Halloween Is Coming Back to Boundless!

At the same time it’s unfortunate that they need to be planted tho. It removes being able to be placed on walls like the masks are able to do.


Can you please give more details regarding the plant that grows from spooky seeds? Is it permanent? Or does it die?

Hopefully it’s something we can harvest?

Yes please so many questions.

Are there ALSO craftable spiders, are they the same, or is this the only one?

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Plant spiders, they grow, they dont wither, harvesting gives you a placeable spider that can go anywhere/walls/ceilings etc


That is so epic… I’m going to need a lot of white tangle! :spider::spider::spider:

What a fun event!! Less than five days, ghouls and ghosts…
Let’s try & let everything else just be a big spoopy surprise, please; no more details are necessary! :ghost::jack_o_lantern:


Thanks Luca!

I will join you. I’m phobic over spiders, they freak me out, tried to climb out of a car because one was on the window, the outside of it.

Walking off into the non Boundless forum world, won’t add more.


Hey literally just yesterday i was thinking that we haven’t seen you in a while. Good to see you’re still kickin’.


I check on what is happening from time to time. Will not be posting except rare. I love the game, but to be honest, not this forum.

If someone doesn’t like what you say, they can attack you and call you names and very little is done. So, done with this viscous place.

There are a lot of players I respect, care for and look for when I read posts, others . . . I’m still dealing with to many health issues to be nice, I can’t even play games I am so weak, have lost close to 50 lbs in 9 months, mainly from constantly throwing up what I eat.

How I feel, sick, pain level is high, affects how I can handle life and right now, not good. I posted because I am so phobic over spiders, I hope others will think of people who have that when they think of draping them all over their shops. I doubt it, but can hope.

Sorry to sound grumpy, getting close to time for pain med and pain level is rising.

Thanks for the post to me, I do miss the nice people here.


Glad to hear they won’t wither. I say release everything monday! :grin:(im off monday)


It would be fun if it released early :grin: the 24th is thursday tho :spider::spider_web::bat::ghost:

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Yes, yes, I’m asking about the spiders again :laughing:
Trellis blocks? Only trellis blocks? Seems unlikely… But does this mean the new block update will drop before the 24th?


Sorry if this has already been covered, I scanned the comments but couldn’t see anything

Wait so now our spooky seeds are being forced to orbs instead of the option to change them to orbs. Not sure if I’m happy with that change. Is the ratio of orbs to seeds 1:1? @SamF @james

Effectively we just renamed ‘spooky seed’ to ‘spooky orb’ and changed the mesh, recipes have not changed so if the recipe took 10 seeds it now takes 10 orbs and you aren’t losing anything.

The spooky seed is then a ‘new’ item now that is crafted for planting spiders.

We could have left the seed as-is and made the orb the ‘new’ item instead… but it makes so much more sense (as much as planting spiders makes sense…) that it’s the seed used for planting


But thing is I’d rather use my seeds for the spiders lol. I have too many lanterns and skull masks as it is lol

So effectively I’ll have to mass craft all my orbs back to seeds instead of just planting them from the get go.

Looking forward to the update as when I destroyed my base and used some regen bombs (good to clean up after ones self) I accidentally regenerated my skulls and lanterns back into the soil from once they came. Had 33 spooky seeds left over from last year though so at least I could make 3 skulls. Bring on Thursday I want me more skulls, lanterns and dolls. Maybe a few spiders :spider: :spider: :spider: :jack_o_lantern: :skull:


lol a lot of “museums” will need updating.

Will the new spooky seeds look just like the ones we saved or will that model be gone from the game now?

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Out of curiosity if we happened to have spooky seeds stacked with other seeds what happened to them with the change?

They’re still stacked. But will not stack in the future.


Poor little nightmare/voodoo dolls x_X