I am going to only comment on this part as it seems to be the biggest debated. It may not be a requirement for the game to function. However it does enhance the economy by giving rare items that can be sold for more and make builds stand out for being different.
I really don’t see the need for all complaining on the rarity of colors. Why? Because ot gives another reason to stay active, when I see an exo with wood, stone or gleam that is blues, greens, purples, reds and whites I make a point to go and mine 5 to 10 smart stacks of that color for my builds. Just like many others do with exos.
Besides enhancing the economy it also gives players another reason to stay active and continue to interact with the community.
If you don’t like the rarity part then get a creative planet when they come out or a sovereign world with your selected colors.
Truth be told if players didnt get ran off for various reasons and we could increase the player base, then more worlds would generate and therefore make more colors of different block types perm colors. Which if I understand everything I have read on the forums that has been the hopes of the devs from day one.
But, because new players either figure out they dont like buulding games like boundless, get ignored by the community or ran off by trolls the expansion of perm worlds is not happening on a regular basis. So rather than rewrite the whole game to change that algorithm the devs are doing sovereign and creative worlds. This way with sovereign worlds more colors become common.
Point blank boundless unlike minecraft takes effort and work period. While the controls and environment interactions are quite simple and easy does not mean everything should be simple and easy in the game. Every game has challenges and rarity is a challenge in boundless.
Said it already but ill say it again the Wonderstruck team has done a wonderful job on the game and they dont have to be everything to everyone, nor should they be. Everyone has parts of any game they like and dislike but it is not the devs job to make you happy all the time just because you don’t like 1 thing about the game.
Like it or don’t that is up to you. But more of us have no problems with the block color rarity and exos than do so I don’t see the devs making that change any time soon.