Color Rarity Mechanic Changes

They do have “some colors” that they can get from beginner T1 and T2 planets. They can also do new player activities like mine for coal & tech to level up & earn xp/coins to buy things they can’t make/gather.

Is it though? If it is, then what about non-organic farms? Advanced coils? Lucent gems? :thinking: What about the $/XP/plot wall new players will hit if they try to rent a planet? :wink:

I don’t agree with all the colors needing to be mid-game exactly, but I do agree that I’d very much like to see the goo farming system changed. Logically, it makes very little sense for it to be impossible to make them at least 100% seed output. A plant that can’t reproduce shouldn’t be able to exist in the first place, but I’d be satisfied with 100% being max seed. It’d be nice to sit there and mutate each seed you get over time into the color you want. If the devs want spray to be expensive and hard to get, I say they should make crop output extremely low in exchange for actual sustainability.

I meant more color then if people aren’t getting what I meant. Color not behind a wall.

These have nothing to do with color. Yes color is end game content because of Goo and that the only real place to get color is on an Exo or paying expensive money that an average player doesn’t have.

After launch we had less planets than we do now, less gleam colors, no Gleambow events, and no exos.

We have way more choices now than we used to.

It’s also much easier for players to obtain gleam thanks to the gleam farms that have been set up.

We are getting ready to have another source of gleam colors - rental planets. And players will be able to reset their colors (I assume we’ll get more details soon).

Once we’ve exhausted all of the current 255 possible colors, I’m sure players will ask for more.

I hate it. I hate anything that has to do with competition, adrenaline, as well as requiring good hand-eye-coordination. I’ve been playing the game for over a year, and I have YET to be able to successfully swing a grapple from tree to tree without landing with a thud and taking fall damage between grapple swings. I cannot maintain that. I don’t like the racing aspect of the event. I would prefer if it was a more cooperative event rather than competitive. I’ve been advocating at least implementing a participation reward into the gleambow core box that EVERYONE gets access to of like a few (Maybe 3 to 10) blocks of the meteorite’s type in various colors, so at least all of it can be partaken in by all, not just the game’s elite end-game speed demons.

Why does removing color rarity equate CREATIVE MODE? Why do people always use this fictitious fallacy that we’re asking for Creative Mode?


it might bother me a little in how it’ll effect the economy but other than that, I’m fine. don’t hoard black gleam now and only have a small black gleam field in preparation for the update so you can get a lot of black spray. many gleam colors would become worthless due to spraying them and the sprays might become unaffordable for many players

Didn’t the lead dev mention that the intent was for the colors to have likely been accessible long ago, assuming that planets had kept spawning? But then i think it was you who made a comment in response to me that stated one day the planets just stopped spawning.

If the original intent was for constant planet spawns to introduce a wider color palette, and the dev commenting that it did not go as planned, then it doesn’t seem like colors being rare was even something initially planned for.

Because of that, from what it sounds like, with lack of any real content, the playerbase eventually decided that color was end game content, because it’s a sandbox and with little content available the players had to create their own content.

Sounds like the players are already asking for ‘more’ with the way theyve chosen to draw lines on content, and theyre just making do with colors because that’s the only content bone there is to gnaw over. If it wasn’t it’s hard to understand such fierce opposition to widening the palette as seemed to be the initial vision of the game.


Yay for slippery-slope fallacy! No, the market and economy can and will stabilize. It always has.

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the way it’ll stabilize is many rare gleam colors becoming worthless and gleambow racing being a fairly useless event. marble has already been impacted by this and the users with super enriched bonding agent is going under regret

Again, Slippery Slope fallacy in play here.

Boundless has a ton of content lol. And they are adding more - as most games do over time.

