Your First Year At a Glance

Ooh I love this idea! Great post Creegle :grin:
Oh my gosh where do I start soooo much has happened in a year!!

With me you need a little background :wink: So I am a single mum of 5 children. I have been resistant to technology for a long time. :blush: So I gave in and bought a computer and tried to find a game. (I had a lot of help from my nerd brother) He introduced me to Boundless, my first ever online game!!

Day 1:
Being from Australia I shot my very first totem towards Lasaina and landed on a whole new world.
(I still have my original place!) Bright red trees everywhere and these cute little critters running around. My excitement was immense.
I explored around and found Sydney and a few other places people built.
I came across a portal hub (had no idea at the time what a portal was haha)
I went what I thought was really far away, lol, and built myself a little red wooden hut!

The early Days:
Oh my so much to do and so much to see and discover! The plants!! I absolutely fell in love with the plants!!
I discovered Portal Seekers and Ultima, all of a sudden, thanks to the time effort and dedication of other players, I had a way to get around! 50 planets are you kidding me!! (almost peed myself with excitement over this). The colours, just everywhere, each planet was its whole new colour scheme. And the plants were different colours on each planet!! lol
I waved and said hi to everyone I came across and every single person I came into contact with was lovely. This was when I met Draal from Trollmarket and he gave me a big helping hand to get started in the game.
My favourite of the early days was definitely exploration!

The Struggle:
mid game was tough, mining on a T6 planet with a single hit unforged iron hammer! For hours on end to find those elusive gems. Building a shop and my first portal!! Then needing to go on hunts, joining the PS hunts and not being able to grapple and keep up. (barely making it to the meteor before they completed it) Getting one shot murdered by everything! The very first hunt I went on was with Ethos, Sasha and Xera…I was such a noob and they were very welcoming and encouraging and taught me a few things.
I was pretty much alone on Lasaina and a solo player. I had the idea to build a community garden with all those plants i had collected and fun things to do! still nobody came…I think this was when I discovered discord! lol noob remember, and decided I needed a community! Where are all the people…
I started asking questions and answering questions in discord and generally participating in the community
as much as I could. I would join discord chats but not talk because I was really shy lol

P.U.R.E Days:
I had done most things I could in the game (except forging, just couldnt get it)
I met this really chatty streamer and his friend and they were building a T6 hunting network! I had been hunting a lot and decided to be brave and join in their chat and go on all there hunts!! We all got along really well and they invited me to join them in running it and the rest is history!!
Had an absolute blast during this time! And made friendships I still hold close!! I met so many hundreds of people and became very well known for my Patient Huntleading! I will always always be grateful for my time with P.U.R.E

The Last few months:
Although it was sad to see P.U.R.E go, I moved on to Duskmoor! Where I was welcomed with open arms by the very gorgeous community! I built a new base and made new friends and some old friends came to Duskmoor with me. I even recently learned to forge, and I discovered the forum! I joined the council so I can have a say in what happens in the city, and this is where I still am today!
I am so addicted to this game, I have over 3000 hours and i have had the game since October. I have met so many wonderful people and made lasting friendships with both players and devs! I am very happy I found this game and its people!!

Stay Boundless :heart_eyes::green_heart:


I had only intended on playing for about a month before another game came out so I mostly built with sand and soil at the very beginning. I eventually moved up to stones and then refined rock. I mostly hid from T2 wildlife or above. Now I build with all sorts of stuff and hunt wildlife in groups up to level 6. I had one Toon with a very low numbered skill page and now I have 5 maxed out Toons. I don’t believe that I have ever stuck with a game this long.


Oldest pic I have from EA (February 2016). Note the minimap and crude UI. Watch out for seagulls flying through the rock underground.

This was a part of a road I built from one edge of the world to the other (you can see the edge of the world in the minimap). This is back when it ran in your browser. As I recall, there was only one world before the first wipe.


Have you ever tried to achieved something no matter the cost? I did and this is my little story.

My main goal was to bring community together. I tired and I failed many times… but I learned something super valuable along the way.

EA Days:

I founded Pixelgate along with Dzchan94, we opened first portals in boundless history. We tried to make giant market for players. We tried to make first themed city. We have built a giant Oort Temple of more than 750 plots (average plots were at about ~100 per player at that time) and more than 30 participated in that.

