Boundless Multiverse

Honestly if someone made a way to select, copy, paste, rotate and flip functions for creative planets or this new multiverse I’d be all over it. I don’t know how this would be done but please someone make it happen :pray:


I remember not wanting to play Oort online in 2017 because it was an mmo. I got Boundless in 2019 only because it was on sale, but I was worried about people stuff and connection issues. I’m cautiously optimistic about this. instead of herding us few players into a tiny area so we can be together, improve the game so more people would want to play it. adding more options and stuff is a way to do that


I really like this idea. Allow server owners to generate keys similar to SSL/TLS; have a signature exchange to get a key, which would be entered in-game and turned into a universe gateway token to open a gateway between worlds.
We would need another new type of gateway, and hopefully some QoL improvements on marking gateway and portal types, but otherwise it sounds good.

Players could establish their own separate universe internet beside the main universe. Possibly even run mods to allow certain items to port though gateways between different player-owned servers.


That’s because there’s no public-facing roadmap for this game. They develop whatever is the latest “hot” thing they like. While this upcoming update seems cool, it doesn’t do anything for me or, quite frankly, the vast majority of players. It’s basically DoA. I think they’re hoping that private universes will sell more copies of the game but I don’t know…


Really? because i called this back in September using information from this very forum and based on what they had in testing.

the road map is on the forums, its just not changed


But if you play regularly you’ll find that even in the standard universe often there is only one or two other people active on a planet at any time, minus people crossing through hubs. I very rarely encounter people wandering planets.

This “fear” of others in an MMO is preposterous. It isnt about making the game for everyone. It’s about making a finished enjoyable product. If the devs spend all their time trying to bring new people in it just becomes a revolving door of players who come and go with each update.

You wanna play single player go play minecraft.


And this is the number one primary reason I feel the game as a whole is failing as it is. The developers appear to just be doing whatever it is they wish they want to do, and to me not having any insider tradinginformation, it feels nothing gets done until suddenly SURPRISE! Here, have this completely unrelated thing you don’t even care for added to the game with ZERO input to whats being added to the game.

This Boundless Multiverse, sure making the game capable of being played entirely offline solo, will please my room mate greatly. Being able to mod the game, wonderful. But this, I feel, is basically the developers saying, here; have our engine. Modders, make the content YOU want. We’re going to end up with a very fragmented playerbase because of this. Just watch and see.


It will end the game as we know it, and remove the very element that drew me and many others in the first place. Why should I waste hours building something online that noone will ever see? At that point I’ll just play damned minecraft.

Bad, bad move devs. The update isn’t even out yet and already the community is splintering over it. Well done. :clap::clap:


the only fear i really have in this is the separate universe part, i think not being able to travel there from the main is what will cause splinters. avoid that off the bat and this game would have the potential to blow past minecraft.

No one wants “menus” to travel to another version of the game, make it a portal and they have 1 uped literally everyone making voxel based building games.

See my comments, i think we should push to have special portals keeping the main mmo connected to these new universes is key to the survival of the game


Wow, there sure is a lot of ups and downs in this thread coming from both sides of a coin. And honestly, I can see where both are coming from. There are reasons to be concerned and there are reasons to be excited.

Myself personally? I’m torn between the two.

As many of you might know of me so far, I’m not a very sociable person in-game. Much like in real life, I’m an introvert. I’m one of those that feels awkward, especially with the limited in-game chat system where there are long silences and you have no indicator to show if the other person is typing or not. I mention this because it makes my awkwardness and feelings around interaction worse. Unfortunately, it’s a mental health issue and there’s nothing I can do about it overnight. It’s a long process that I’ve been battling and I haven’t even broken through the first layer yet.

So, that’s me and the part of me that should welcome this update with open arms. BUT… Strangely enough, I can’t see myself leaving the open, populated universe we have now. I can’t see myself leaving that for a universe all to myself. Like, what would there be to work toward? Who would see my builds? Who would I buy and sell my stuff from and to? What would be the point in me playing?

So, in a nut shell. This introverted, awkward a$$ Oortian can see why some might want this but I aint going anywhere once it releases. I’m staying in the main universe with all of you wonderful folk. Simple as that!

With all that said, are there any other introverted types among us here that feel the same way and plan on sticking around?


I do play regularly ( for a little bit more than 3000 hours now) and my point was that if there’s a single player option for ppl who worry about all the things all the time as much as myself, it could be a gateway to the mmo. I had no idea how social I can be before I joined.

thank you kindly for the recommendation though :smiley:


I hate people IRL. I enjoy them marginally better online. I understand how you feel to an extent, however it is not a reason to splinter an MMO into online/offline. It will turn the core base away, those of us who came here looking for that online interaction.


If you believe that Boundless is an amazing MMO, why do you believe that allowing people to play offline will cause a mass exodus? If the best features are the community and collaboration, why would anyone participating in that part of the game leave?


I’m an introvert too. IRL I like doing my own thing a lot of the time.

In boundless, I see no real need to fragment the base further. People can already hide on their private worlds if they want.

I guess this is cool? I’d rather have a desperately needed hunting update than this though.

Feature nobody needed?



The MMO aspect is what I like about Boundless, and one of the things that sets it apart from Minecraft. That game is pretty well established, and it would make more sense for Boundless to innovate rather than offer the same features.

IMO, they should build and improve the existing universe, and give more purpose and uniqueness to the main worlds. I’d like to see more of the active forum community reflected in the game. More life on the worlds.


It removes entirely the incentive to play with others. The worlds are empty as it is, logic would dictate you DONT move to make them emptier.

This game has the POTENTIAL to be an amazing MMO. It is not yet. And the devs constantly seem to be moving farther and farther away from the initial concept I backed years ago.


The one that is 5 years old that predicted this?

It also predicted hunting updates.



Let’s not forget armor, clothing, muliple player races, raids, more creatures, the Hunter, minable oort… the list drags on.


I don’t think it affects the incentive to play with others. If you feel like playing alone is better than playing with others, then aren’t you being forced to play with others?