HELP! Give us your feelings for crop growing duration?

I spent 3 weeks setting a alarm clock for every hour to feed six puppies the mother rejected. Does that count, LOL. Seriously, she did, I had a warm slightly damp wash rag to rub on their bottoms to get them to “potty” in place of the mother’s tongue. They all survived, goats milk.

But I understand what you are saying, and I agree; some will make a commitment to the farm, just as some do to building and some to mining, or forging or other.


Thats 28 game days. You can do that in one sitting.


Only prestige plants will wilt after a while. What exactly does that mean, don’t know :smiley:

There’s no way I ever play 1 sitting of stardew through 28 days. That’s a good chunk of time if you actually play each game day through it’s entirety. That’s 5.5 hours. I don’t sit down for Boundless all day much less for stardew in 1 sitting.

That’s why I enjoy Boundless. I can play 15 min chunks off and on throughout the day and overall I may get 2.5 hours of actual game. 2 weeks would fly by in an instant.


Just my two cents, but I feel like there are a few factors we might need to know to more accurately say how long we feel things should take to grow.

  1. What is the amount of produce we receive from harvesting a single plant?
  2. Are there ways to increase your harvest from tending to the plants more than just when planting them?

If the answer to 1. is just a single item harvested, then 24 minutes would be fine for the entry-level plant. But if 2. is a yes, then it might be better if it takes an hour, with growth tending cycles being possible every 1/3 or 1/4 of a plants entire growth time.

I believe this should apply to end-game crops too. I would say the growth time needs to be dependent on the amount harvest per plant as well. Having played other MMOs with farming in them, I can say the longest I have ever spent waiting on a plant to grow was a tree that provided teleportation capabilities, which was 3 days growth time. Obviously they should take longer than 24 minutes. I’d say for single harvest crops, 4-6 hours seems fair. If they have multi-harvest, then 1-2 days is fine by me.

The only crops that I feel should last 14+ days are ornamental crops, but those are excluded from these votes.

Fine. 5.5 for the hardest crop in the game. That’s not 12 or 24 or the week long insanity some folks here want.

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I think you missed my post:

I see no issues with having both types available to keep everyone happy, why do you?


Another factor I think is important to know is how much tending do the plants need, if any. How intensive is farming (possibly) beans compared to foraging for them.

We just need more info before anyone can give an educated answer. They might have to do a lot of balancing when it hits testing. And if the plants grow for 4 weeks on testing, how are we going to test it? :smiley:


I would hope that plants would benefit from being tended but not necessarily die if unattended after initial planting and caring.

Like, watering them every day reduces how long to grow by a moderate amount, but not doing so wouldn’t kill them (except for the few plants that can wither)

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" 1. What is the amount of produce we receive from harvesting a single plant?
2. Are there ways to increase your harvest from tending to the plants more than just when planting them?

If the answer to 1. is just a single item harvested, then 24 minutes would be fine for the entry-level plant. But if 2. is a yes, then it might be better if it takes an hour, with growth tending cycles being possible every 1/3 or 1/4 of a plants entire growth time."

If we plant one seed and get one single item to harvest, then I won’t bother farming. Who want’s to plant that seed to have it grown one fruit? Just spend the time you did planting and go gathering.

That is going to be a big factor in the game, how many will be produced in a plant? If we can fertilize it will it produce more? I remember irrigation was mentioned, so does that give more fruit that will be produced if we irrigate it as since it can’t wither and die does not seeing that it gets water cause it to give less

So many questions . @james We NEED Answers, Please, pretty please with sugar on top of a bowl of starberries, could we have those answers?


As long as that 4+ is exceptionally rare. Like, 1-3 things.

IMO, The vast majority should grow in a single sitting with the mid-high range no more than 24 hours.

Really, in a perfect world, excluding the handful of exceptions, when you plant crops in the evening, they are ready for you when you wake up in the morning.

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Yeah, I haven’t heard anything on the terms for prestige plants wilting, but I’m not worried about those.

The sword one did look pretty, though. I’d want it just for decoration, but have a feeling it won’t be worth it since I’m not a prestige hound.

These are the posts that give us some insight in to it.

That looks familiar. =D

This is about 8 hours to do, 8 hours that you have to be playing the game, The farming in boundless doesn’t require you to be playing the game. Therefore the farming in boundless even thou it might take a week of IRL time, can take a lot less time played to do.


Personally I prefer the idea of a longer growth time for all varieties of crops (anticipation/reward) though without knowing how many crops will have to be harvested for what recipes makes any thoughts moot at the mo.
If tonnes of mats are needed then the wait and harvesting could soon become a tad tedious.
Also shorter harvesting times will benefit those with fewer spare plots while peeps with the ability to acquire plots through buying or leveling would more readily benefit from longer growth times.

I see no reason that something called a prestige crop couldn’t take a week to grow.

I don’t really care, for me minimum could be 24 minutes and max months. But I am scared of it doing two things if it’s too fast.

For any of you that have played runescape, and leveled farming, knows that even at 1 day growth time it becomes a big chore to do a daily farm run, even worse, a 90 hour herb run cycle. It’s very tedious but since it’s really beneficial, you kinda had to do it. 1 day growth time would be more realistic to this game, but naturally depends on the plant.

I also think having everything with such a short timer will influence the economy, not in a goodway. We need way more item sinks as it is, and having a fast growth cycle will just keep on adding to the problem.

Long(er) growth cycles are more rewarding and also lets us appreciate the various stages of the cycle. I also think having something grow for a month should yield good rewards, maybe not amount wise but rarity wise. Grow your oort? Grow your super seeds for special brews / pies? There are so many possibilities with that.

I’d say do anything between 24 min and 4ish weeks. Just make sure it’s well balanced to the economy and game.


I voted 1 day to 1 week. :man_shrugging:

Minecraft takes 37min, i suggest use this as the standard to decide the time for crop growing duration.
Minecraft already done the research for you. This timing most players accepted, and i never heard people complain about it. if you want to make end game crop takes more time to grow, please set up between 1-3 hour. don’t be like couple days. If you want to increase the difficulty, you should add it to monster’s drop or meteor reward with RNG drop rate (seeds or materials to craft the crop). (end game crop)

Making it longer won’t increase any difficulty, it only make players turn off the game to play other game.

A lot of players now taking break and wait for the farm update, and if they come back and find out that it need to take them 1 weeks to get the new content, lets imagine how many will stay.

Also people needs to work in real life lol. So please make it more like a game this time.