Why I’m leaving boundless (DK)

I suppose that’s one opinion. But a 20 plot deletion is less of a big deal than a 2000 plot deletion in terms of work lost. Trust me, the counting involved in making that grid without errors wasn’t minor. And I’m pretty sure this is the biggest mass deletion since Krasniy.

Btw Krasniy since I hear you’re around the forums still, hope you’re doing well man.


Possibly - who knows. Only James I guess.

Incidentally… how many beacons were those 1000 plots on?

(I’m actually not sure how many plots there were now as in one post you say over 1000 and the next you say 2000 :thinking:)

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Well I don’t want to put any words in your mouth so please correct me…
Were you not suggesting that dk deserved more warning than the year since release, the warnings while building, and multiple previous examples? Should he get more consideration than anyone else breaking the rules? Or should devs have to provide a personal warning to each player after blatant disregard for the rules?


In James’ own words:

“ We will then make sure that the plots are removed with collaboration with the owners.

Any player refusing to remove the plots will have the plots removed by a moderator.

Our aim isn’t to punish players here, rather to get the structures removed from the game worlds.”


So it sounds like you refused to move your plots since you were warned back in January of 2020.


I was? Show me the message from James. Or the collaboration.


Or did you expect a hand written letter from James.

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You literally just posted the message.


No he expected collaboration and chance to bring them down himself. You’re not helping this topic being snidey.


I just don’t understand how much warning was expected.


This topic is beyond helping. It’s a cry for attention.

Look, we can fight all day over wording, but I think the clear intent of James’ message was “we’ll work with you”

You’re welcome to leave the topic if it bothers you sir. Nobody is forcing you to be here.


Then ignore it. Move on. Dont try cause arguments please, other people are debating well


Ignore me.

But I don’t want guitar lessons!!! xD
(Ricky gervais reference)

Sorry haha, I doubt anyone will understand that but it fit lol


I think you might be getting mixed up with the plot buffers and the circumvention of beacon compactness. Whilst they’re somewhat related, they’re not the same thing…


As many others have said, hopefully this is just a break for you man. I took a bit over a year off, and am so glad I did. Burnout is real, you’ve been at this for a long time. Beautiful thing about Boundless is it’s pretty easy to step back into! Other games (mostly mmorpg’s) I play are pretty punishing for taking time off…

So definitely pop in and say hi, but I fault no one for needing a break, even for reasons far less than yours! best wishes bro


ah, good old Ricky :sunglasses:
twitter followers getting offended by twits from accounts they decided to follow…

don’t you post about your Boundless inspired artwork ever again! I don’t want any of it like…

waiting for the 3rd season of After Life :nerd_face:

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And this is why you were my boundless buddy boundmore haha! Had no idea you liked him.

But yes, just keep scrolling lol!


but I don’t want to scroll!!

people, stop posting already! there’s too much to scroll!! :roll_eyes:

wait a minute… if you had no idea I liked him, we could hardly become boundless buddies for that reason? :rofl: