CRAZY IDEA : Blueprint system REDUX

So, here goes! Already wrote something for that, but I thought I could refresh the idea, make it better.

We first have a new item, a beacon-saver tool, which would look similar to the beacon plotter and beacon remover :

– This item would allow you to save the data of one plot at a time, but you would have to always start from a plot containing a beacon (which wouldn’t necessarily need to be a master-beacon control, and could be removed afterward).
– All non-source-liquid blocks aren’t taken into account.
– The beacon saver item would have a durability bar indicating how many plots the devs allow you to save at once, which is the fail-safe system to not have blueprints of 10000 plots. That durability value is of course left to them.
– If the durability of your beacon saver goes to 0, the item isn’t destroyed, but a system-message lets you know you gone done and did it son, and you can’t save any more plots, but as explained below, you’d have the option to reset the item and start over.
– Once you’ve made the selection of adjacent plots you wanted to save, you feed the beacon saver item to a machine.

Let’s say this machine is a Designer table, and it could be placed in wild zones.

The Designer table does several things.
– It does not consume the beacon saver item, allowing you to store it in a container. You could have an entire build dedicated to preserving your blueprints or blueprints donated by other players.

  • In its first tab, “Save Blueprint” :
    – It that allows you to give a name to the beacon saver item (like how you give names to portal tokens).
    – You would have to option to save the data contained in the beacon saver item into a file on your computer/console, for later use.

  • In the second tab, “Load Blueprint” :
    – You can place a beacon saver item. If it’s not empty, a button allows you to reset it. It could have a “are you sure” pop-up asking you how many plots are saved inside. The name of the beacon saver item also gets a reset.
    – If the beacon saver item is empty, you can imprint date onto it, through a selection system that only shows blueprint data file in a specific folder on your computer/console. The beacon saver item then takes on the name of the blueprint you chose in the “Save Blueprint” tab.

  • In the third tab, “Build Blueprint” :
    – You can drop the beacon saver item.
    – Then you could activate the Designer table’s < building function > by pressing a button. The table would require you to feed it both a beacon and some beacon fuel of choice.
    – To be activated, the table also requires you to have enough free plots. Quod erat demonstrandum.

  • Once activated :
    – The table transforms into a new machine (maybe with a different look, a construction site table with hammers and hard-hat?) where the “Save Blueprint”, “Load Blueprint” and the “Build Blueprint” tabs are gone and replaced by a chest-like UI.
    – The table places the beacon fed to it where the one in the blueprint is supposed to be, and considers that that plot with the beacon and the plot with the table are the same.
    – That table-container would only accept blocks required by the blueprint.
    – Once every block has been fed, you can press a satisfying “BUILD” button, and the machine disappears / is replaced by a block from the blueprint, as every block and plots is placed, starting from the beacon.
    – All blocks that are in the way of the blueprint’s construction, the original Designer table and the Beacon saver item are stored into the reclaim cloud storage of the owner.
    – The orientation of the blueprint would be defined by the original beacon (I suspect they don’t currently have an orientation data for beacons, but they could add it?), and match the orientation of the Designer table. This would avoid the need to make a complex “ghost projection of blueprint as preview with controls to rotate preview”.

  • Optionnal Fancy feature :
    – The container UI would display greyed-out icons of all the blocks required for the blueprint, with colors indicated on mouse-over. If there’s 20 blocks of grass required by the blueprint, but divided in two different colors, there will be 2 slots of grass, in the container for you to fill, each with the proper required number.
    – You could check or uncheck options to ignore color-requirement, allowing you to change the colors of the blueprint as you fill the container.
    – You could check or uncheck the block-requirement, allowing you to feed the wrong blocks into the container, effectively changing the look of the blueprint.
    – You could check or uncheck an option to ignore the chisel-work when building the blueprint upon activation.

  • I like this Blueprint idea!
  • I don’t like this Blueprint idea!
  • I don’t care about this Blueprint idea…

0 voters


i love the whole blueprint ideas, but i’m pretty sure we wont be getting it

Oh I wouldn’t be so sure. It’s something pretty much all building games have.
I have 0 doubt that the devs are actually already thinking about doing it, but might just not be sure how to do it.
I think the way I wrote it here is close to what they could do.

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but those building games are pretty stable and boundless is not stable enough, i think its to complex for boundless as from now , who knows…but i doubt it

I certainly hope you’re wrong, because this would be in the Top 5 of the biggest game-changers the game will ever get.

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i agree with you 100% i also hope at some point we could have it but its like winning the lottery kinda chance xD

Added this :

I would hope that at some point we do get blueprints. In theory, the game is already saving what we constructed digitally in order to render it when we go to a planet. You could argue this is a blueprint. Not to say that it is in a form that would make it easily translatable into a format usable by players in the ways we might envision, but the game is already saving player builds.


I need another option, I like blueprints but think the method needs to be tweeked.

I am not sure that it is a good idea or economically possible for the developers to store blueprints on the game servers. I was thinking about this after an earlier conversation and compared to the reclaim the blueprints are massive. For the reclaim, they need to list every block type with every color and the number of that item. The exceptions are tools with the material, damage, durability and the forge traits, but even then all this can be a simple flat file.

