A new name for Oort Online...?

Are you sure?

:smile: :wink:


Not sure if on purpose or not…

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I only see the words:

eeeeh. No!

You’re reading a little too much into my post, if you look that closely you’re bound to find something (you might want to spend less time on that) :smile:


Yeah it was intended to be a joke, similar to the fallout 4 conspiracy theorys:

I hope no one took my post too seriously :scream:


Etheria: Gateway to Adventure

Worlds of Adventure

Masters of Tera

Band of Explorers

I am also a big fan of;

Echo of Creation
Legacy of the Oort


whenever i look at games i tend to prefer things that only have one word, or have a good reason for it for example.


and things with good reason for example-

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (it is part of a series of games)
Guild Wars (there is a war between all the factions)
World of Warcraft (a game with a wide variety of playstyles etc)

all of those games have names that work, and are good descriptions.

Sorry to be a bummer but things like-

Masters of Tera- this i can break down the word masters makes me think of my tiem as a kid when i was the “BIG MAN” and named myself things like “MASTER OF WAR” when really i was a joke xD then tera that makes me think of alot of games that have “tera” in it.

Band of Explorers- not everyone wants to explore it isnt a thing everyone does some people just sit and pounce at people who go by.

My big point is the games title should never have things that link to the people who play it or activitys they do so things like Explorers, Masters, Adventure etc to me can’t be a thing instead a good game name has to relate the the main plot and or the world, World of Warcraft (a big world which has a ongoing war between the 2 major alliances), Guild Wars (a war is happening between the guilds that exist)

if there is going to be a name change i think that it could help to make a collective term for all the worlds, what universe is it in etc or a term for all the races together for example (in Elder Scrolls all the humanoids that live in the Akaviri isles are known as “The Akaviri”

Also while thinking of it try saying it in a sentence,

A: so what you up to after school?
B: no clue possibly going to no life the pc again?
A: what is it you even play anyway?
B: just things like Shards of Creation, CS:GO etc

see to me and it may just be me but it kinda sounds a little you know… bad


I can’t imagine a world without Oort,but the only thing that sounds good for this game is
#Shards of Creation
#Echo of Creation

I like those two also, though I’m not exactly married to them. I’m interested to see what ideas the devs have been discussing among themselves, not to influence our ideas, but to see if maybe we can influence theirs.


The game formerly known as Oort Online


I vote for this idea.

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Good points everyone!

My thoughts in general: this thread has been really interesting to read and has been helpful. So thanks for everyone’s input, we value it as always.

The main snag with names like Echo of Creation is that while they sound super cool, they also suggest or imply a focus on narrative and story that we’re unlikely to have. We do want to have some rich lore based narrative elements and lots of history packed into the game, but there’s not going to be a story mode or traditional story. When I hear Echoes of Creation I think: “what are they? What is echoing? Where are they going? What was created?” etc, my mind goes straight to story. In contrast, I think when people hear [name] we’d love them to think of being in a massive connected online sandbox first.

For what it’s worth, naming is the hardest part of the development process by far! You’d think it would be technical or design challenges. But working as a team, factoring in everyone’s opinion (and the hundreds of you on here too!) and finding something everyone loves is really, really hard. Then making sure that’s something you can own and brand. Super hard!


But I think we did it.


Well? Spit it out! What have y’all come up with?

All eagerness aside, I imagine if they are as confident that they have found their perfect name as Ben seems, then right this moment they are scrambling to get the name branded as their own, and thusly it would be premature to announce before next week.

Still though, @ben, couldn’t you just… whisper it into my ear / message box? :innocent:


My guesses (or examples of namestyles I’d love) are:

-Farway (a minor/wack/lame approach to compete with the name NoMansSky, although meanwhile I think I found out how the devs of NoMansSky came up with this name, and it’s awesome.)

-Elysion (derived of Elysium as being a part of the European anthem. Still I don’t know what an “Elysium” is. Couldn’t find it in the periodic table of elements :neutral_face: )

-Talis (simple, taken, but sounds cool)

Not intending to jump on the train in the last second before the door closes. Or clip in a fatal bug in the last moment. Those are names that could be used for naming other things in Oort. I always loved the process to name ones char in MMO’s).

The last 3 days have been insanely heavy on me only to squeeze out a few comments here into the forum. I think I’m gonna take a break with ideas or suggestions and play instead. :elephant:

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Elysium is German (although it comes from the ancient Greek language)
In German it means something like state of perfect happiness / paradise (in the Catholic meaning) it also has the meaning of a save place. Giving someone “asyl” = Giving someone a save place to stay
If I remember correctly the original Greek meaning of Elysium was a place in the underworld in the Greek mythology.


Not done yet.

It’s a sandbox. We look like cats.

Cat Box.



catbobs, bobcats - headbobs - bedhops


Oort,it’s like a word in my mental word inventory now.But if the other name is good,I guess it will do.:unamused:
Why did you guys want to change it in the first place?:anguished:

Because of emojis
Emojis, Prank videos and Windows updates are the cause of everything bad and evil in this universe

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Really eager to see if anyone can guess now…