Where no one has gone before

You bring up a good point with Viceroy. :thinking: If anybody wants that achievement, shoot me a PM - I can make sure you get it easily, I’ve got a few temps with very little prestige I can open up to claiming. :wink: (I’d just open those up and post the names publicly but wouldn’t want several people trying on the same one at once by chance, and would rather on those only open to claiming as long as needed so people don’t claim and build on them thinking they’re sticking around)


'million bucks for the Viceroy position, step right up :stuck_out_tongue:

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I got mine in pre-release, so don’t know if it’s possible now on private planets.

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It is, got mine that way. :smiley: Which is good as I tried making runs on several other planets before that but I’m just waayyy too slow a builder and got overtaken each time so gave up. :joy: That said, I do have plans to enlarge the very lower level underneath my Alcyon hub… might go for it there too, I’m about halfway on what would be needed now to get it.

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the steam version of boundless had a testing phase with different world types before the release. And i think this worlds counted to the the achievement counter from steam.

That is why i think this list is not complete and it is possible maybe that steam player can reach this achievement before the playstation players. but i am not sure if this is correct, because i had a break from boundless during the release time from this testing worlds.

so it could be possible without this tool

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The final version (current version) of the universe started right before the official release, back then backers where able to get the achievements because there were fewer players. Me for example, got it because I became the Mayor of Sunken City (for those that remember that city) and at that time had the highest prestige.

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Honestly, if we’re not restricting ourselves to the live/main MMO, I think it’s obtainable even now in testing since players can generate their own worlds with currently non-existing combinations? I haven’t tried using that though, so not sure if that’s possible. This also depends on the achievement triggers.
I know that even without the tool, it’s possible for players to manipulate the game files in certain ways to allow obtaining achievement ‘legitimately’.
For example, in CSGO, some achievements aren’t obtainable anymore due to a map update, but if you replaced that map with an older version you downloaded from the workshop, you still can get the achievement normally.

Of course people don’t understand that when @georgegroeg revives people they are technically ZOMBIES and not actual Boundless people anymore. I’m not sure if that is a good or bad thing yet.


Hahaha. You can never have enough zombies in the Reaper army. :joy:


Just stand by your reaper trials and watch the poor tubios perish for a couple of hours :laughing:

Edit: Fixed typo because Boundmore bullied me :sob:


must be a new challenge :wink:


I do agree that all the achievements should be possible to get, and wouldn’t mind if new ones were added as new updates are launched. :slight_smile:

That being said, if you need help getting the 500 revives achievement, just go to a T7 hunt with a healer skill page - I burned through almost 250 revives on the last T7 hunt I went on - that’s half the achievement right there!


Holy Shark Repellant Batman! That’s a lot of augments! Nearly 27 stacks :open_mouth:


Yes there are 27 types, potentially 28 if color cycling counts.

No point shaming/mocking the enjoyment people get from trophies/achievements. Everyone is different. I’m a trophy hunter and it isn’t about getting a participation award for me. It’s a hobby and it’s fun within reason.

The fact that the Boundless platinum is unattainable is super frustrating to me and I really wish the devs would implement the rest of the base planned game to make it achievable. Until all trophies are achievable, it feels like the game is unfinished/in beta to me. The trophies stick out like a sore thumb for me and make it feel like an unfinished product.

Anyway…I just get passionate about it…not going to confirm or deny having spent many hours trying to understand the unachievable trophies for the PSN Profiles guide :sob:

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In fact, in case anyone else cares and wants to comment their support for it…the unobtainable bug thread I created last year: Unobtainable Trophies/Achievements

We got some fixes after that so the unobtainable number went down but still need more fixed