Continuing the discussion from [Feedback] Testing 224 - New crop metainfo doesn't report whether plant will actually grow or not:
Making this thread as a way to consolidate my own feedback on this and to add bits that I’ve seen mentioned around the farming posts.
Firstly, all the refined rock is kind of looking better, except refined igneous’ texture has become sort of less visible except when under direct light:
As you can see here, the refined igneous rock sort of closest doesn’t have much texture to it.
Another thing that can be noticed here is the refined gleam is kind of dark; that is a dark mustard tint, but it seems so dark it doesn’t look like it should even be emitting light.
Here are some more dark/night/strong tint gleams that also don’t look 100% in my opinion. (Gleam should always look bright in some sense, I feel)
On this one you can see that dark gleam is the only light source in the middle of those blocks and it does give a good amount of light, but the gleam itself just looks too dark.
Here is a 1:1 comparison of Stark Orange and Cold Tan gleams from live vs testing.
(stark orange, left - cold tan, right)
The gleam texture itself just doesn’t look as bright as it does on live, to me.
Though, to be honest, without trying to recreate an existing build, it’s a bit difficult to do a 1:1 comparison of how things look and to figure out what seems off.
Incidentally, see below for some shots of my base on Kol Huroo, where refined rock and other blocks can be seen.