Although we have failed to bring people together. Everyone cared mostly and their projects, pixelgate became a ghost town with people agrresively invading from all sides…

After leaving pixelgate I spent most most of my time in Lucky Starport.

In the middle of 2017 I founded Chisel Knights. Lessons have been learned and we started building our new project Chisel Town with absolutely amazing support from the community!

Chisel Town v.1 aka Ghost Town v2

Then the universe wiped… U had 930 hours at that time.|


Along with our guilmembers we collected over 3k plots, secured the hell out of neighbour area and built Chisel Town 2.0

aka Ghost Town 3.0

After spending another 900 hours playing 16 hours a day I eventually gave up trying to build cities, hubs, create assets, talk with players, build something useful for community. I TRIED so hard, I tried so much that I totally burned out, I sat down one day thinking I can’t play games anymore. I was DONE.

But eventually I regenerated :slight_smile: Lessons learned once again and I learned to only focus on things that matter and focus on yourself & your creative stuff, not people, coz that way you will attract more creative people than you can talking to them in person. + now I recognise bsfrom 100 miles away and stay back. Do only fun stuff in life and develop my own game.
That said I can trully say boundless post EA has teached me something very valueable :slight_smile:

I’m not really planning to come back any time soon (lack of time), but I read forums everyday and check out beautiful creatins in the game from time to time.

PS screenshot of my game!!



this is aqua embassy in first weeks just at the time the ultima aquarius network was openend

i def write a story soon @Creegle :smile:


Day 1-3 ish - I was on a trip with my kids and family - so I missed out the first few days of release! I played a tiny tiny bit, but I didn’t get to enjoy the very first moments :stuck_out_tongue:

Day ~4 - I was back home, and the Forgemasters hit the ground running! I immediately set to leveling as fast as possible to ~20, where I spec’d my character as a miner, made some silver hammers, and went to Serpensarindi and mined diamonds! After getting a good start on Grovidias Te and Lamblis while leveling to 20, we had setup some small bases there but realized that they would not do - so we searched far and wide that evening for a new place to call home. We found a huge, flat plain on Seginiakai, and Anvil was born!

Day ~5 - After a strong grind, I had gotten 360 rough diamonds and the mass crafting began. The math works out to being able to use that 50 compact diamonds to make the first few normal workbench power coils, and then make a mass craft of refined diamonds with the rest to make a mass craft of advanced power coils. I wasn’t the FIRST to do this, because of my delay in starting, but there can’t have been more than 1-2 other people who beat me. @Gorillastomp was one who did, as one that I can remember.

It was also on this day that I connected to the Fledgeling Portal Seekers network. I was one of the first connections, and as a matter of fact for a long time my portal was out of place because the network wasn’t fully built and planned out when I got Simoyd to place the conduits on their end and network me in :smiley:

In the next week - The Anvil Marketplace was born. Far simpler and less awesome than it is now, we began planning out roads and chiseling a bridge across the water. My shop started just as a place to share some of the wealth we had amassed, not really expecting a whole lot to come of it, but boy was I wrong. The Anvil Marketplace boomed - We had so many customers we could not keep up with demand! I grinded gems and titanium with my signature aoe titanium bombs to get a few mass crafts running, then I would return to grinding! Requests started coming in for more tool options, more coil options, and so I just decided to keep filling the orders. On August 24th, I received this compliment that I don’t believe I ever shared because I didn’t want to be too vane… I don’t mind as much now, ha!

And yes, that is @james in chat there, thanks for noticing :wink:

As Anvil’s marketplace continued booming, I invested all the coin into making more coin! I bought goods from players like crazy, eventually the market had to grow. Then it had to grow again! I was swapping out request baskets, tools, coils, and more nearly constantly! I had a few players as dedicated hunters - I paid them and provided slingbows for their leveling, and they brought me the hunting drops. I had a few mining suppliers that I would provide bombs and hammers to in exchange for ore and stone - and it began to escalate from there!

Amandapan and the cuttlepunks guild were commissioned to begin work on the revamp for the Marketplace. Seen above is some of the early concept art done by @AmandaPan. It didn’t end up quite like this - we went through a few iterations (I have more pictures!) before it settled into the style that you can see today!

From there, things got crazy in a hurry. Bomb mining went away - good riddance. I’m sorry for the potentially unpopular opinion, but part of my enormous success was the fact that I used the HECK out of bomb mining with AoE forged bombs, and to be completely frank, it was pretty OP, and I’m glad its gone. After that, we had to relearn how to mine! And learn we did!

The Forgemasters Mining Crew began. I employed over 30 players full time mining and bringing me back 50% of their material in exchange for max-forged hammers, persisting pies, and strength/speed brews. We were unstoppable, and I made so much money that I began incentive programs for my miners where I paid them additional coins for their efforts, on top of the 50% they were keeping. I also offered trades to save time - any miner could trade me 360 of a rough gem for an already mass crafted set of gems so they could use them right away for whatever they wished, or I would make them into coils for them on request. Same went for compacting coal and other materials, on request. I did not leave my base for something like 2-3 weeks, because it was all I could do to keep up with demands on the miners, the shop, and the crafting! We kept spreadsheets of our efforts - and often times we brought in an excess of 30k gems per week (that’s only my HALF!)

As time went on, however, our interest waned. There wasn’t much to DO with our wealth - we started huge projects, but upon completion, we found we wanted to do more, but the content just wasn’t there.

Over a period of a couple months, the Forgemaster’s numbers dwindled, and now we’re a fraction of our former glory in game. We still have a darn nice looking city to come and see, if you’d like to. We’re still here, keeping our beacons (mostly) fueled until the day that Boundless gets to a point that excites us again.

I still love this game, even though I don’t play often - I do so very much hope that good and exciting things are yet to come!

edit: typos. might still be more, idk…


Karo, you and DZ inspire me still to this day and I still try to capture the magic you guys discovered in community event builds.


Alright, where to start.
4 of us (Hop, Entoo, Dawg, and myself)decided to dive in a week or so after release, none of us knew anything more then it’s a Minecraft like game…that looks good! Oh yeah and there is a far reaching galaxy…

Day 1: We started playing. The first 2 hours were a giant confusing mess filled with laughter as we had no idea how the poo tutorial worked. Dawg got frustrated and said screw this I’m out and that’s his story. The three remaining pressed on.
Week 1:. We quickly realized that we can’t do everything… We had no choice but to split the jobs up. We knew we needed a hunter so I became the food/brew/hunter toon. Entoo took the forget/builder/Hunter roll. Hop was our dedicated miner/Hunter. We kept pressing forward. Towards the end of the first week Hop became hell bent on finding out that there is way more world to be had so he took a walk… A long walk…to the other side of Trior to be exact. And he stumbled upon, at that time, the holy Grail to us. “Mom n Pops shop”. He came home all nonchalant and calmly asked us to go for a walk to check something out a few hours later. We did and my mind was blown. Portals, hubs, shops, items, people. Oh my what did we just get ourselves in to.

Weeks 2-4 we made an alt so we could separate our hunters. We kept building our houses and working on our roles. Collecting away. Saving everything. And attempting to mine with little to no mining skill and iron/gold single hitters. Hop had blown all his money on 15-20k hammers and got discouraged because we had very little coin flow. We were hunting with gold bows and titanium grapples, non forged of course. I also bought Betabob (the all block shop)a copy and so began my growing in the shadow of a giant.

Week 6: After 2 weeks of me furiously getting lost running from portal to portal shop to shop looking for deals to make some coin, I finally got enough money to buy our miner a new hammer and Hop delivers the blow of I quit. SMH. My miner was then created and I started leveling him slowly between hunting and food crafting.
I don’t know exactly how I ran in to P.U.R.E. but I’d assume it was because of my addiction to hunting.

Time started flying at this time and the Xmas event came around. Overly excited and still not real familiar with the shop or menus I accidentally bought my girl toon a beard when my hand twitched as I went to press cancel. Since I bought it I felt it only appropriate I start sporting the item I blew all my cubits on. Its become quite a trademark for me and gotten several laughs from others.
January to Feb I learned to forge by March I became very proficient. PURE broke up in late Feb. I was asked to join Duskmoor in early March which is where Greenheart and badpun landed. Since then I try to be a helpful member of Duskmoor. I love helping new players. Oh and I have a slight oort addiction habit that can get out of control at times.


Oct 2018

My son saw the game on Steam when it was released and suggested we buy it, it was a MMO and we could play together. He wanted me to expand and knew that if we played together I would be able to learn how to play such games more.

He started first, I had to wait a few days before I could start. He landed on Alder and built a base. When I went to start, he guided me to land close to him, warned me of the holes (I still fell in a couple of them) his base was in a rocky hilly area. I didn’t like it, he did.

We both wanted to move from there, He went to check out other planets while I was still learning how to craft things. Came back, he had chosen Tana VII. We packed up and moved.

The new place had what we thought was a lake, but was a large cove on a river with very large hills that blocked the sight of the river (some would call them mountains) on each side. He built his base on the water, I did on the edge, a ziggurat, which frustrated him as I was in no rush to get it finished. And because I put up a wall all around it before I built it; I was terrified of the spitters, they kept killing me. Got my base built, a very nice lady (her character was female anyhow) gave my son a furnace and a couple other things when we arrived and built a bridge across the river so we could have access to her portals. She had been far enough back we couldn’t see her.

Then the horror of a forced merge, I was devastated, thought that couldn’t happen. Asked here what to do, told who it was (didn’t know it wasn’t allowed) and asked what to do; make a report.

Long story short in that area, the person had made a row of plots to small settlements connecting them to each other and leading back to his settlement. Devs took them away from him and gave them back to us and our settlement name. Damage was done, I didn’t want to stay there anymore. Received several offers from forum members for us to move close to them. I checked them out, anything with cliff was removed, don’t like heights, want hills, not cliffs. @Kal-El was one who had said to check out Exodus, did so and picked it out and another one, let son make the final decision. He okayed Exodus.

Best decision he made. @Stretchious was great in offering to release any plots we needed and we built by the river, me a lighthouse and my son his normal boring tower of black stone.

I am very happy there, belong to a great guild, the guys have planted a huge farm and have been nice enough to grow the plants I need to make food with, so they are getting a bunch of pies as a thank you.

My son is to blasted picky, he felt the trailer was a trick, what is in the game is not what was in the trailer, there is no story, no quests, no NPC, doesn’t like the economy set up, and other things. He quit, gets on only to help me when I need help and to shut up my nagging LOL. I’m not quitting, the guild is stuck with me.

I learned to deal with the critters that terrified me. He played long enough that I advanced and got the skills to survive, learn how to use a slingbow and the fist. Then I was on my own. Thought I would never go higher than a level 3. It was slow process of getting the confidence to face what was so new to me, fighting critters, but I am now comfortable on all the planets. I will face down all the critters, even have taken on level 2 meteorites on my own on a level 4. Mostly die, but I will try.

Now, when a spitter, even a stout, on planets up to level 4 bothers me I have been known to take a hammer to it and bash it. I’m still afraid of lava, of heights, and lousy at using a grapple, die a Lot, not great at a lot of things, arm jerks too much so miss a lot of shots at the critters. But, I have kept on, got stronger in playing the game, able to handle events I thought I never would, and am glad that I bought the game.

I now have a shop that I have been selling forging mats, make food for the guild and have offered to forge weapons and bombs for the guild members. I like the forging of the weapons, Not the tools, the setup to me causes too much waste of mats because of the RNG, I think the quirks and defects or whatever are useless and of no value, a waste of valuable and expensive materials. I know that others like them and that is okay, I just don’t.

I’m too outspoken, but I don’t expect others to agree with me.

Anywhoo, I have grown a lot since I started from someone terrified to go out on my own on a level two planet, I now go out often on a level 6. I have made friends @bucfanpaka and I have become very close friends and she is another player here who keeps me feeling that this game is worth staying with. Without her and the guild, I probably would have quit by now. I see her as a friend who I have come to love and at times feel motherly to her, I’m definitely older enough to be her mother. Which means she get the motherly lecture at times


First set of worlds was test, fooks, and hell. I didn’t know you were around for the browser days!

I was one of the first few players. You might remember me, I was the orange block of cheese that would jump up and down when I spotted another player :lester:. I was not, and still am not, a very companionable player.

I think I started playing early in 2014, dunno the exact date since I lost the email server with the receipt.

It’s been a long ride.


Awww thank you for mentioning me. It was really nothing but glad to be with you and the team and glad to have helped out! <3


It really has! I’m glad there is at least someone still around from the browser days, I was starting to think I was the last one left! Got backer #10 and #12 :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Like

I was newb .
i was pro
Now im legendary.


Thanks hun, love ya too, and you’ve been a huge part of my wonderful Boundless experience! :slight_smile:

I’ll go ahead and do mine, but my memory gets a little muddled so this will be more of the general highlights and thoughts-

Boundless was an impulse buy on PSN for me. Pretty sure I was in within the first few days, as I saw it pop up new on the PSN store. Never made a better impulse buy in my life. :slight_smile: It just looked like something I’d love, but knew nothing about it.

So I start off, land on Alder. My current base is still in the same spot I originally settled, though now I’m actively planning relocation finally. Anyways, I’m an explorer at heart, and though I wanted to learn everything else, I figured I’d build more later, let me get the basic tutorial stuff out of the way and go out and see all there is out there! The result was my first base - I’m not kidding, you would have to try HARD to blight the landscape more than I did with my first building. :joy: I literally took whatever blocks I could get my hands on and threw them randomly together into a box shelter. Luckly, I hadn’t settled near anybody, it hadn’t crossed my mind that others might not appreciate that at that point…

I got hooked as soon as I started wandering around and seeing what was out there. First, even out in the wilderness, the atmosphere was incredible. It felt like a real place, like I was truly exploring nature on a hike, it is hard to describe but it just gave me this peaceful feeling to be out walking around in it. But the builds… wow! :open_mouth: Now keep in mind - I went in TOTALLY blind. So I was also a little confused - I was thinking this was just a PS4 game that released the other day… so how in the world were people already able to do all this stuff? LOL.

I still remember my first trip to a T3, newb that I was, ended up with me kiting a long tail of mobs around what seemed like a quarter of the planet… finally I ducked into a cave thinking I’d be safe there, but that last step was a doozy, went out in a blaze of glory like a big meteorite into the lava. :rofl:

I remember getting some of my first visitors stopping by my base. That is what finally gave me incentive to actually start doing something there, I didn’t want to be ashamed of what I had, perhaps I couldn’t build well still, but I could make it look nicer, and add shopping and maybe help newcomers.

I did hit the area in the mid-levels of the learning curve where I stepped away for a bit before becoming totally addicted. I think the addiction really sunk in after I was able to finally start thriving via mining, @AeneaGames helped out a lot there by selling 3x3s at great prices, I was able to get a foothold and buy what I couldn’t make, found out pretty quickly that it wasn’t hard to survive on T5s if you got underground quickly enough.

I can’t state enough though that the community is what really takes this game from excellent and sort of my ideal on many levels to just… WOW, I’m hopelessly in love and addicted! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Just keep meeting great person after great person, and making real friends like Janna here. I feel like it is like a big family here, I’ve opened up, I share things I normally never would.

The future looks bright - my list of projects is a mile long, I really never see myself tiring or taking a break like I do with most games, even my favorites. I have new spots claimed on Gyosha (doing a little more claiming there yesterday, love the spot) and Circarpous, I’ve had invites to join elsewhere, and I’ve also inherited a huge beautiful base on Antar VI. Even my original base I still am working on even though eventually it won’t be primary. It does get a little overwhelming at times - where should I put the next exo storage, maybe I need to move it all to one central place? - but I remind myself there is no rush, a bit at a time, and let’s just go off for now and mine. :wink:


I played Boundless in Early Access on steam for some 200-ish hours before I took a serious break from the game. During that time, I took screenshots of a lot of things, but not as many as I wish I’d taken of certain things, like details in my own builds and of the different worlds.

After release, I found out by accident that the game was, well… released. So I came back to it for some time… Since then, I have about 1,250 hours logged in the game.

