Where are the colors?

What about some glitched type exos that look horrendous but that’s what they are supposed to look like :pleading_face:

It maybe fun


I absolutely agree here. I’d rather have a ton of attractive world’s that look slightly similar than having them be entirely random.

Maybe for T8 exos there can be a totally random option. Since clearly the Tier makes the world’s terrain and colors more unique, maybe make a T8 with rainbow colors to make it look absolutely crazy. This would,

  1. Appease the people who can’t stop complaining about wanting more colors


  1. Show people how absolutely ugly the planets they’re asking for are.

Thanks for the explanation on the color spawns though I’m glad to hear that on the scale of a few hundred planets you got a good variety. That’s what I like to know.


Yeah. Nice to know we only need to wait another 2-3 years to get to see almost all the colors.


Also please keep in mind that beauty is a subjective thing and what you find ugly other can find beautiful. For example, I cannot stand warm yellow/silk yellow planets/light yellow boundless colors. I find them extremely ugly. I’d rather have colors don’t seem to fit together than having those 3 anywhere. But other people seem to be using them and that’s fine. To each their own


Theoretically the way James just told us about the spawning of colors, you shouldn’t have to wait 2-3 years. I’d assume enough people will get rentals that we will see all the colors, or at least almost all of them that are worth waiting for, within a year. Maybe 2? But I feel it can’t be too long once rentals come out.

Although, personally, I’d be happy to wait 2-3 years for all the colors to come out. However it seems I’m part of a minority on this opinion.


I’m not really one to care about colors but it feels like this whole thing would be easily solved by allowing sprays to be able to change the tint of any tintable block…

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I think a bit of the trouble with colors revolves around player agency. Creating a beautiful build and being inspired by the colors of the game is a big part of what we enjoy.

When I saw Shadow Cerulean Gleam after a gleambow event !! ZOMG I wanted to use it all the time…but I have no control or ability to really get that color gleam. We have had several gleambow events…and even with buying it…I don’t have nearly enough.

Keep in mind, my current build uses over 13 SS of gleam in it and as I grow the build, I would need more. I am not building something garish:

Builds just use a lot of gleam.

That along with the revelation that after (almost) 2 years we have only access to 30 - 40% of the colors of blocks:

Many of us thought that Rental Planets might be the solution. I could buy a world, choose the colors and BAM have that Shadow Cerulean gleam. It appears that is not going to happen.

I don’t know the solution if not rental planets.

For me it is Shadow Cerulean Gleam, for someone else it is Orange Clay. I don’t know a way to systematically change it so that as players we can get what we INDIVIDUALLY want without flooding the universe with colors.

I hope that all makes sense :slight_smile: I’m sure ya’ll will find a solution!


I appreciate this explanation of the system. And I can agree attractive worlds are much needed in a game like this. But I also don’t see anything wrong with an ugly world from time to time. Like just turn off the recipe and lets see what kind of crazy stuff we can get. Maybe even tie it into like some weekly/bi-weekly event we can look forward to for tons of new colors.


This was done briefly, just before launch when they were testing the world generation system… While I think the truth of this matter is somewhere between James’ concern for aesthetics and this thread’s call for variety, I will testify that a few of the worlds were absolutely vile.

Like, PAINFUL. Headache-inducing.

If you’re really curious as to what they looked like, you can recreate the look and feel of it in the comfort of your home.

World-Gen Mix

5kg Neapolitan Ice Cream
4 Supreme Pizzas
1 Unicorn

Blend all ingredients on high for 2 minutes and then throw the contents of the blender all over your kitchen floor.

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We will find that one block of gleam someday on that planet :crazy_face:

How sweet it would be if they found a couple empty spots on sochaltin and added some gleam spots. Night azure would be a nice colour to build with.
In reality the only colours I care about on exos are the gleam.


I really like the Night Azure gleam! I’ve used all I could scrape together to add some eerie lighting to my hidden maze-like caves under my citadel.


Well I’m pretty sure night azure will be available as a gleam color for the sovereign world. It’s the closest to black we can get so I assume a couple people might spring for it!


It is supposedly in the color pallet, so you should be right. Now if we could just get all the foliage colors in there.

some hidden treasure…


WHERE??? you found it! ALL HAIL @catfud

It’s been a couple of days since I started this thread, time to update it by giving you some more information about how the different colors we have had in the exoworlds we encountered.

First, a table that I made using data from a spreadsheet that contains all the resources and their colors. You can see that some colors are really favored by the “RNG” system that is being used.

next is a chart containing the metamorphic rock colors from the exo worlds. Please note that some of these are also present on permanent worlds.

This is still a work in progress and was meant to answer questions that I was asking myself. I was thinking that others would maybe like to see this.


Yeah this. I’m not a fan of the restricted palette allowable for certain planet types, like Umbris for instance, always in the red/orange range. I get why, umbris is in the same range and makes it less easy to spot but I would be ok to let that design idea go and open up more different colours. Next time I want an all blues umbris, haha, and add an atmosphere that makes sure that umbris looks like the blues…

Yup, would be lovely it was opened up a bit more, especially since we mostly get T5+! T4 exos can have a much bigger range in colours and I would love that to happen to the T5+ as well!

One new colour each at a minimum each week for any kind of item. Still means it’s gonna take a while before we have all the colours. There are like 35 rock colours currently? So 4 and a half years before we get all 255…

And yes, with rentals the chances go up tho! Perhaps we should wait to see how that goes, perhaps the devs have made some changes in that regard or have plans for it soon’ish but they wanna see what happens with the rentals first with new colours…

I do also still feel that the lucents need to have more uses, or the existing ones should be changed since currently when I see another umbris with all red/orange colours I go ‘meh’ and skip it. Been ahwile since I went to an exo! hehe


My two cents for what its worth. After returning from a reasonable layoff I must say Im surprised by the lack of new colors (well rock anyhow cause thats what I farm) that the Exos have thrown out. Watching eagerly to see what effect Sovereign worlds has on this…


I’m so sick and tired of all the color scarcity ;p


You’d think with over 280 new planets we would have seen a little more variety show up.

I’m hoping a lot of new planet owners, treat this first planet as a “tester” - let it expire and get a new one next month. If enough of us spend on turning over new planets rather than fuelling old ones, maybe we’ll be able to get the whole community some new colours to play with. :slight_smile:

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