For a blueprint, every plot has 512 different blocks in it and each block has to be stored as far as the block type the color, the orientation and if it is chiseled how it is chiseled. If it is a storage block and it contains items then the data that has to be stored just for that one block grows to be quite large. Each slot now has to store what it contains, colors and type. Since you can store multiple colors, and types of items like rock and foliage in a single storage slot it can be up to nine different items in each storage slot so that block has to account for not only the storage block characteristics but up to 36 other possible items. For a build with large storage areas this could be enormous amounts of data. So a 1000 plot beacon will need to store data for 512,000 blocks. Even if they are empty, the blueprint has to mark that they are empty.

If you allow players to create libraries of these blueprints in game and to share them with other players, you could end up with huge amounts of data being stored and duplicated across many different players.

I guess while I do like the idea of blueprints, I think the best option is to allow players to create and store the blueprints offline from the game. Maybe they get stored in sanctum. Since the blueprint is not the actual blocks but just a blueprint, I think the risk of hacking is negligible and in fact there might be a way for players to import blueprints from outside programs like Magica Voxel. I think this relieves the developers of the cost to store all the possible data. It allows players to store as many blueprints as they want and as large as they want.

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Just that made me go like

Then I checked on my calculator.

I’m still like “how is that possible?!” because a plot seems so small and insignificant in the bigger picture of a full build.


It does. . .I was thinking about it more and more after we chatted earlier and was thinking how much data are we really talking about, then I did the calculation and. . cata

Are you kidding me!!! and then I thought about chiseling and orientation and thought. .



Then again, Creativerse does it, and the capture-system allows you to blueprint spaces of 15³ blocks, 31³ blocks or 63³ blocks (that’s up to 250047 blocks for those who are counting). Now sure, there is no ‘chisel-work’ to save, but ALL blocks can be rotated at will, tinted at will (each tint coming with 4 levels of emissivity to make glowing blocks), it can save arcsigns, which are like our modular signs, but can all contain up to 1000 chars (maybe it’s 10000, not sure), and it can save the wire-work that you use to connect doors to levers and such. And SURE, if you actually push the system to its limit by blueprinting a full 63³ blocks full of arcsigns, the saving process will likely fail or have errors (but that’s how Creativerse is, I say it often, the biggest issue that game has is that it’s badly optimized).
But then you can have a library of blueprints. I have such a build on CV, containing all my templates of smaller-builds I repeat often.

Still, POINT IS, if Creativerse can do that, I wonder why Boundless could not do something more tamed.
The real issue of Boundless, from what I’ve been told, is that a beacon can virtually be infinite, and they indeed can’t save a beacon that takes most of a world (who said “Biitula”? just me? uh…) hence me making this whole suggestion where you individually select plots, and the tool has a durability which is the limit of what the devs consider acceptable.

Fair point in the comparison, only Wonderstruck could say for sure, but I do remember James expressing concern about storage when it was suggested that expiring beacons save the entire build. If the point is to allow for blueprints to be traded/sold then a limit works. If it is to be used as a tool to save builds in case a beacon expires then a limit probably does not work as even a 1000 plot build has more blocks than creativerse can store. The alternative is players start building with multiple beacons so they can store each part of a 13000 plot build. So they still end up storing the data just in chinks instead of a single file.

I do wonder how practical it is to select individual plots. .Since plots are 3d and not 2d how would I know which plots are being saved? Do I have to wander the build and use a tool like a plotter to select the plots? Having tried to remove plots from a build, this can be very time consuming and difficult to make sure you have found all the plots and selected the ones you mean to.

To be clear, I like the idea of blueprints. For some of the builds I have planned (in my head so far) and for group builds they could be invaluable and time saving. It might allow for players to build something in creative mode and import it into the public universe. There are all sorts of possibilities. It also would allow someone that had spent a great deal of time on their build a way to preserve it in case something did happen where they were unable to keep their beacons fueled. If we can store them in game, great. If we have to store them offline in order to get them, then I am ok with that also.

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I mean this was the whole first part of the suggestion.
But it’s true, I didn’t wrote anything specific for the actual selection process.
Ideally, the devs should re-do the effect of plot-removal, because it currently just makes the borders of the plot flash white. It should have a big diagonal red cross on the sides of the plot you’re about to remove.
Than, the plot saver could have a different effect, I don’t know what exactly, could be something green. :man_shrugging:

yeah a plotter with a different sign or color works for the saver. . or give players the option to just blueprint the entire beacon like you can delete the entire beacon or remove individual plots.

And that option could be there only if the beacon is at or below the limit of plots the system can save at a time.

It’s totally doable and James likes the idea.

It’s just not that easy to implement.

I think we will get it soon though.

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Not against it for sure. There has been so much community discussion on this over the years. I just would love to hear from @devs on this topic. Have they said anything officially or even unofficially to indicate this direction since 1.0? To my knowledge they have avoided this discussion.

I don’t remember where it was, but @James definitely said a few things, and it was no more than a few months ago. I’d say late 2019, around october, likely in the thread of a big update like the farming update.

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After all what happened with compactness only way we can get it soon is of soon means not this year.