I put most of my post hidden by spoilers so that it doesn’t take up a huge amount of space on the thread. Please expand to read and see screenshots. :slight_smile:

*Tried to keep it short on text, since there would be way too much of that otherwise. :stuck_out_tongue:

The second beginning

Story with pictures

I was initially put on Imoco, which I quickly found to have a colour palette that didn’t suit me, despite loving the dark cobalt stone. The world also had too much water for my liking, as far as I could see.

I started to look at neighbouring worlds and also thought they looked too wet. :man_shrugging:

Then I was on Lamblis for quite some time, having a tiny base there and meeting @fidach for the first time, after I had been using his portals, especially the portals that lead into other player hubs and the portal to Serpensarindi, where I got my first diamonds since release, using unforged iron fists.

Unfortunately I didn’t really take too many screenshots from when I lived on Lamblis, not even of @fidach’s old base.

In the end, Lamblis felt far too garish for me to permanently settled in, and even though I wanted to have a permanent main base on a T3 or T5/6, this wasn’t going to work for some time.

Eventually, I came to Gellis, the screenshot above being in October 2018 still. This was a bunch of storage I put up quickly to keep all the stuff I was moving across. It remained for a long time and my storage was a mess for months at least. Notice the dark cobalt stone I loved and used, from that wet place that I didn’t like, Imoco. :smiley:

I spent a lot of time on Gellis, in my Mountain Fortress. Though I met @AeneaGames eventually, making a crude stall at her market:

Things reached a point where I was starting to try and organise my base better, but this didn’t go too well. There were things I was starting to find annoying and to be honest my base did become a bit maze-like for others who visited, even though I knew my own way around easily. But there was too much running for no good reason and everything was just a mess.

By December 2018, with some help to get coils I started forging at a very basic level and started to work on other projects, such as a to-be city in Xa Frant, an idea which I eventually abandoned.

I didn’t feel the plot system was robust enough to allow me to manage it easily without making many smaller beacons to prevent space-wasting, something I didn’t find feasible when I was fuelling beacons manually.

By mid-December, I deplotted and regenerated that city project on Xa Frant, and moved the idea to Houchus I, in front of @AeneaGames portal for that world and started to move my main base there too.

At some point I got rid of my Gellis base, having moved everything onto Houchus, but by the end of February 2019, I was getting sick of so many latency issues I kept having on Houchus, a USE world, eventually taking a break from the game, as I was starting to get bored and frustrated, becoming distracted by other things too.

I gave permissions and allowed @AeneaGames and @ghandymarshall loot my base as they pleased.

The final beginning

Another story with pictures

Symbolically, the number three tends to have some significance to everyone.

In early April 2019, I began again, possibly for the last time. Though most of my old stuff was looted or lost, I still had a few things such as my tools and those dark cobalt storage blocks from Imoco that nobody wanted. This time I went to Kol Huroo, a world that didn’t really tickle my fancy for a long time, but it was the only EU T6 world, and I was determined to be on a high tier world.

I settled on a mountain at the edge of a desert that reminded me of those long-gone from Therka, the world I lived on during pre-release.

Determined to build a new mountain fortress, using only plain materials, I went for a very rustic style at first, using only local stone. I was tired of travelling here and there for this and that.

I started to have more coils by my own efforts and even had been doing some more forging and gathering of Rift with the first exoworlds that showed up.

Though I was here to be isolated, in some sense, I still wanted to be connected to others. I built a bridge and tunnel into the local Ultima hub, which was much closer than I realised when I first put my beacon down here.

The second bridge, visible in the second screenshot, became the bridge to what has become my portal hub, and the bridge from my old to my new. From the mountain over the desert…

But I let the prestige bug bite. I like to watch numbers grow…

The present

The yet-to-be-written story with pictures

And this is the present day. My build went from some 200k prestige using mostly natural blocks and a couple of coal dumps to 5mill prestige, non-intentionally; when I started building my pyramid I expected maybe 1.5mill prestige with some effort, at most! I didn’t think I would want to use so much gold and so much amethyst as I have.

This pyramid represents, to me, the true pinnacle of all I’ve tried to build before in Boundless. It is still a very unformed project, as all my projects are – little planning and only based on vague ideas of what I want.

In the end, I have found myself betraying what I had sought out to do when I began here, which is confined to this small section in the mountain seen above, and though I still heavily prefer local rock, simple natural materials are no longer in focus, and may never be again.


