Mod Manager and Mod Collection

Just thinking out loud… A mod that shows the cool down timer for a region after a meteor falls??? Possible???

Probably not, that’s server side information and not visible to us, I think.

Anyone made any new mods?

This is awesome, but honestly should be implemented for PS4 as well. If PC players have the ability to see meteors at a greater distance, that 100% gives them an unfair advantage.

Same holds true with invisible grass…


I have always wondered why console games don’t expose graphics settings. Does sony impose some restrictions there too, like with the debug UI? PC can also reduce the grass just via the settings, no modding needed. That’s 80% of grass removed and gives an advantage.

Especially since boundless already has most of this implemented so I assume they’re simply hiding the menu on ps4

Beta version of the GUI is ready. Please, if it doesn’t work, reply here or PM me so I can try to fix it. Comes pre-installed with the mods in the OP

Download link, it’s a zip file that you have to extract, then run “LaunchModManager.exe” - Google Drive

The json backup/revert functionality might have bugs in it, if it doesn’t work and you want to uninstall a mod, do a “verify integrity of game files” in steam. Right click boundless in game library → properties, local files tab.


Making new mods

Your mod folder should match the boundless folder structure from the boundless\assets-folder onwards, put any modified files in their relative places and you’re done. JSON files will be merged, others will be overwritten.

Take a look at some of the included mods on how they were implemented.

The json format is a combination of walking the json and the original pfiffel syntax. I hope pfiffel doesn’t take offense with this modification, I personally found making new mods easier this way. The syntax is mostly the same, but you can nest objects in addition to using the dot notation syntax.

If the json doesn’t have arrays you want to modify, you can just copy the original file in to your mod and leave the values you want to change. Arrays have to be either completely overwritten, or target specific element(s). Let’s make up some json that I’ll show examples on how to target an attribute

JSON Example
	"items" : {
			"id" : 81,
			"name" : "Iron Axe",
			"damage" : 700
			"id" : 644,
			"name" : "Ruby Slingbow",
			"damage" : 700

Let’s modify the damage number of the iron axe, I’ll show you 3 different ways.

	"items.[name=Iron Axe].damage" : 9000

	"items.[0].damage" : 9000

	"items.[id=81]" : {
		"damage" : 9000

PM me if you’re having trouble with the format.

There’s lots to improve and you’re free to do so, source code is in the bin/src folder.

Why is there a .net project in there?

Building a python project creates many many files in the root folder and I didn’t like that, so I made a launcher .net program that just launches the real .exe in the bin folder. It’s basically just a shortcut to it, but it also sets the current working directory to the upper level so the mods don’t have to be buried in the bin folder. I know it’s messy, if you know a way to make it better, please do it :smiley:


would be cool if it includes some scripts for example to load tokens from portals into shopstands :smile:
def gonna help test this

That’d be a macro, not possible with a mod :sweat_smile:

add tiny macro manager in there nobody notice lol
(googling macro ):joy:

what does the old glass look like?

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HA thank you I thought those were old wood frames!

I wish it was tintable to different wood colours ^^

I wish we can have metal blocks with same kind of textures as brick. Metal Bricks!


Those blocks were nice to
Yeah, we had some good things in EA :+1:
Please bring them back beside the current glass blocks.

Might be possible to mod that in client side… :thinking:

Yeah but you can only have one colour variation active at once.

Well I was thinking, there’s a setting somewhere to tell items to inherit their colour index, so if you edited some files so that the glass did have multiple colour indices and then edited the texture, it might be possible

Although server side inventory stuff would probably change the colour index back to 1 each time

I’d wager that the blocks placed in the world would always discard the colour index too so I don’t think it’s possible.


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