Art: Power Core concepts

It is I.


Very nice! I like the idea of the core being something visible, but not retrievable without the surrounding housing, so number 6 gets my vote! Although I do like numbers 5, 3 and 2 as well!

Looking forward to seeing more!

I also really enjoy six

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number 5,6,7, 2 all nice (sortet, starting at the best skin)

7, 10, 9, 6.

@Minyi: Do they need to stand “free” or can they be placed in walls/underground ? How do they spread their power ? Do we need “wires” ?


I think they’ll be placed next to pipes and the engine. Which are placed around machines. @ben will give you a full rundown when he gets that post up!

personally prefer 7. can we get a clue to what need power?


I LOVE 3, 6, 7 and 10. Especially if the hoop above 10 spins and floats! :grinning: Great Job!

how about their security ? (i’m a big fan of particular models of the world (ingame too) and the more details the better :smiley: ). is it conceivable that they might have security problems (like a core melt-down if you don’t maintain it) ? this could be a great place where a giant Titan appears because he was lured from the - radioactive - fallout and will repair / re-nature the area and protect it.

how is the energy output of them ? can 1 power core run “everything” you connect to them or do we need a lot of cores for a lot of tools ? if we need a lot of cores (because they only produce a limited amount of energy) is it possible to build a power plant and transmit the ernergy (over wires) to remote locations ? (similar to the modern energy grid)

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Gotta ask @ben guys. I’m just concepting the looks


@ben / @james (not sure whom to call) where are you :smiley:


6 and 7 is clear winners to me.

Personally I like number 9 most but 7 and 6 are cool too.

That would work better as a multichoice poll as we mostly have more than 1 favorite.

[poll type=multiple]
- 1
- 2
- 3
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The Vote doesn’t work right (The clicked number dont always get the vote) … please ignore it ^^

I go for Nr 6 and 7 … both are quite cool :slight_smile:

It is quite weird when i vote 6 it losses its only vote and 1 gets 2 :slight_smile:

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jepp, I had the same ^^

Yep there are definitely some shenanigans going on, dunno why tho.

the poll you make is a simple poll so the first vote you make normal count.

this is the better way yes

##Which Power Cores did you like?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

this vote should be better, you can vote for maximum of 5 cores, minimum 1 core