Circarpous Hunts (MM)

Right. We have the same idealistic mindset. I view it the same way you do. I was just trying to stepback and look at the “why this is happening” to try to get a better understanding so we could all try to get a broader understanding of why this type of thing happens (multiple people have done this from what I understand?) Are these people just jerks or is there an actual gameplay reason they are doing these things? I’m apt to believe they’re just jerks and is why I agree with you in earlier post in saying they should definitely be banned.

Moon PvP sounds fantastic. I hope it comes with low gravity so we can grapple people to their deaths due to high velocity impact when they hit the ground. :rofl::skull_and_crossbones:

also: im proud to be a carebear, they have the best stares.


I think some people do it because:

  1. they can
  2. they get a rise/attention from it
  3. they get away with it
  4. people are people

If it was a large guild group going around doing it to as many hunts as they could, I would say it was for economic reasons. This does not seem to be that.


I should clarify.

A person who trolls - Yes please report and follow that process.

Person trolls - Please don’t remake the game to prevent anyone from taking that action.

The Regen bomb thing is an example. I understand why people complained. It sucks and is stupid that people would regen bomb during a meteor fight (I have died to this in the past and it was annoying!)

But now regen bombs don’t work within a certain range of meteors…and that stinks for me constantly when regen farming. On each exo when I go to get gleam any time a meteor lands in range, I have to move to a new spot or stand there and wait out a timer.

Report them yes. Please don’t change the way the game work to try and prevent the behavior …it will slide over and keep having impact on other parts of the game and those that just want to play will be impacted.


Yup… too many times we have people focusing on the quick solution versus the bigger game design issues. We need fundamental changes versus band-aid on top of fix on top of gum on top of rubber-band. A game built by MacGyver might be interesting and cool at some level but it will probably not be really fun.

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I wonder if it would be possible for the devs to institute a soft ban system where players that are being disruptive could be restricted to no portal usage and only being on their home planet for a period of time? They could keep playing but wouldn’t be able to follow players or interfere with most hunts unless it was their home planet.

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I would much more prefer a community driven contest where players develop the “hell sanctum” where all bad people can be sent for a day. The best submission will be the one we use in the following scenario:

Upon the ban institution the offending player(s) would be instantly portaled to the “Boundless Hades” to spend a night fighting endless spitters and cuttles with a handfull of tallow while in the background you hear the chirps of Roadrunners and howls of Hoppers and the spooky sound of the Wraith. All the while, our Sanctum elder will just be looking at you laughing and the miserable self you represent.

@James or @lucadeltodecso this shouldn’t be too hard to develop right? :slight_smile:


If we get a Boundless Hades many players will act badly just to get sent there, myself included. Sounds like a fun time every once in a while.


Yea i would misbehave just to be sent to “THE NETHER”!!!


I had nominated the exoworld Tynnallivo for exactly this. :rofl: The land of fire and ice… make it permanent, anybody who acts up is put in time out and restricted to play there for that time. :wink:


it might be fun but the death penalty stacks if you go there so if you die 10 times he penalty is 10 times what it is now and has to be worked on when (and if ) you return to the live universe.


Well then it would set up a ‘How fast can you get rid of a 10 times defeat penalty’ challenge.

Challenge accepted :sunglasses:


How about, if a meteor is within so many meters and you throw a bomb, you take the equivalent fall damage with it. If you die, sixty second timer before you can be revived. then you can lay in your hole of shame…


A man’s hole of shame is his own private kingdom!


Thats why i make a hunt break.
Warp trolls, bomb hole trolls
But the force will destroy the trolls soon :rofl:

Darth Pain


I think implementing a report system like overwatch could be somewhat helpful. Their report system is especially used in competitive mode. When someone is trolling the game or being toxic in chat you can report them and write in reasons why, after so many reports they take action against the player. For example they ban that person for the competitive season. They also let you know when they have taken action by giving you a message saying they did. They don’t say what actions and who but at least you know something is being done. It seems to work very well for them. Being boundless is a totally different game than overwatch so it couldn’t be the same but would be a great model to build upon.

There are many reasons why people troll but in this case it’s literally people who don’t like jacey and are trying to ruin his hunts. Someone who jacey has conversations with James about. The friend I said that he was trying to make look bad is jacey’s close friend in real life. At this point I think a ban is absolutely appropriate.

I’ll repeat this, the people who take time to make this game a better experience deserve respect. When we allow this to happen to people like them it will eventually make them stop playing, this hurts us all because it will prevent other people from taking time to make stuff for the community. I know it makes me rethink future projects I have to help people.


They should not be doing that.

but if it leads to the multitudes and multitudes of 1 plot flying saucers being removed from the Circarpous sky then maybe there is a silver lining

I am suggesting a kind of Huntleader System.
A Huntleader is a special Role that is given by a voting system, from all participating Hunters.
It can be setup by a special book, that action radius is just some meters.
The Huntleader can ban people from Meteor Area, then the people cant enter the area anymore.
If a Huntleader abuse this role, he can get lose this role by voting by participating hunters.
If it would too much strength for one person, there can be a second kind of hunting System:
People who participate at hunt, have to register on a book, all registered hunters can vote for banning a special player from hunting area.

Well, this system needs to get thought through a bit more, but it can be a solution for the community in my opinion.

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the game has a report system its just a slow method unlike overwatch that has a team dedicated to dealing with reports its just the devs so if the system gets flooded it can take awhile for a report to get looked at

I agrée and understand what you are saying. I was more thinking of the overwatch report system as a possible model for the future as the game grows. We are lucky right now to have hands on devs, this small team is probably overwhelmed with player having issues. Stuck between a rock and hard place to say the least.

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You are not the only group. We had our turn with these events. I suggested all bombs other than healing and buffs be disabled. This is the only way. Damage bombs are pretty much pointless anyways. Other than clearing land. No one uses them to actually attack monsters.

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