World Difficulty (a warning – please read)

I hope you’re all enjoying levelling up your characters and playing with the progression system.

As you may know, the plan for the final game is to have increasing difficulty across the worlds, so that as your character progresses, and you get better at the game you can move to more hostile worlds for more challenge and bigger rewards. The beginning of this system is in the game at the moment, with the “Home” worlds (Therka, Solum, Berlyn and Vena V) having the least dangerous creatures and basic resources, the “Moon” worlds (Septerfon, Epsilo, Elopor and Andooweem) having more dangerous creatures and better resources, and the “Ring” worlds (Munteen, Vulpto, Nasharil and Alturnik) having the most dangerous and the most powerful resources. The difference in the creatures between these worlds is pretty small at the moment though, and once you have a half-decent weapon you can survive on any of them.

Now we have the first pass of the progression system in, it is possible to level up your character to make them much more powerful than they are the at the beginning, so we are going to take a step towards balancing the creatures to be much more challenging on the harder worlds. This will mean that if you are on a “Moon” world, or a “Ring” world you will find the creatures a real challenge unless you have levelled up and equipped yourself correctly. This could be quite harsh, so for example, creatures on a “Ring” world may kill a starting player with one blow. Also, creatures will become very resistant to damage from tools, so if you don’t have a weapon you will struggle to kill them. This won’t be a problem for new players because they all start on “Home” worlds, but those of you who have moved will have to be prepared.

This is an important step in making a game where there is challenge and excitement, and there’s real purpose to having a good character setup, and good gear.

I’m not sure when this change will make it into the live version, most likely a couple of weeks, but maybe a little more. As always the balance of the game will swing back-and-forth, so please bear with us if it’s not exactly right first time.


Good news! Nice to be present while game is taking it’s shape step by step :slight_smile: Thanks for the hard work!


After the Elop Portas massacre, I think we’re ready for the challenge :wink:


I’m completely on-board with this.

Though, could you make Wildstock on starter planets friendly again? I loved those cute guys, once… now they’re more annoying than Hoppers and Cuttletrunks.

I miss the passive Wildstock, not because I don’t like a challenge, but because… they were my friends.


Or maybe make them less irritable :slight_smile: Like only if you come really close to them for longer time, and make their getting-aggro-animation last longer.


Yeah, or have their mood change based on the weather or time of day? Something like the Beefalo from ‘Don’t Starve’; they were awake during the day, asleep during the night, would attack you if you attacked them, or during seasons where they were on heat.


Yeah, that would (be) awesome :smiley:


Will the environmental hazards come a little while after this comes or at the same time?

Is there a certain % of skillpoints we should expect to have to spend on weapon/defence/hazard protection skills from the total?

In addition, is resource distribution going to change at all for these harder worlds?

The aggro system needs another pass, the intention for the Wildstock is that they will mostly be passive, but if you anger them they’ll kick-off. There will be some who are aggressive though just to keep you on your toes! I’m hoping to look at that in the next few weeks.


A little while after.

The resource balance will remain as it is for the time being, but there is more work to be done there. Specific feedback on that is always welcome.


Ah, perfect, just what I was hoping for! You’re just making this game more and more awesome :bow:



They should only attack if you attack them first.

(They follow the Top Gun mantra.)


Well they mostly follow an ‘I will attack you 3 secs after I saw you on the other side of the planet’ motto nowadays on starter planets.



But… didn’t the T4 Bomb-Bunnies already do like 700+ damage if they asploded at point blank range? Hmmn. At least they are the easiest creatures to deal with.

Ah, so they’re currently not working as intended?


Make creatures as hard as possible! I WANT TO DIE A LOT!

psst make tier V wildstock drop damaged iron slingbow with 1% chance to commemorate people fighting waves of wildstock


Time to build walls in Elop Portas

EDIT: I really really like this idea. Making buildings for actually a purpose other than just aesthetics :slight_smile:


The Great Wall of Elopor shall be seen all the way from Nasharil!


I keep telling people building walls is not the anser… err well ok in this case a wall May be just what we need.