Cash shop? wait what?

They do if they limit the content you can have and boundless will have no dlc. Everyone playing gets everything in boundless and without the dlc you do not get everything in the other Games so comparing the base is not a good comparison in my opinion.

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6 and a half dozen.

Toh-may-to. Toh-mah-to.

I don’t think it’s fair to compare the price of baseline FFXIV and baseline ES:O now against what Boundless is going to charge for it’s 1.0 launch and thought a more apt comparison was the price of FFXIV and ES:O NOW (with current content). All good. When FFXIV came out it was $49.99 or $59.99 and same for ESO.


This being true and I think it is, that does offer an advantage during early play. Can you buy multiple skill respects at a time. I know this was brought up but has anyone tested it. If you could only buy one at a time, it would at least slow this down.

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This why i suggest purchased limit for weekly.
Maybe 3 or 4 / week.
Since there is no way for player who need that much reset chance to fix their mistake or to test the build.

Also for the cleanse points as well.

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I just test it, for “skill reset” you can purchase as much as u want.
As long as you have enough cubits.

This is unlikely to happen, I’ve had a similar conversation and this is James reply.

It was also in relation to skill resets.

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I actually second this. Not a fan myself of real-time-based features either.

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There is another angle to that though.

Boundless could choose to limit the quantity of Cubits that can be purchased in any given period as a safety measure for people who have addictive personalities and can’t help themselves. While I don’t think there’s anything in the Exchange yet that would really trigger that kind of addictive need to buy, I would be entirely happy with the decision if that was the reasoning behind it.

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That will be great if they have system to prevent this:)

I suppose that’s fair. After all, we do live in a society nowadays where the principal ethos is “If it takes effort or thought to help someone else or if it doesn’t directly benefit us, then lets just not bother”.

But you do have me interested-ish. Can you help me understand (it doesn’t have to be logical, addictive behaviour rarely is) your thought process as an individual with an addictive personality that would make a cap harmful?

Would it truly be so bad for the individual if people were turned off the game because they couldn’t spend all the money? The only negative outcome I can envisage is that that someone with a genuine problem finds somewhere else worse to spend their money, but there will always be a place for that and we can’t control the whole of the rest of the world.

Phrasing is everything. You call it a problem, I call it as a decision (a decision that can be iterated on, too). We don’t say “It’s too hard to a work out and agree on the specific age that people should be allowed to drink alcohol, so we just won’t put an age limit on it”.

Given that purchasing of cubits with real money is heavily touted as being absolutely and entirely optional, then nobody will need to buy cubits at all. It makes sense then that unless the cap is oppressively restrictive, the only normal people I can see this hurting are people who are depositing that much money into the game that they’re looking to buy some form of advantage. Maybe you’d like to counter by highlighting scenarios that I’m missing / just can’t see?

That does rather depend on what you think the point is. My point, is that limiting Cubit purchases over time as a preventative against addictive spending is another valid reason that a cap would be a reasonable idea, on top of other points made in this thread.

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Has anyone said that you cant actually buy cubits yet? Like, theres no purchasing method. Youve gotta earn them with levels. Its like special XP, or currency only earned through level ups. I literally just tried to buy some and i cant.

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Its none of your business nor is it any of Wonderstruck’s business, if the person can afford it or not that is solely on the person to know if he can afford it or not… And its offensive to make a predetermination or to draw a line in the sand… It would be a kin to Wonderstruck taking the game server down at 10PM because they don’t want little kids to be up past there bed time… And now people who work the night shift OR simply choose to be awake at night now get shafted because someone thinks its a good idea to come up with a arbitrary rule to “Help” some part of the population.

If you want to help then simply “MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS”

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No, it would not. It would be like saying that a person could only play a limited number of hours per day, and not specify what those hours are. And yet even THAT isn’t accurate, because people are already limited to a finite number of hours in a day they could possibly play. That’s not the case with spending money. You can spend more than you own. If you’re going to liken this to other scenarios to help back up your point, at least try comparing to things that are like for like. If not, maybe you could “MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS”.

More importantly, I have an opinion. Someone else had a different opinion. I asked them to help me understand their point of view. I find you jumping down my throat about it just as offensive as you seem to find any line in the sand on this point.