I’d have to see a reference for that. We have a more recent clarification from a dev:

they spawn when population increases to the point it makes worlds too crowded OR when certain resources are harder to obtain and new locations with those resources are needed

since active population have stabilized on a level acceptable for current size of universe and all resources are obtainable easy enough, there have been no new worlds spawning

and it is true that is the reason why we havent got more colors on permanent worlds - had we 10-fold current population and thus 100 or more new worlds, we would also had way more colors available for gathering

sovereign worlds give us a chance to ratify this situation, no matter how little impact some players think it will have in that department; we will have to wait and see, but I am optimistic that number of new colors per block may easily go up satisfyingly, should enough sovereign worlds appear - we will have to wait and see of course

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I’m just echoing things I’ve seen people post or put in discord. I agree there’s plenty to do, but I’m also new and still enjoying things so the newness hasn’t worn off for me, but good grief are there some upset people in the chat channels.

Pertaining to access to colors, I think @Xaldafax was the one who commented on one of his posts that’s what one of the points originally was

@boundmore regarding the worlds stopping spawn, i was just referencing a comment Majorvex had made to me previously in regards to the planets just stopped spawning and then exo’s appeared. I didn’t know what to really make from the comment because I didn’t have context to base off of. So basically what you are saying then, if the comment about more colors were expected because more planets were expected is accurate, then the game didn’t acquire the population originally imagined? oh i see you added more to your comment. ok that makes sense, i understand a bit more now.

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i used to run an exo gleam shop with cheap prices so i shut it down in preperation for gleam becoming worthless. it was also very hard to keep stock . if goo was able to be manually mutated without the gleam, it would have a very profound impact on the economy

So what, just because a block is only worth say, 10~20 coin per means its worthless? Do you expect everything in a supply versus demand equation here to keep things in the 100+ coin costs per block? Seriously, look it up. Supply and Demand… Supply goes up, demand goes down. That’s the side effect of a free economy that we have, where the devs don’t create artificially high pricing and would prefer the players to run and operate the economy. Would you like it instead if everything you could go out and collect guaranteed you a billion coins with little to no effort? Probably not. (And there’s the Slippery Slope you’re using) … Again, its all supply and demand. I don’t see many threads (if any) for reverting the change to Marble. The economy adapted to the change. So, it will adapt for any further changes coming down the pipelines.

e: Typoes.


What do you mean by goo being manually mutated? How much was exo gleam selling for? I know Fante sells it at the higher end of the scale for 50c each for the reasonably easy to regen farm exo gleam.

Do you think painting gleam would effect that price much? It is much easier to regen farm exo gleam in most instances than it is to gather goo, mutate it to your chosen colours, then craft cans of paint. I would imagine thst exo gleam would be cheaper than painted gleam since it takes less time and effort to produce.

The only price drop of gleam I can see happening if gleam was paintable would be over priced gleambow gleam, which will hurt some players for sure… but IMO, unlocking all tintable blocks for painting is the fairest solution to both sides of the problem.

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:+1: If you don’t try to rush things too much & burn out, there’s a lot to do & enjoy (as with any game, I suppose).

And yeah, people go back and forth on things…some with a little more trepidation or excitement than others at times.

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if it goes down over 80% from it’s original price i consider it worthless. its like the stock market. during the great depression, before people bought stocks then it went down very faar and they became broke, they had to live in cardboard villages, and not be able to afford a single apple. the coils people were hoarding or crafting before the prices went down were great for the buyers but not so great for the sellers. now its about 1k per coil when it used to be about 5k. not enough for the worthless threshold but still a big hit. gotta think about the sellers too. if there’s a rare gleam shop like gleam universe. there might be dark colors with rare origins that will have to drop by over 80% if the gleam price goes down or people might consider it “expensive” and not buy it and spray their own instead. people adapted to the changes but it might be a big hit to the sellers. just saying! it might positively benifit the consumers but not the producers or sellers.

So you would rather sell small amounts of exorbitantly-priced blocks versus a large volume of affordable blocks? Wouldn’t that equate to a similar profit margin? Again, Supply and Demand at play here.

Also, based on that comment, wouldn’t that mean every new block that’s been introduced is worthless?

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Except that is not really what is happening with exo prices. Its a time vs reward thing. If you can spend an hour regen farming gleam and sell multiple inventories full for 40c apiece, then you are rich for very little effort. Goo isn’t the same. That requires a lot of time and setup.

Edit: To clarify, I’m not saying its wrong to sell them for what you can get for them. I’ve made millions this way myself for very little effort.