So, I decided to do this blog style, archiving my older posts, and giving links to them so that you guys don’t have to sift through my ramblings multiple times, if you are actually reading this… which you are. So, to you, whoever is reading this, thank you and your welcome.
Alright, let’s get to it. Gravel is still useless, as well as my millions of stones. There are augments now that act like temporary ammo for my temporary slingbow (Because there’s no way to repair gear), but they kind of fall short of what I was hoping for. The basic reason that I wanted the riverstones was to make use of the abundance of materials that I already have. Adding a bizillion new mats for cooking and the like is AWESOME, but now it all clogs up my inventory simply walking from one place to another. Sometimes, you just got to use what you got, and this doesn’t accomplish that goal at all.Three tiers of glue? Pretty rad, but three tiers of everything?! Wow. It’s a lot of stuff at this point. Cooking is awesome, and I love the various recipes, making different risottos and breads. But they don’t follow a logical convention. According to … well, the world, risotto is much more complex than bread. Bread is kinda basic. Flour, salt, butter, yeast (basically). But, let’s get into risotto for just a second. My boy Gordon Ramsay seems to think it’s simple, but, everyone else fails at it…. Dog’s dinner, it is. Food shouldn’t be this damn complex, and require so many ingredients, and follow a logical progression of how to make it. Raw - Cooked - Seasoned - Fancy - w/ Sides or Starters. I mean, that’s basically how human kind has done it forever. (Side note, that video of Ramsay flipping out is hilarious. “OI, MUPPET… poncing around with woman’s hair.”) In summary : There’s great and bad things about the new recipes, namely that I can’t use my existing, and commonly acquired things, in more useful ways. The refined wood is a start, but we’ll get into that in a minute. #BlackBlock
So, the Atlas. Dude, I love it, But, here’s my issues, there’s no elevation, there isn’t a way to set waypoints like pins on a globe, and there isn’t a settlement concentration, and no accurate measurement of scale. Cartography isn’t easy. It’s actually kinda amazing when you really think about it. But, we figured out a long time ago where the equator was, and how latitude and longitude work. Our atlas does very little in the way of helping with orientation, and before you guys say “There’s a debug for your coords, and you have a compass” I will preemptively respond with this: when using a resource gathering tool, such as this, you should be able to have additional information. Namely, information on your elevation. Let’s just put this in perspective, if we are going off the current mechanics of the game, you have a static ball that is only used once to get where you are going, then is put back into your bag until you need to look for a new spot. It doesn’t dynamically update, and won’t show you changes to resource concentration, because it only shows you the general spawn location in a two dimensional plane. This drastically reduces it’s effectiveness, and if you add to the fact that the Atlas can be bought and sold, it kind of makes the whole thing a bit contrived. Having someone else mapping out the thing for you makes it less involved, and removes a point of general interaction with the player, making it just a weight in your inventory. The smart stack only goes to nine, so you need to have two spots reserved if you want all the atlases on your person all the time. Adding to the previously touched upon issue of lack of inventory management and control. Sometimes, something as simple as making one, adding it to a “collections” tab then making it available when you hit ‘M’, would be rad. Then there’s the whole idea that you could have telemetry devices like altimeters and sounders that would make positioning a bit more dynamic, fun and playable then having to hit ‘U’ every time you want to figure out exactly where you are. Tools make the game more fun, and can add specialization to loadouts and customization. Right now having to have one of everything is a bit much.
To the Devs: your 3D starmap is awesome! Being able to add to the undiscovered country on the fly and readily calculate the number of Blinksecs is a wonderful addition. But, not having some sort of planetary map is kinda distracting when figuring out how each system (server) interacts with one another. The people at Portal Seekers did great work in decoding your messages and figuring out how they relate, but there’s no real resource in game to elucidate the common player. I suppose they can undergo the trial and error approach like they would have to do with anything that they fumble about with, but at some point you could make it easier to understand. I get that these planets are temporary, and not part of the main game, and everything, everywhere, will be erased, but having a framework would be helpful.
So, refined wood! I love it, and there is a wonderful example of making something ‘common’ into another thing with multiple uses. Good call. But farming wood? Getting those simple materials that you would normally be gathering because you want specific colors or patterns? Not so great. You guys added Bark. Boom. You can’t get bark, on T1 planets, and since it’s a luck based drop, you kind of want to go up to a T3 planet to get the most bang for your buck. This gets back to the nitty gritty of my previous post, limiting the number of available worlds. Not to make this too personal, but I’m making a giant tree, the Tree of Life, Yggsdrial, and I need a specific color of wood found on Berlyn, a T1 planet. Because of the addition of bark, I have to revise my wood choice and move to a different planet to get the new resource. This really sets me off. Because I have to either A) tear down my existing build or B) accept that a different color wood is what I have to use. Now, those personal dilemmas aside, I’m having to farm on a T3 planet, which has more hearty trees. Those trees take longer to farm, and break my tools quicker. Also, once I have started farming them, they don’t fall and resource clumping isn’t a thing, so it becomes increasingly frustrating. Resource clumping should be a thing. FFS it should be a thing. I hate how chopping down a tree, and getting up to the leaves gets my hard earned wood stuck in terrible spots, adding time to my already terrible farm. Even with Gem tools, it’s just not fun. Oh, and higher tier planets means higher tier enemies, which drop twenty six thousand things that clog up my inventory to the point that I get only one or two trees down before I have to turn around and head home.
Ugh. That’s all for now.