What turns you off playing Boundless?

What really turns me off with playing boundles… the high electricity bill at the end of the month


What turns me off? RSI

Seriously, I haven’t been able to build in weeks due to RSI and it’s the worst!

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Having to go to work :frowning:


Or go to bed when you finally start :sleeping: in your chair… but a T7 popped and you’ve GOT to get some more lucents!! :grin:

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As a new player I’ve been really overwhelmed by the sheer volume of craftables and how you need multiple items that you have no idea how to get just so you can craft the next machine. I know now that there’s a knowledge tab but it’s all still terribly overwhelming. I wish there was some kind of new user guide. If I hadn’t have met Jenny, Frizz, and Rusty and had them help me out I’m not sure I would’ve stuck it out.


My vote is for @majorvex. She is fair and helps settle disputes.


You could just put it on ignore so that you don’t see it. Then it’s not an issue for you. :+1:

Things that turn me off playing boundless:

Power outages
Internet outages
PSN outages
Controller out of batteries
Projector bulb broken


I think this is one of the reasons why new people quit after a week or less. They face this level of frustration and are overwhelmed. I try to find as many new players as possible and help them out, but can only do so much.

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Thank you, but I think Boundless is a great sandbox game where everyone should be able to build what they want to. No limits. I think the more malls, towns, etc that there are, the better Boundless is :blush:

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I hope the next PS5 controller has something better than a watch battery this time :laughing:


So hype for the announcements today

Do you guys have a dev kit yet? @rossstephens

Unfortunately not, they are a bit hard to get a hold of right now. Because of Covid we are all working remotely too, meaning testing on the PS4 a bit of a pain and we have to do remote access. We are coping tho just like every other studio in these tough times.


I’d say a major part of the experience is interacting with other people. When people come together to form a goal, the overcoming of obstacles, and the feeling of accomplishment when your team finishes something. For me, that’s the fun part! Just being involved with things in general. Once you have a nice big build, a decent shop, and some coin… the only thing really left “end game” is helping out others and being involved with things that are happening. Unfortunately, that doesn’t suit every person and what they look for in a game when they play, which is why I think a lot of the more veteran people “run out of things to do”.


Oh noooooo

Will it at least be possible to have better draw distance and FPS on ps5 at launch?

Tell us who at Sony to write to get you dev kits!!!


A big thanks to you all for your work too, through this - I figured that must be really tough on you all, having to do it all remotely… your work very much appreciated, more than ever you are providing a great escape for us! :slight_smile:


Yes, she is. @majorvex is a woman who is not apprehensive about sharing her opinion. I wish there were more like her. I do not always concur with her but she tells people what she thinks. At times she defended some character(s) on this forum who others have determined should never be defended. And she of course promotes the game like no other. Good qualities for a moderator. My only grievance and it may have nothing to do with her is all the absurd and brainless flagging of opinions.

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@majorvex and @Stretchious cannot validate flags. Only devs can do that so it isn’t them. The forums works on a weighted trust system. Its easier for a trusted member to flag an untrusted one. For example, I only really flag for naming and shaming, but many times those who are doing it are new so it instantly hides their post.


There were more. But they got browbeaten into apprehension.


Well it is defective in my opinion. Some of the flags I see on here are bizarre and laughable. But whatever.