Aquarius Network need your help!

Its on Ultima HQ in front of all EU planet.

I do run a few portals of my own, it does give me tad more footfall and traffic and sales since I have more of them than before.

But it’s not that I have spare oort lying around, I need it myself. I do like huntng but don’t always have the time to join one. It’s always around the times that I really should be in bed (tho I kinda ignore that anywas, haha) OR it’s at a time after 9pm my time when 1 or 2 of my friends finally have some time to play and who don’t hunt (yet)…

So when I go on an organised hunt I need the oort, heck last week I forced myelf to go on one in order to keep my portals open!

I also don’t have much coin to spare.


We can all do something if you really, really want to! And I did earlier! I sold some pies (lovely pies, New Leyden Market, portals at Gellis Prime, Ultima Mall, Lamblis PS, Serp Gate and of course, last but certainly not least, at Ultima HQ on Finata) so had a bit more coin than usual and bought 20 rough oortstones for 300c and sold them to Ultima for 100c. I spent 4k coin and helped them stay alive for a teensy bit longer!

Later I noticed they also have 1c baskets that might be an option the next time I do this!

Everyone can do this! Even if it’s just 1 oortstone you buy for 300c and sell to Ultima for 100c costing you 200c total!

Anyone got info about these hunts? I cant seem to find info on the forums.

Also I’d like to sell shards but cant find the request baskets at the hub.

You must have been pretty setup after the invasion of Elop Portas too. I remember putting a few smart stacks on the shelves there after that ridiculous encounter.


If you go discord of the Poratl Seekers, Hunters Guild and the official discord. You see daily messages about hunts :slight_smile: I dont know if Ultima has an own discord xd

Yes discord is in this post:
Was hoping some forum update tho, im not using discord that much.

Bout to sell yall a stack!

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At you can see the scheduled Portal Seeker hunts, often gathering at Hunters Courtyard

Ultima has a discord, with a channel dedicated to hunts. Also the Hunter’s Guild tracks both as far as I know.

Plus many hunts of Ultima are announced at Ultima HQ in the chat box and the first few hunts I did I got in that way…

The oortstone baskets are around the portal to Aqua Embassy. They are also there on the other side. Not sure if it’s only for stones or also for shards (the on on the Finata side is only for stones I think).

I soloed meteors on shedu tier and sold them 60+ oortstone last night.

@brevmusic thanks for the fists :slight_smile:

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While this might help to fend off a sudden crisis, it’s harmful in the long run. You’re pumping up the prices that way.

Now imagine you went there with 2-3 more ppl and each one got 60+ oortstone and wiped all meteors much faster…

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I tried but no hunts were running :slight_smile: asked on all three discords, got home from work too late to participate @Psyborg, normally I’m part of the big raids, but since none were going I took matters into my own hands.

I’m not criticizing you, just pointing out the potential. :wink:

Thanks for clearing that up :slight_smile: I’m always down for assistance would make it go faster too, I can solo them but they take more time since I’m only one oortian. If anyone is on discord at night and wants to run meters on shedu even without a big raid party let me know, I’ll join

I love using Ultima/Aqua network, most convenient hub in my mind, and so I have no problem donating some oort stones. Just two of us did 6 meteors in a little over an hour on a T3 and got enough oort to fuel our personal 7 portals (not huge ones mind you) and had about 55 left over to donate. I get players wanting to make some coin and thus want to sell their oort but donating some extra after a hunt won’t hurt you none and would help keep this hub convenient.

Anyone who runs a big hub like this has my respect but for the time being I think this hub has the best portal layout. I believe someone mentioned that it wasn’t cost efficient to run the portals this way and that’s why [PS] adapted and changed theirs but now I personally find that portal formation a tad annoying and thus this hub is now my go to. So in order to try and help keep my favorite hub running the way it is I know I’ll go out of my way to donate more oort and more frequently. Just consider it a membership fee.

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Of course it will, I’ll have less coin to buy the things I need :stuck_out_tongue:

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As an employer who would have to increase the price of everything my company sells if I paid the employee what they want… i’d stay at 10 an hour and tell them to get a job that pays for their excess lifestyle.

Then you have no employees left because they all go to that 18/hour job

At which my company closes, and is no longer competition for the other company. Which then lowers wages and increases their prices because they no longer have competition. At which point they no longer need said employees and fires most of them :wink:

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Life is a series of scales. Balance goes too far to one side and both sides can topple :stuck_out_tongue:

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