Active player issue

Has anyone else noticed that the portal networks have reduced rapidly the past two weeks, traffic in populated areas have become slow, and established towns resemble post-apocalyptic ghost towns?

What happened? Why has everyone quit playing? Is there any plan to market the game to grow the population? Is the future of boundless potentially at risk?

When I come across another player I always make sure to wave and acknowledge them as it is almost exciting to encounter another live person. When my group started playing at the PSN release, the game seemed a bit small but it wasn’t dead.

Maybe it’s just me, but I feel as if the game is winding down versus growing. What do you all think?

Another thought - The stagnant-feel economy has a lot to do with player count. Without money players can’t buy things, but without players money can’t be spent.


Agreed. Something happened, or maybe something didn’t happen. I don’t know, but I do know that there are way less players. Today I was working on my base and I saw a red icon on my compass. I stopped what I was doing and ran to the front door in hopes that the person would stop by. But they just kept going. I feel alone.

My thoughts are that this thread is about to be a rehash of a few convos that have already been had on the forum.


Yes i noticed same, population is decreasing.
But i also think that most player who are active are spread out to 48 planets, to build, explore and collect.
But even in my small towngroup, we was four, now mostly i am playing alone and the settlement is not even close to be finished.
I guess same happens to most other players. They did „all things“ ingame and just building dont hold them playing.
What we need for the game is more attraction.
Balancing and changing existent mechanics is quite important, but more important is, to give player a cause to play beside building stuff.
That means not to get some extra content, it means to get possibilities.

Devs should give player more possibilities to create own content.
Thinks like:

  • more detailled rightsystem at plots to create a kind of minidungeons for random people
  • more interactive stuff to play with, that is seperated from settlement rightsystem (per example buttons to open secret doors)
  • more secrets to find in the world, like special items thats extremly rare to find
  • PVP competition possibilities (per example to create Fightclubs)

Another thing to consider is that several triple A titles have been released recently so I know of quite a few that are stuck in those for the time being. The town I’ve been building in for a bit now is a ghost town as well however I think that some players are also maybe just taking a break too.


Well I have browsed through a few pages and haven’t found anything regarding this. I also understand this was intended to discuss things with other players. If you don’t have anything to contribute and disagree with my topic, kindly move on.

I can relate haha, it’s always nice to get a gesture back.

I can agree that the game has some evolution to come, although I think a bit more “getting the word out” would help. I fully back the idea of them suggesting the game as the PSN game of the month, which would bring in a large amount of console players.

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I think a lot of people are playing new games… RDR2, F76, etc.

Not saying none of them will be back or whatever, just that’s where I think a lot of Boundless players are atm.

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I could see that. With fallout, RDR, BO4 and other games hitting, this would definitely have an impact on players attention. I do hope this is temporary.

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I would suggest going here to find out why players might be quitting.

The development team is partnered with a major publisher. Not sure there is too much productive conversation to that end.

I quit because there was no T4,T5,T6 Planets for Australians… todays patch i think there might be now… but ive moved on to other games now… Fallout 76 and playing Fortuna in Warframe…

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I think there are 2-3 T5, T6 Aus planets

I saw similar cycles of activity when I hosted a minecraft server. Player towns would build up, grow stagnant, and become ghost towns in 2-4 month cycles. Often a new game would come out and player count would dip. Old players would achieve their goals and then find they have nothing new to strive for.

Every 10-12 months, we would wipe the server and everyone would start fresh. The reaction was predictable- many players would be upset or sad to lose all of their hard work. Some would vow to never come back- some actually left, but most returned. But the real benefit (besides re-seeding resources back into the map, MC has no built in regen after all) was the spike in player activities and interaction. Players built cities again, traded for resources they did not have, and pursued new goals.

Boundless is designed to be persistent, and server wipes would be catastrophic toward that design philosophy. But it would hugely benefit the game and community to have some way to experience that fresh wipe rush of activities that minecraft servers get after a wipe. I’ll shamelessly plug my existing suggestion for seasonal content here… Seasonal Planets


Boundless is going to be one of those slow burner games that every couple weeks people say, “You know what? I think I’ll play some Boundless!”

Towns look a little deserted because players are mostly gem mining or hunting T4-T6 at this point. People don’t just hang out at the base so much without guilds, which are coming. And with some parts not working why not take a break now and come back later, hammers swinging?


I plan on maxing out all my power coils some time in the next few weeks.

Yes that surely would help for a time… i still have much in mind with our settlement and i am one of the player who is nor bored at all, especially since i have to do all things alone and in advantage to help Ultima.
My next game i want to play is short before Pre-Alpha, that means for me, much time to spend much time in Boundless.
As long there are player who stay and hold the hotspots running, new player will have much to explore.

But in expecting of the new things that get implemented, we are able to run a living world. Just my suggestions for more interactive stuff would help us to give returner as newbies an exciting gameplay.

I think the game is gonna be a slow burner. It’s found its soul and is now calibrating. I already moved out of the woods and into a city cuz I felt lonely. I could see players huddling up even more on a few core planets. There are two types of ppl. Those who get lonely in Boundless and quit and those who get lonely in Boundless and move nearer to others. The ppl who want this game to be something it isn’t will huff and puff and leave. But the ppl who stay will continue to shape it and attract more likeminded ppl. And then slowly it will grow.

I think the game needs a more aggressive cadence of cubit content though to keep the money flowing. It’s hard to stay on a long term trajectory to the promised land, in the face of impatient/incompatible player headwinds, when you also don’t have the cash to back the journey.


Most of the gameplay in Boundless is semi brain dead activities. Very little casual gameplay experiences, no exploration to speak of to be honest, even though that was one of the selling points and they fell very short in that department.

Eliminating the same “wild life” on every world in every direction is extremely off putting. Even the metoerites have exactly the same “wild lifel” there are no enemies or proper mmo mechanics in terns of loot.

Generally the game is building, and more building. A lot of people especially on the PS thought it would be more of a survival game slash mmo elements tied in. Its just a building platform for creativity purposes.


I would say it’s a living canvas for player creativity. On one end of the spectrum the artist has full control of their tools. Image editing software is like that. You can use any color as much as you want and you have them all. On the other end is real life where everything costs money that you could have spent on food or rent so you live in a constant state of stifled creativity. Games want to land somewhere in the middle. I think this game has a good mix of grind and expression. It’s at the point where you can look at a tower made entirely of titanium plating and it is impressive not just for the placement of the blocks, but also the material used. Many players desire titanium (e.g.) simply for its color and balk at the grind to get thousands of them for their dream. But I think that adds texture to the game which separates it from image editing software.