What turns you off playing Boundless?

This I agree with. However, there’s way too much censorship of people being rude, which bleeds into censorship of opinions people disagree with.

That said, people being rude and personal attacks and pile ons deter lots of people from the forums. I will admit that I’m impressed people didn’t throw a fit in Spartan’s “new player thoughts” thread. I was scared for her (seriously). She seems so nice :blush:

In closing, I have no idea what the solution is. I think that it should take at least 3 flags to hide a post (currently a single flag from a “high reputation” flagged will hide a post), since a lot of people feel hurt when their innocuous posts are hidden instantly by the flag police, and then they stop participating in the forums.

Even when it’s well intentioned topic renaming and re-categorizing it can be irritating. Interestingly I’d say (for me at least) serious renaming bothers me while joke renaming is fun. The forums don’t have to be 1000% perfectly organized.

Also perhaps limit people to one post per minute within the same thread, so they have to think a second before getting into a back and forth.

Though I now realize this thread has become massively off topic! Here I’ll connect it: the forums nastiness turns me off from the game boundless sometimes.


Probably shouldn’t mention any player though …do agree people are way to sensitive. After all its only a game


“What turns you off to playing Boundless”

No titans, no gear/armor, no other races, no progression outside of the crafting trees. Not a large enough player base, No goals keeping me in the game, etc.

I don’t hate the game, but it turned out far differently than I expected. at first i was expecting a prettier minecraft, then it started shifting more towards a Minecraft MMORPG, but many of those aspects never came, other than the online part with micro-transactions.

I know private worlds are a thing but not the way I was hoping/expecting. I was hoping for an offline or 3rd party hosted server that could be my own (not extra cost) planet/solar system to play the game free of micro-transactions.


i was thinking. there needs to be more plots a level. i’ve been super limited all my boundless time with very little plots. i have 2 120 plot projects, and a 20 plot superstore all planned out but no plots.

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255 different colors is quite nice, but I honestly never use some of them. And some are just horrid as is. Never cared for oxide grey, but it makes a beautiful gunmetal grey marble.

Agree on the sensitive issue. Had an issue with a few people that escalated into leaving guild and moving on. And then getting told that I’m the reason why they’re quitting.
My response is usually, “Okay. Bye Felica. :+1:


There is local creative mode that you can host a few planets on if you computer can support the RAM usage. There are posts on how to set it up.

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I stopped playing after the color saturation was taken away from us

I love your game very much, but until the rich color returns, I will not return

Fueling portals


I personally was fan of EA colors and how lighting was made there.
Really miss it.
It was kinda smoother i would say.
Only how lighting and colors were shown in EA it gave me some fantasy vibes


@james Or maybe add one of the old pre-release planets? For example Solum, she was beautiful
only now Tier 6, full of dangers

If I go back, I’ll drag a lot of people back


I imagine we’ll see some creative planets with the EA palettes. I’m excited!

Too bad we can’t harvest gleam from Neo Vulpto


True Red Gleam :thinking:
Was back then in EA a real treat :+1: :+1:


I’m all for Neo Vulpto as long as Red Gleam isn’t as absurdly rare


Having to go outside the game to play the game efficiently.

Item / price finder works game wide but knowledge tab is current world only

PLACE filters are inconsistent between different points of access.

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There really needs to be an ability to search beacons and places when warping.


If we could bring some old planets back… my vote would go to elopor or epsilo (cannot remember wich one had those sweet lantern tree/brick structures)


That was Elopor.

And Yes Yes Yes to everything you just said.

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Being overwhelmed by my own projects.


A youtube video showing Vulpto is what convinced me to play Boundless. Imagine my surprise when after I was ready to explore other worlds, I couldn’t find this one.
It wasn’t until I came to the forums that I realized it was from the Beta(?)…
I honestly don’t see why they didn’t keep those worlds and just do a wipe so you can play them anew…

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