The way I read it is u can’t do solo without learning everything because it’s almost impossible to learning everything and on top of that I don’t have time
the way i see it
that seems the biggest problem or else it would have been achievable
boundless takes away a lot of time for sure
I never realized you were a solo player. Congratulations! You have done amazing things in the game and proven it is possible.
thank you kindly, but it comes at a cost of using up time but yeah i solo mine and farm i dont do hunts or have ‘‘farms myself’’ my source of income comes from pure hardcore mining and farming and then buy whatever is needed to maintain, im also working very efficient when it comes to hub maintaining not to open to many portals that lead kind of to the same direction, thats where most people get in trouble, its better to open to 1 that has the least blinksecs and also to another hub or portal area
but now that i have my girlfriend with me since last month she helps me now when it comes to regen farming so thats at least less work haha
also here’s a little update on time lol
Not sure where to post this, if a mod knows a better spot, feel free to move it!
So I saw this article this morn, amd immediately thought of @bucfanpaka and others who have touted the need for more advertisement and support for Boundless. We all knew some of the limitations of console, many being policy-related, not technical limitations. I had no idea it was quite THIS bad tho, poor devs
Forbes: Dev Details Sony’s Frustrating Rules For Discounts And Promotion On PlayStation.
Boundless was promoted by Sony because that is how I found it. It was featured on a PS4 main page a couple years ago. But yeah not much since then.
all these updates turn me off cant take it anymore
So what kind of bass ackwards damage control was in charge of deleting this video from YouTube?
The same video is on the Playstation store; the character models sold me. I especially like official screenshot #3 featuring the groundbasher…
Are games with intentionally broken trophies is a no-go on PSN? ■■■■, if I knew I’d be an awkward, ballsnaked, stone-like creature… I probably wouldn’t have purchased the game in the first place.
This is some big mac in the bag ■■■■, and I’ve had my fill. Who should I lodge a formal complaint with to get my money back? Sony?
@tarranth What yt channel was this trailer from?
It is worse if you got to play with the models from the trailer for a year or more and then got them taken away.
Ye… Modernizing aint always better…
Example minecraft.
I wish I could remember. It was the first one I saw back in the day (June 5th, 2019) that initially drew me in.
The video had been up for nearly 3 years…but as soon as I linked it to here, it was taken down. I find that strange…
I can only imagine so.
I could refer this with counter strike… Especially transform from 1.6 To source. Block graphics vs smoother ones.
Took me many years until i tried source cause i played 1. 5 and 1.6 so long.
I have been on a Boundless break for about a couple of months or so. What would definitely bring me back in a hurry would be customizable textured blocks. Boundless is a beautiful game but variety is the spice of life. So I guess modding is my futile request.
Actually, you know what turns me off playing Boundless (kind of, but not really, it more turns OTHER people off) … it’s trolls landing in the steam forums going “dead game.”
Like … even if it IS … who the ■■■■ are you helping? No-one.
I’d say its a fairly poorly worded and effortless attempt to warn people from potentially spending money on a game in decline.
Might not be a fair representation but neither would a glowing review about how busy and awesome everything is
Busy no … awesome is dependent on who you ask.
Yes I would just say great people pretty good graphics, good content but it does take a while between updates
I would say that 90% of the time that reasoning would be disingenuous … it’s done to be an ass, and to get the brain chemicals flowing again.
I’ll be generous and say that perhaps … just perhaps … it’s 5% of the reasoning in their subconsciousness when typing it out, though.
I say the more people who buy it the more likely we will get more updates