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Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

I’m not sure I entirely agree, but I definitely feel like I understand where you’re coming from more and you raised some things I hadn’t considered, which is great.

And ultimately, I also would have to concede to the point that in the future, any amount set now that seems reasonable may no longer be reasonable due to changes in what and how much is available through the Exchange.

I do still feel like there’s an achievable middle ground somewhere (whether that be giving a different public-facing name/reason, or something else), but now that I’ve got a well reasoned answer out of this thread I do feel like your reasons are as good as mine and I’m happy to just agree to disagree and move on. I certainly have no desire to continue any further with more the vocal champions of their cause.



@T4LCOMX , trying to get the topic moved to here instead of the one we are watching for the update to go live.

What I mean by saying the train already left the station is that you won’t change cubits and plots before 1.0 to how you want them to be. Post maybe, but not pre. Because pre could be hours or a couple days at this point.

As long as they don’t charge TOO much, hearing Gleam Club is only $5 is encouragin’.

the game is underdeveloped for a 1.0 release that costs 40.00. while objectively speaking its come a long way, it hasnt come far enough to cost that much ESPECIALLY when youre going to implement micro transactions that will allow players to bypass a certain and imho core aspect of the game: earning plots.

we still dont have titans.
no npcs.
no quests outside of ‘objectives’.
no real story or lore.
still have very limited number of enemy types.

tbh, cubits need to be earnable in ways other than through leveling up, and they shouldnt be used to purchase plots unless youre buying them outside of a max player-level restricted cap. (i.e. level 50 player has 250 plot limit or something but can buy more once they reach the cap)

If youre gonna flat out let players buy plots with cubits, then cubits should have a chance to be found in game from breaking blocks or killing enemies or from reaching certain prestige goals within their individual beacons. its gonna suck when second week after launch the wallet warriors are building huge castles while the players whove been dedicated to the game since the start but arent looking to spend EVEN MORE MONEY on such an underdeveloped game are chipping away at ranks trying to earn enough cubits to build a half decent looking base of operations.

I have nothing against wallet warriors. Ive spent well over 1k on warframe. Thats not the point here. The point is completely bypassing work required to earn certain benefits within the game. It just seems quite unfair imho.

Xp and Resource boosters should be a thing. Plots for cubits before a cap? i dont think so.

another thing,

you should give everyone who is from early access a nice lump sum of cubits, then give players appropriate increases in cubits based on the tier of backer package they purchased. this should also include tier based customizations (such as character body paints) based on the tiers of support from early access.

Then, everyone who buys the game after early access should also get a nice chunk of cubits to start out with.

IMHO that should be (for the post release players) half the purchase price of getting the game worth of cubits (i.e. 20.00). Doing that would make the ‘buy plots for cash’ aspect a little less ugly since everyone would essentially be doing that upon purchase, it would be an added value incentive to buy the game, start players off with getting a taste of what cubits can do for you, and make it seem like you honestly want us to feel like we got what we paid for.

Im gonna stick around and play off and on and see how it all works out. But if cubits are too hard to come by and prices of cubit items arent reasonably affordable then i dont see this game getting the post release level of traction it had during the early access.

Cubits should be tradable too. Tradable premium currency is a huge acknowledgement to players who cant or dont want to spend money beyond the intital price to own the game.
It will also make for a more interesting live economy. Perhaps even allowing us to buy cubits in game with coin. That would allow players who are the most competitive in pricing and who provide items players actually want/need to really benefit from their work. As is… coin dont do much but get items you can already farm, and that you most likely have plenty of already if you are at the point where you have a store.

If not, then there need to be cosmetics and plots available for coin as well. Even if its a 10x or 20x coin to cubits ratio…

just my thoughts from someone that wants to see the game do well, but also wants the game to treat players fairly and NOT become a nexon-esque money grab campaign.

You do know that you earn cubits in the game from leveling up? And there is not a limit on how many cubits you can earn?

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i appreciate the thought, but its NEVER to late to make better decisions.

Unless there is some contract between the devs, ps4, and squeenix on how theyre going to work microtransactions, what theyre for, and the costs of items and the premiums currency… then yeah. its not too late.

Before this gets crazy, can we get this combined with one of the other threads anout this topic so the ideas on it are in one place?

Edit: @Stretchious is awesome.

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