Ancient Tree Help

Yes the Dev’s @james could do this. Hint hint.

But what happens if it actually does spawn and there is only like 2 on the whole planet? The bounty is going to be up for grabs and it will be like the Gold Rush in California 1848! (Less the gold).

I found this wood :blush:

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I have Found this wood***

Nice color


If it truly is the light blue color it will be #130 for the color. Show it with the F1 screen open (Debug info) with the cursor on it so we can see the number. Also in the other post, if you wanted the bounty you have to show the coords with a photo of it in the wild.

Yes it’s truly the light blue … But dont have the debug info on PS4. This wood will be in my store soon

You can still do a screenshot of it in the wild with the coords.

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I get that you have it. I am saying show yourself in front of the actual tree(s) showing it with the coords.

As soon as you have it in your store I will come by some…that was not the issue.

Thank you but I’m not interested. I already won a contest here and when it came time to receive coins my wife never received a response.

I think it’s great to organize some quests, thanks for that … but I’ll leave it up to someone else.

For information … this wood will be in my store surely today and my store can be found at Shopping Alley of Finata, US East hub of Gyosha Ophin and Portal seeker Bitula. The name of the portal is “Quebec”.


Not sure about when your wife not getting a response. If you were talking about when it was actually posted 6+ hours ago…I would have been in bed as it would have been like 2-3AM EST where I am. I love the game but not THAT much. :grin:

If it was another time I never saw a post or message. Sorry.

Edit: It is a nice color. Congrats on finding it!

I think he mean that he had win a contest in the past and never got is price. Not for this contests.

Ahh, I get it. Thought I missed something.

Yes, thank you msa

At this point it has been so hard to find the wood that the economic opportunity likely outweighs the quest reward!

You are probably right. Tho I’m sure there’s people who won’t agree with the not letting anyone know where he found it. So they won’t buy it whatsoever. Kind of a double edged sword. Some won’t care n will buy and some will just avoid it.

Very smart to keep location secret. If its a very small area he could even block it off and monopolize it :thinking:

Again it’s a double edge sword. It might weigh towards not being bad but nonetheless there will be some sales he won’t see. Might be so small he doesn’t notice tho. Personally those aren’t things I’d bet on with a small player base.

Im sure devs probably snuck it in on the maintenance and its probably every where now.

Now that I know it for sure exists I’ll go looking for it this time and try and find a spot so I can make a regen farm for it. I don’t need to sell it. I’d rather let people farm it.

Edit: after 10min of searching I already found some. Tho it’s not enough to set up a farm for. I’ll continue to look for a better spot.

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