Ps4 pre release just a couple days before officially being released my brother and I loaded up and made our first toons.

Ran through the sanctum stuff picked a landing site on Angel 1 and had a heck of a time wondering how to make the warp conduits work.

After a few mins of confusion I took my very first step into Boundless.

We landed in the Calchini Chasma region on Angel and realized quickly we needed to watch our step or fall in huge water filled craters with no way out of em except to dig.

One of the first things I did was die. I smacked a wildstock with a totem. That did not end well.

We got to learning the beacon and plotting system and there were a few mishaps along the way but we managed.

Eventually after a few days we decided it would be a good idea for us to try and get to the fabled other planets. We didn’t know any portal networks or even really how to find one so we warped to Till. We instantly started suffocating.
We didn’t have the proper protections.

A quick warp home and some coin lost and we were fine.

Eventually found the Portal Seekers Angel hub and a whole new world opened up for us. We went exploring all over.

We eventually had the protections needed and could survive on at least the t4 planets for a few mins.

I remember setting up a beacon on Circarpous at only like a week in and not knowing anything about where I needed to have points it took me about an hour to clear one plots worth of rock and soils with an iron hammer. Not my proudest moment.

Had some issues with some places we had tried to settled and over the next month or so built and rebuilt in various places.

We tried moving on from our landing site a few times but we eventually always came back to it.
Still there to this day and not a whole lot had been done but is an ever changing work in progress.

Around christmas we got our nieces and our other brother into the game and one sister. Several friends came as well even though most don’t really play anymore at least for now.

We have some projects going and always taking what we have learned are always trying to improve upon everything.

Its been a heck of a ride so far and also turned into the main game we both play even though we had purchased this to hold us over until another game released.

We didn’t play that other game much lol.

Along the way we have met some incredible people both in and out of the game.

There are a few people who I feel deserve a special mention as they made me feel welcome and have always been awesome in all my interactions with them.

@Sanbo who seems to have fallen away some time ago.

@Fallon for being awesome and being straight forward with us.

@majorvex for taking the time to setup a custom portal to the mall

@the-moebius for being themselves

@Creegle for giving me sneak peeks at certain things and for always being awesome.

@DaOne82 for being an awesome local “neighbor”

Edit: forgot about @MrNiX and the TNT crew. Awesome folks as well.

There are many more as well and I hope that eventually there will be more.

Stay focused and boundless


Whilst waiting for an MC video to load on YouTube an advert for boundless popped up…it peaked my interest this was back in October 2018.

I immediately looked for more info and came across @DanBeforeTime videos.
I knew at that point I wanted this game!

I started on imoco in BF nowhere although there were two random houses next to me. Day 1 I laid down a camp fire and then ran into my first Oortian, I waved and they ran away!

I then found the forum and posted trying to find a place to live, it was a dead city but had nice road system and one active player who showed me where to build.

After digging a huge hole for the base I had envisaged he also kinda disappeared on me.

I then took to the forums again and was offered a space at nexus hub on sorissi. This had a good few portals and a promise of being able to use the workshop after sticking around for a bit.

I built my first castle, then realised I needed a precise chisel, I went out looking and found a player by the name of block who not only gave me a chisel he also gave me machines a coil a spark gen!

This is when I created the kindness of strangers thread which quickly lead to locking horns with a certain someone and eventually lead to resolution and me putting a shop stand of free hammers and such outside my castle.

In November everything changed! I got a PM from @MrNiX referencing my hammer give away post, at first I thought he needed something in the end he took me in gave me a home and hammer! Lol

The cave at old nixia on Trior was really something we had no portals and he had at this point laid down close to 1500 plots!

I must have mined that cave so much I leveled like a mad man.

Then nix bought raven in and we decided to make our first communal workshop. I took lead on the layout and nix and raven did the decorating.

Then we met @uni3k and learnt how to make coin lol! We did quite some building at DBX on sorissi and soon enough he joined the clan along with @Pamst who started off fulfilling a gathering order and ended up a nixian lol!

Soon the kaos’s came along we all built like mad.

Then @uniek said hey why don’t scrap all this and move somewhere new build a bigger hub and make a city where we can all have a base and huge guild workshop!

