Why I’m leaving boundless (DK)

as much as I find communication important and that James does make mistakes, its something we all do
I hope at some point he will communicate better with his players

besides that boundless is an awesome game! and we could not have been in this nice community and game if it wasn’t for James and of course the rest of the team! as well. he has been punished enough already.
it’s nice to see feedback and thoughts and hopefully, James starts to realize it a bit and sees where the problem lays. maybe @DKPuncherello would like to close it at some point?
even when you quit you got given the opportunity to have your gleam club paid for, see this as a new opportunity to work on the mall and make it better than before, (it can use some work and redesigning)
if needed i could help you with it :slight_smile:


and DK apparently broke the rules after the rules were in place. . So why exactly does he deserve a warning? He knew what he was doing when he did it. He had a year to address this situation and apparently had the plots, so it was not an issue with him needing to accumulate plots. So did he think because some subset of players think of him as a “beacon of the community” or that his mall is “irreplaceable” that he was exempt from the same rules as other players? That is absolute hogwash… hard to recruit and keep players when the developers start treating groups of players differently.

I do also find it interesting that some of the other malls addressed their compactness issues at the time the rules were changed. While they may have been against the compactness rules, they at least came into compliance. DK chose not to do that.


…and this is why these types of post generally get locked. People turn them into a witch hunt without knowing all the facts, they jump to conclusions or they let emotion rule over reason.

Yes, a warning would have been great, I agree on that fact…

but actually y’know, given the evidence, I’m not sure it was actually warranted at all

Testing announcement for beacon compactness (14th February 2020)

The mall in question on 7th January 2020 (taken from https://maps.playboundles.com)

The mall in question on 15th February 2020 (1 day after the testing announcement)

The mall in question on 25th March 2020 (1 month and a bit after the announcement)

I’m sorry but knowingly trying to circumvent the system and then crying foul of the consequences of your actions is all on you.

I don’t think the problem lays at James’ feet this time around!

In closing…


… was given when the compactness rule came in to play. Using separate beacons to bypass this is clever, but obviously doesn’t work.

I say, build when you need to, don’t build when you don’t :slight_smile:

Enjoy the game for what it is, or do not :slight_smile:


Well I am well aware of the details and the rules thank you. I am bowing out because as usual on this forum it goes from cool calm discussion and becomes an EPIC PISSING MATCH. I am far too old for this adolescent behaviour.
This is why I have been sticking to just making our guild hunt posts and that’s it except for the occasional happy comment.
Won’t make this mistake again and won’t comment on posts like this in the future.


i totally agree with you here mate i do! and i mentioed it already DK was wrong on this part
in general its the communication and actions James does without communicating back to the actual lets say beacon owner

like i said before 1 of them is giving guild members guild director if the owner of the guild has not been logged in for a long time, no-where does it say you should be active in the guild or login at least 1x in a few months , giving a player (random player) guild director and let them remove/alter your build is for me really a No-Go just imagine you own a city and its guild aligned and you have gleam club or you have someone to fuel your stuff because u need that break , and someone got given guild director and you come back finding out it all got removed, changed would you be happy?
dont forget someone that has guild director permissions cannot be revoked anymore and they should quit the guild themself… its the little things that are not right to do.

besides that yeah James has the right to remove the expansion

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Each to their own, James does not owe us communication, updates, responses on the forum etc. He simply doesn’t.

BUT. I can see why DK is upset and disheartened. A simple message before doing it would have made the situation so much better…


I wasn’t aware that occurred, and no I wouldn’t have been happy in that instance… however, that’s not this instance.


exactly :slight_smile:


I think it is, Even if the evidence can look like he was trying to circumvent the system, can you prove that his mindset was indeed in bad faith?

The compactness system was not released until the 23rd of April, The screenshots you show are from before the real release of the changes, when something is on testing, the details are subject to change. So again, can you prove that what DK did was with bad faith and not simply going along with original plans until it was set in stone what the update was going to allow and not allow?
Did he press on with this behavior after the 23rd of April?
Was the setting to prevent people from plotting in the area turned on?
Originally the system was created to prevent abuse of that setting, if that setting was off, then no abuse was happening.

Also as far as I am aware, DK has never acted with Malice before. And that should be taken into consideration when dealing with a player.

But regardless of how guilty or not guilty DK may or may not be, the fact of the matter is that this game haves an extremely small community, Yes it is the devs right to give out punishments as they wish, but that doesn’t mean they need be heavy handed with it. As being too heavy handed might destroy what little is left of our precious community. I see no reason why it wouldn’t have been beneficial for everyone involved for the dev to give a warning to ensure that DK was fully aware with out question that what he had done is not allowed considering that DK has not acted in bad faith before. This isn’t a known toxic player we are talking about.

Bottom line (TL;DR)

Logically speaking, yes, the devs are in the right to do what they did. It is their company after all. But ruling with an iron fist may not be the best thing for the community. When it was so easy to just reach out before hand.


You’ve actually ‘taken your ball and gone home’ anytime anyone disputes your unfounded claims with facts. That’s some ‘Ivey’ league debating skills right there, lol.


Maybe not, but I don’t think it was smart and I will tell you why:

The game is very small, James has communicated with others in the past, and DK is an iconic player.

But beyond all that, the main reason it was not smart is this:


I’m not sure those sorts of comments are helpful or constructive here.

I agree that communication would have been the best option, but my point is people are getting worked up over James lack of response on the forum, lack of update information, and lack of general communication.
All I am saying is he does not owe us any of this. I love our community, but we demand a lot from our devs when really they don’t owe us anything apart from the game as it stands at time of purchase.

I do think they should have contacted DK, as you can see in my posts


At no point did I ever say only take care of those people. What we are talking a about is a simple message that would of most likely taken less time to send then what it took to take down beacons.


I never said I objected to the consequences. I just said it would have been the right thing to do to contact me first. Or anyone in a similar situation. I’m sure James has spent far more time reading this thread than the 5 seconds that would have taken. Taking all those beacons down definitely took longer. So basically I see it as a mean spirited action, not an even handed one.

He could have also contacted me at any point in those 5 days after to say something like “hey you were in the wrong but I’m sorry about how I handled things”.

Devs aren’t required to do anything ever. But being nice to your users is smart business.


You are aware that he has literally removed serval hundred other beacons across the public worlds for the same breach of the rules in the exact same way, right? Are you saying that you deserved special treatment in that regard?


Show me where he removed over 1000 plots at once with no warning given.


Agree with this. Devs have the right to decide how they enforce the game rules, and we the players have the right to decide how we feel about the enforcement.

Instead of leaving without explanation, DK went out of his way to express how he feels about the situation. He has every right to be upset imo, and devs can decide what they want to do with this information.


The number of plots makes absolutely no difference. A breach of the rules is exactly the same no matter the number of plots


Sounds like censorship. Whilst I don’t think we are getting the full picture, and DK isn’t an innocent party .could still serve a purpose to try get some more open communication when issues occur

Edit: not to mention washing over these issues doesn’t give a true representation of the story, should it be brought up in the future. As It stands anyone reading this should be able to establish that DK fell foul of rules - which were definitely in place and somewhat exploited. however not dropping him a message or warning before hand is very harsh and has led to a big part of the community stopping playing. It is indicative of a long held frustration since larian came onto the scene.

For me this thread shows, play by the ruled and everything will be fine . Problems will get looked into (if not very slowly for some things like plot griefing), but make sure you aren’t skirting the rules too or you might get a nasty shock. Maybe it will also show the theme that bad or no communication IS 100% leading to a player base hemorrhage of experienced players