… spawns a warp augment for an event planet for a limited time event… treature hunting and then end that planet


Good stuff

mini game elements - some simple interactive stuff (buttons, pressure plates, item dispensers, 1 way doors, traps) and beacon specific settings (grapple / light epic on/off, specific skill page)

NPCs - various races, depending on planet type, they move into beacon and do jobs if requirements are met and if they are treated kindly (housing, food, preferred materials, room to move…)

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  • A known release date and/or progress
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An update to the company policy that brings the devs back to being active. And for them to use some of that Sov money to hire a GM/Community Manager, So we can get regular offical responses and updates while the devs focus on the dev related parts of the game.


They do have at least one community manager.

I…genuinely don’t know why they don’t really interact on here. It makes me anxious, not gonna lie. :pensive:

If they do, then that person has been asleep at the wheel.

As far as I am concerned, A dev is not a Community Manager. A dev is not a GM.

And it seems that everyone who works for boundless, is a Dev or other worker who’s job is to work on th game, If there was a Community manager who’s job was just handling the Community, then there would not be this month long silence.

at this stage I would enjoy any update, even pants :nerd_face: :wink:


I would love hundreds of different textiles that we can apply like a overlay to any block. We could transform our builds into so many different styles. For one example I’m building a underground wrecked spaceship for my factory. I would to be able to skin it with cool futuristic patterns.


When you look at a portal and it loads for it to tell you the cords it leads too


New hunting update ( more mobs)

Also i would like To have some sort of class system… Like some serious one. Not like “i do 10 alts and i can do everything”. Merchants. Hunters… Some meaningful skills that boost certain class up… Would take like 20 skill points Or so.

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■■■■■, but not the kind that are censored.

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colour coding and naming all tools :hammer_and_wrench:
I’ve been looking for one of my liquid breakers for half an hour now


Hmm the update i would like to have…
is the compact oort fuel update that will eventually come out.

that’s it. im fine otherwise with what’s out. The old me mentioned many things but the current me is wiser and enjoys whats out.

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I’d like to be able to plot active meteors to keep them active forever as mob spawners.


@Cactopod that is an amazing idea.