Per request:
Here is what was brought up and discussed during my last Oortian call with @james which was a continuation of a PM thread I had with him and Ollie regarding finally releasing a contract system. I felt it helped drive player interaction which we really need and can disrupt the issues we have around shops. I just presented my ideas and it is up to them to decide if contracts should come soon or later… obviously I want sooner because of the benefits and simplicity over harder stuff like Titans, etc.
All of my feature suggestions are always bare minimum feature sets so that they do not diverge from larger roadmap goals like Titans, etc. After release then we iterate where needed on the foundation design. For me it is important that we have tools in the game that allow us to grow functionality in the game over “full feature things.” That way we don’t wait months for something and can iterate it as it is used because it was delivered quickly. I also don’t want them to create a mico-managing type scenario and instead just give base functionality to allow the sandbox environment to develop them.
The contract system I suggested had basically a Bulletin Board looking asset that people could place on their wall which would allow them to register with the universal contact system. The system allows you to input a contract asking for various topics like items, builds, or whatever your “needs” are along with a budget if you wish to mention that. People can then bid on that contract. Once a bid is selected, funds are put in escrow, contract is done and delivered, and payment is delivered.
The same basic system would exist for Guilds but without bidding. The guild feature was to move people away from the “signs” listing of things to do or things the guild needs.
Obviously the biggest issue around the coding is the “escrow” area and delivery for physical assets versus “build me this requests”. My suggestion was to add another asset like the mailbox but have it be delivery focused and feel kind of like a trade window. This was to help with timezone differences and ease in me getting my stuff and you getting your cash. Plus this asset could be used for basic user transfer as well for those that can’t do it face to face.
Ultimately the “escrow and delivery” parts of the conversation were a rough design and needed much more maturity in how the workflow and functionality might work. Overall I just wanted something simple to start because it is better to have something than nothing. We can always change that something to make it better over time.
I get people will have disputes on I asked for this to be built and what you built was ugly, blah, blah, blah. But for me is it worth arguing over every aspect of a system due to some valid concerns versus getting something out there so that people that want stuff can actually get it without having to deal with discord and a million other things. Why stop release… we can always fix the problems afterward.
Above was player to player contracts. The other part of the contract system would be game based contracts - basically like a quest type scenario. On a coding level they have many components already in place from pervious work in EA on contracts. Also their current messaging system kind of supports this functionality anyway.
This game based contracts system is probably where James had the biggest challenge because the contracts felt too simple or boring because they were do x or get x, etc. My suggestion for this was to just get them out and allow players the ability to build some contracts and present them to developers to be added into the contract system. Additionally, @Havok40k had these suggestions on contracts we could offer:
I can think of two in particular that might be popular:
- defend [beacon] from hostile mobs. Kill x mobs in proximity of this beacon. Reward paid on completion.
- defend [player] from hostile mobs for X time. Reward paid at end of duration.
The first would be useful for establishing a home or shelter on a higher tier planet, and the second would be useful for players who wish to gather or mine on dangerous planets.
Generated contracts could be interesting ways to inject a little lore and exploration into the game. Some ideas that come to mind…
- travel to [random generated wilderness coordinates on x planet] and investigate a disturbance! Then (kill x mobs, activate a relic, place a device, gather x resources) and escape the planet without dying. Reward granted on completion.
- travel to [current exo-planet] and place a survey beacon in X regions. Defend the beacon from hostile mobs for X time.
- Travel to [planet] and find X lore items. These items are only obtainable/visible when the player has accepted a contract to gather them.
I also added, that here are some others that might be usable that were some suggestions from myself and the ]I[ guild members:
- get this beacon to x prestige or craft this thing - even though these type of things feel more “feat” oriented.
- guild based ones like generate X endeavor
- remove blocks or terraform an area like clear 4 plots of trees or flatten a hill to X altitude
- there is a wave of mobs endangering a settlement on a planet - go there and protect city
- there is a sudden surge of meteorites threatening a location - go there and protect
- players requesting help of hunters or other things for expeditions
- plow field for player and plant X crop
- transport X goods from one location to another
- contracts could be linked to events to help drive participation for them… plus help people go back to Exo planets to replay the events like we talked about when they start showing later.
I do agree that some of these things are sort of boring or simple. Ultimately this is a sandbox and we need generic functionality and features to allow people to create and develop things themselves. If we provide these tools it helps us drive the content ourselves without having to wait on the devs to give us everything.
Plus I see the contracts on a game quest level (not player to player) as a good start to developing content and get some ideas on things that could lead toward dungeons or other stuff.