Fed up with players plotting rare exotic eathyams on circa

@Huntsman Thank you for the incredibly generous donation to @cagian and I for our exo yam farm. That was simply fawesome. :hugs:

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I still have these over here morag, waiting for one of you’s to collect :roll_eyes:

I’ll be on in 10 if you’re on? @fyreblade79 @cagian

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I have 10 exotic bulbs for giving away if anyone needs for getting a farm started.

I’m in my kip. I forgot you had some or I’d have collected them earlier. D’oh!


I forgot I had them to one side for you’s also! :sweat_smile: well they’re still there, I’m sure I’ll catch you or morag tomorrow.


Thanks! I’m off to my kip shortly, but, I’ll be on tomorrow and find you if you’re on @illuminawtyness. @cagian silly moo. :rofl:

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Please just be patient - I maintain my estimate of 5 days (3 days from now) to fill my plot with exo yams and able to sell the excess seeds.

I will be selling them for 50c each seed. I’ll take reservations now, reserve up to 10 seeds per player.

Nawty if you have any spare I could use a couple pretty please have only ever found 2 seeds since they came out :disappointed:

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I still have 10 to give away from last nights batch if needed.

Even the hopper in your first screenshot seems to be looking quite disappointed… :frowning: I totally understand your frustration but this pic also made me smile a little…for someone to take the effort to put a beacon there…in the middle of nowhere…next to a bush…that probably can only be harvested once…come on :wink:

@illuminawtyness The seeds you put aside for Brick and I, please give them to Fiesty? We have more than enough thanks to you and Huntsman. :+1: