So I recently started this game expecting it to be simply a better looking minecraft mmo like systems. While I love some of the mechanics, the game can look amazing, and it definitely looks like it has the long term potential, there are a few turn offs for me.
The starter planet IMO is super annoying. The planet has many obvious chunks that are square or round-ish surrounded by deep caverns filled with water. So it is both annoying to traverse and equally annoying to find a place you want to build. All trees are too tall and yeah I know the grapple is a thing but when I am just starting gathering hundreds of trunks to build various tools, my home, and so on, its very frustrating. At least in minecraft you could gather all of a trees logs easily except for the super large jungle trees and such. On top of this there is no decay as such leaves just sit there floating. If you remove the trunk of a tree the leaves should decay and fall on the ground for you to pick up with a chance to drop food. I have not seen a way to grow trees either.
Limited Skill Points on Pages and forced multiple characters is also a huge turn off. I am not as upset about limited skill points in pages. It wouldnt be fair if you could do everything with a single skill page. However I should be able to have enough skill pages to be able to do everything on a single character. The amount of xp required for just level 50 is already pretty crazy, and you expect people to grind for skill points in a second page as well? Xp past 40 and beyond is too high & Xp is very boring to get. I cant build a mob grinder like in minecraft to get xp easily for a high upfront cost and i doubt i could manipulate mob spawning conditions to my advantage to make a pseudo mob farm ( like mining an entire “chunk” of land to mantle, putting a roof ao its pitch dark to force enemy spawns and using water or something to funnel enemies that spawn into a central point to manually kill).
Building. These games are all about building and expressing your creativity at the core. Thats why its called boundless. But if you want to do that you need an alt. I dont know why not everyone can just build any decorative blocks they want or chisel anything they want. Could I make a shop and try to get coins doing something else in order to buy the stuff I want sure (pretty sure you cant buy anything chiseled though) but that requires people having what I want, them having enough of it for my needs, and me being able to get enough coins. Its a very tedious system forcing alts which just isnt fun.
I really like the game and theres various decisions I really enjoy. However the multiple character limitations on top of the insane xp scaling requirements, and limited pages is really killing my desire to invest my time.
Well if you need help, hit me up in game and I’ll come and help or just sit and answer whatever questions you have. You can reach me on Aenar or Nyantu.
One of my favorite things to do is help new players. No Joke.
If you want, you can message me your coordinates or post them here and I’ll stop by.
There are multiple starter planets. Beckon is definitely I’d say one of the hardest to start on though and can have a negative effect on the new player experience in my opinion. Moving from beckon was one of my best decisions in the game for my sanity and enjoyment.
I’ve been playing just over a week and I started on Beckon too I think. Almost quit the game there and then. No joke of a lie, I got stuck in the water for about 10 minutes lol. Luckily I found a portal hub, got off that planet and never went back. I’m on Alder now and it’s so much better.
It seriously makes me wonder if the devs can somehow fix it. Like switch it to T2 planet so people are less likely to start on it. Or just make it so people can’t start on it at all even though it’s a T1 planet just don’t allow people to start on it. I genuinely think all the cliffs make it almost impossible to Travers without a grapple which any new player won’t have.
That’s another thing. I make it a point to give a diamond grapple to all new players. About the only thing that I don’t feel bad about giving out. Then they’re free to explore the worlds without holding back.
Lovely idea, but I don’t see it happening. But as I said, if you want help or need questions answered, I can come by and help. Or just get you off world to another place.
The censorship of the forum by a sector of the community and the permissibility of developers in this situation.
This would not matter to me if this forum was not almost essential to play the game at 100%, because we do not have an in-game space for trade announcements or events.
We depend too much on the forum and I don’t like the forum environment at all. It turns me off a lot from playing booundless, honestly.
I agree. I liked it better before when people were more poorly behaved but there was less of an iron fist of censorship pressing down on us (seriously). The censorship is a huge turn off.
the lack of censorship (what I would call moderation) would be a turn off for a lot of players, myself included.
There have been some truly vile things said by now banned players that needed taking out of our conversations here.
this is a forum for all ages and all types and there are codes of conduct for this reason.
There should be no expectation of free speech and certainly no reason why misguided or egotistic agitators should be allowed to constantly hammer a point home.
manners make the poster.
restraint and empathy are worth considering when posting.
moderation, even with CoCs, can be subjective though as human beings are carrying out so it can be a blurry line sometimes but if that is the price to be paid then I think that is a price worth paying.
I know this post might be against the spirit of this thread so will delete if needed…just thought I’d have my 2 cents.
since so many people have issues with the starter planets, perhaps it would be better for them to develop a planet selection option when you first start, with a basic description and challenge u may face on the planet.
My personal annoyance with boundless is minor, but its the farming system, the way planets grow at uneven speeds, and exo worlds are needed for allot of really useful building materials turns me off playing till those exo planets i specifically need show up