@XxymoxX joined us at this point and had dreams of the museum. I did some sketches for layout of the new place and then we built a mini new nixia.

@uniek had always had the dream of a singular hub network and we got as far as plotting land in Biitula avoiding circ due to needing protection.

One day half of us ended up on circ and we all just thought screw it we are building here!

Took a few months of hardwork to get the bare bones up and we had lots of people join us in that time we are still always building!

We made it to capital of circ and was a huge collective achievement as we hadn’t bombed we had just built.

Then one day the conversation about the T6 hub came up and soon after that we made the move for the planet hub!

It’s been amazing having met so many great people and having the chance to be creative and the drop party launch was just the best day so far, knowing that we shut down Circ was just amazing.

Nothing but love for this game and the people and THE DEVS!


Ok… You’ve inspired me to post here i think. This chain has been really intimidating to me but I’m really enjoying reading the stories. A lot!

…more coming


I dunno how im going to go remembering everything… but ill give it a go.

Saw the game in october as a new release on playstation, quick youtube search and found the paris game week trailer. And had bought the game before the trailer finished playing.

I landed on lasania, no idea what to expect or what i was doing and started my first build called ‘Opal City’ and thought it was pretty pimp decorating it with the super rare opal gems i found. Also made a stone bridge and collected like 200c footfall.

Feeling like i had conquored that planet, i packed up and moved to boori, leaving opal city to regen. And started my 2nd settlement, Hellfire Mines.

Hellfire mines was a big demon skull entrance, built down the side of hill with its spine/ribcage curling around a glass roof that sunk in and put of the hill (Wish i knew how to save screenshots at that stage). Mostly underground as i was petrified of those rediculously hard T3 mobs. I also started my first shop “unique boutique” which ive just rekindled (same with hellfire too… maybe).

But i got bored of that pretty quick and made another sacrifice to the regen gods, and moved everything to EU servers to find more friends. I setup a new settlement on lamblis, originally called zion bazaar, but renamed to burn city. This was my first foray into a decently size shop, and a tiny portal hub. I built a massive 500 plot castle… got really excited i reached a hamlet and was getting a whole 40c per visitor… then of course got bored and the lag wasnt great from Aus, so unsurprisingly… i unplotted it all. Slight pattern emerging here.

I then moved to Sorissi which was a better connection for me, and started another new settlement called hootville, and made a big owl, and a bigger hub. And another shop, just for somethintlg different. I also started another dark carnival themed build on Xa Frant called Bzerk Circus, which is still there.

I got bored of the PG theme of hootville, and again rebranded it to Diabolix Village (Aka DBX), and was pretty happy with myself for reaching village status, so i thought i would try take over US east servers with a new hub, cause it didnt seem nearly as well connected as the EU servers i had come from. Also started forging and opened a shop called Incredible Forge which was pretty successful.

It was around this time i met Bruce and Nix, and that part of the story is above. We built up DBX for a while and the DBX Superstore was thriving, and i tried for a couple months to convince everyone in TNT to help themselves to all the stock in the shop, but everyone was really tentative usinging “unieks stuff”. So i suggested we tear it all down and move somewhere new and build something amazing together we all own equally.

During this time i also started a new settlement called 7Sins, where i had planned to make a themed shop (gluttony = pies etc), but got as far as digging a hole in the ground, which i think is still there.

We then all packed up and moved to circ, and built a new version of the DBX hub 4 times the size. As bruce mentioned i always wanted to build an all in one planetary network on circ, but never thought id actually be able to afford the oort to do it.

Through the amazing work of the TNT family, we actually built up enough street cred to get other people to believe in us enough to get involved, so the TNT planetary network dream actually became a reality. Thank you to everyone who got involved, we literally couldnt have done it without you. And same as bruce the drop party and crashing circ was definitely the highlight of the year. Watching the chat box after we removed the floor and seeing everyones reaction will be hard to top.

So long story short… in the last year i went from being a solo player getting excited by finding opals, building 7 settlements and trashing almost all of them for the fun of it, to running one of the biggest networks with the best group of friends in the game.

Its been a wild ride, and looking forward to a lot more… especially convincing the team to let New Nixia get eaten by regen so we can do it all again!