Any exos?

from the devs standpoint ( never being one) i can completely understand why exo may be less frequent or literally no longer exist. they realized why should we invest dev time making planets, when costumers can make what they truly want. i imagine there will be an update to creatives/sovereign to add exo crops later.

imo this is not something to complain about it should be celebrated. i havent seen this kind of user freedom in any game ever.

if this is the case u need to turn every exo crop over to yield seed. starting now. ^^

I’m not sure this can happen, as it could create the situation where you have to pay to get what are currently exo crops and blocks.

What if everyone make their sovereign private, that means there are crafting ingredients (not just colours) that are not available at all without paying real money.

I think most people are OK with cosmetics costing real money (colours arguably fall into that catagory), but not OK with crafting ingredients.

If there was at least one each of blink, rift and umbris planet permanently available, then I think it would be fine to add those to sovereigns.


Exo planets and player rental planets serve two very different purposes.

Exo planets were introduced along with new items & are a large chunk of content for the game now. It allows them to experiment with special planets too, like the recent color-changing one. Several times, there have been long droughts with no Exos or no T7 Exos.

People are renting planets to have their own personal space for building, guilds, control of certain aspects, etc. Just like clubs/guilds/land/etc in any other similar game.

One type of content should not suddenly negate the other without reason/explanation.

We can only speculate as to why the drought is happening. At least once previously, it was due to other content/updates that they were working on.


T7’s used to be a feature of the game; why have they been removed and which patch did this?


They aren’t removed. They just aren’t spawning because the devs are too busy to trigger one due to working on baldurs 3 from what has been speculated

Well, update in the works, so maybe exos back soon? :grin: :crossed_fingers:


It is quite a-typical to be absent for such a long period. I start to believe it is really the end of this Boundless chapter. I just can’t see why lack of dev time is a reason to stop exo-generation; I considered it an automated and quite randomized process.

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I was going to post something about transparency related to this earlier, but then didn’t because I felt it wasn’t constructive. I think you’re right 100% though. We knew from day 1 that EXO’s would be used as test servers essentially and the fact that we had an EXO with block changing really should have piqued a lot more interest than it did as to what might be coming in the next test update.

Who thought we’d actually be getting changing blocks any time soon, until we got surprised with that exo? The lack of transparency makes for fantastic surprises but it also makes for a lot of mongering of various types. I think if we’re fans of this game at this point still, we just have to acknowledge that you need to enjoy what we have and be delighted with surprised and if things get blah then there are hundreds of other games to enjoy in the meantime until something happens to bring you back.


What does this word mean? I’ve never heard this before…

Clarity decided to take 2020 off as the pressure from events worldwide was becoming just too much.
Expected back in 2021.
Pretty please with a cherry on top…

oh, some exo as well, ta.


Weekend T7 exo? :pleading_face: Pretty pretty please, with Starberries on top? :cherries: :cherries: :cherries: In exo withdrawal, big sad!! :disappointed_relieved: :sob: :tired_face: :persevere:

… Hey, this tactic worked pretty well on my parents when I was a kid, persistently bug the heck out of them til they caved. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Pretty please, yes!

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What’s an exo?

Ohhhh the things that got shelved to allow baldurs gate development.

Good job I stacked up on goo and lucents lol

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This type of thing is how you get developers reluctant to tell you what they are doing.


Not sure how. They are busy doing something, time can only be spent on so many things.

If they didn’t tell us they were on baldurs and nothing was spawned or there are no Halloween announcements then people would start ranting or getting worried. This way we know what they are doing.

The post merely stated facts. They are busy, then arent manually spawning the exos as a result- either that or Sovereigns broke something with the spawning system. However, if that was the case then we most likely would have been told.

Edit: personally I support the work because baldurs looks great and it also brings in some money to keep boundless afloat.

They said they’ve been working on it since 2019. Stop acting like BG is THE REASON there are no exos right now.


Care to offer a better explanation lol. Pretty sure they have also been commiting way more time to it recently due to early access. Either way theres no exos lol

No I don’t have any explanation but to just blindly say it’s because of BG is just speculation and makes no sense given all we know is that they said they’ve been working on it since 2019. So I wouldn’t assume that’s why theres a lack of exos.

  • The unexpected popularity of sovereigns could easily be complicating the process of adding exos.
  • If exo spawning is automatic, the soveriegn update could have broken the exo spawning system
  • If exo spawning is manual, sovereign spawning could be taking time away from exo spawning, and they are choosing to focus on dev & sovereign rather than sovereign & exo
  • The next update could involve exos, and they could be waiting until that to handle any of the above

Any of these are valid explanations, and I think they’re all more likely than 3rd party contract work getting in the way (unless the studio is in worse trouble than I think it is).

None of this excuses the lack of communication. We should know by now why exos aren’t spawning.


I assumed this was said in a bit of joking way :stuck_out_tongue: